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Author Topic: Immortalitytower; We Live, We Die, We Live Again.  (Read 86874 times)


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Re: Immortalitytower; Not a Tower, Life Expectancy Fifteen Hours
« Reply #195 on: September 14, 2015, 06:13:17 pm »

That shouldn't be a problem. Hope your doctors are better than the ones in the fortress.
No one doubts their skills, only their survival rate

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Immortalitytower; Not a Tower, Life Expectancy Fifteen Hours
« Reply #196 on: September 14, 2015, 07:37:04 pm »

I'm (sort of) a doctor and I'm still alive (mostly). I don't think I've actually, you know, cured anyone or anything, but I can tell you exactly how many teeth are in the refuse stockpile and that's basically the same thing.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2015, 07:42:29 pm by Deus Asmoth »
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Re: Immortalitytower; Not a Tower, Life Expectancy Fifteen Hours
« Reply #197 on: September 14, 2015, 08:43:10 pm »

The surgery went great. Thanks for the support. If my recovery keeps up I Gshould be able to play by tomorrow.

As for fortress doctors, the dwarf whose foot was smashed was fixed incredibly quickly. It actually was one of the best treatment I've ever seen in DF.  Of course, she can't walk again and is carrying a baby. Overall she's blind, can't walk, and has one hand to hold a crutch and the other to hold her baby.  So naturally I've decided to put her on the front lines.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2015, 08:46:45 pm by TheCheeseMaker »
As it turns out, pulling every lever in the fortress wasn't as good of an idea as it sounded like at the time.


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Re: Immortalitytower; Not a Tower, Life Expectancy Fifteen Hours
« Reply #198 on: September 15, 2015, 04:41:45 pm »

The military is more for a distraction while we run away. It doesn't matter how bad it is.


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Re: Immortalitytower; Not a Tower, Life Expectancy Fifteen Hours
« Reply #199 on: September 15, 2015, 05:32:30 pm »

I want everyone to know I was high on pain meds while I played this round, so that’s my excuse for what’s happened.

Summer of 205

Hello there! My name is TheCheeseMakerII.  I immigrated here to Immortalitytowers because in spite of the retched world we face, I feel that the fortress sounded like a beacon of hope in these dark lands.

Yeah… I was wrong.  So many dead, so many lost.  But that was over a year ago.  Today we celebrate the lack of life lost.  Since I am in charge now, I have decided to become more defensively-minded.  I order both the wall surrounding the courtyard and the military to be expanded.

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A cat decides to join in the sparing sessions.  What an adorable little kitty.

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Migrants arrive!  They say they’ve come despite the danger.  What danger?  Look, I know everything isn’t perfect, but this place isn’t a complete deathtrap…

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Oh… Never mind then, perhaps this place is rather deadly.

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Autumn has arrived, and despite slow progress on the wall and the armor, everything has been relatively peaceful.  I would even say that we are thriving.  Life is good.  Life is grand.  Everyone is getting along, we have had no deaths since I’ve taken power, and I feel that maybe this fortress may live up to its name.

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Autumn of 205

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Hello everybody! It’s TheCheeseMaker here.  Not the character, TheCheeseMakerII, found in the story, but me, fellow forumite TheCheeseMaker.  I feel as if I should address all of you directly, to reiterate what I said earlier, because I don’t think I’ve ever played this poorly since my very first fortress where everyone died of dehydration within a year.  Remember: I was high on pain meds when I played this turn.  So without further ado, I present to you: The Steamy Onslaught.

Thoughts of TheCheeseMakerII, during the Steamy Onslaught

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Only nine goblins and one bloodkin, whatever that is.  My military is currently composed of twelve dwarves, so this should be easy.

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Let the battle begin!

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Well, shoot.  That’s not exactly how I planned for it to go.  Everyone is dead but one, who was injured and had to go to the hospital in the middle of the fight.  Meanwhile, we only killed one goblin.  Nine to go.  Quick! Pull the lever!

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OK, three made it inside.  That’s OK, it’s only three.  We still have two surviving military dwarves.  Three on two isn’t great odds, but it is winnable.

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The two military dwarves manage to kill the bloodkin and one of the goblins, but the other survives.  Alright.  We can handle this.  Our fortress is currently composed of 80 dwarves, and there is one single goblin.  Even if we have to Zerg Rush this guy, we can win.  We can win.

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OK, so he’s killed a bunch of people.  That’s fine.  Just build a wall to seal him in.  We can deal with him later.

Thought of Various Dwarves during the Battle

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Oh Armok!  He’s killing everybody.  He’s killing everybody!  TheCheeseMakerII, Maskwolf, Salmeuk, everbody’s dead!  Oh Armok! Why? WHY!? Why do you inflict your torture on us?  Look at all the blood.  Ahh! There’s blood EVERYWHERE!

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Quick! Build a wall! Before he gets out!  Quickly! NO NO NO!

Journal of TheCheeseMaker III, 17 Limestone 205

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What a refreshing nap.  I honestly don’t think that I have ever felt more relaxed in my entire life.  I had this really cool dream, you see, there was this monkey, and this magma piston, and the monkey was fighting a unicorn on top of it while magma rained down on top of them.  I bet everyone can’t wait to hear about it!

Journal of TheCheeseMaker III, 18 Limestone 205

So as it turns out, no one actually cared about my dream, since everyone was dead.  The “survivors” were all too busty experiencing “emotional shock” to actually listen to me.

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They claim that some goblin named Strodno Flukenightmare the Grim Meteor of Stealing walked in and murdered nearly half the fortress

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Also, there are still six goblins still outside, and good old Strodno is sealed behind a wall.  Well, I guess since everyone else is too traumatized, it falls to me to fix everyone’s problems.  Also, I’ve changed my name to TheCheeseMaker III, because as everyone knows, third time’s a charm, so since TheCheeseMaker I and II are dead, I should survive for a long time.  Because that’s how it works, right?  I’m pretty sure that’s how it works.


So…Uhh… That happened.  I’ve seen everyone die to forgotten beasts, to werebeasts, even to a single giant cave spider.  Never before, though, have I seen so many dwarves died like this.  Literally half the fortress is dead, and almost all of them to one single goblin.  Maybe that's why the medication said I shouldn't operate any machinery while taking the pills.
As it turns out, pulling every lever in the fortress wasn't as good of an idea as it sounded like at the time.

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Immortalitytower; Not a Tower, Life Expectancy Fifteen Hours
« Reply #200 on: September 15, 2015, 05:57:12 pm »

Heh. The bloodkin work (ominous thunderbolt)!

Anyway, on to the most important question; did I survive?
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.


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Re: Immortalitytower; Not a Tower, Life Expectancy Fifteen Hours
« Reply #201 on: September 15, 2015, 05:57:22 pm »

Literally half the fortress is dead, and almost all of them to one single goblin.  Maybe that's why the medication said I shouldn't operate any machinery while taking the pills.
Hello, frontpage...


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Re: Immortalitytower; Not a Tower, Life Expectancy Fifteen Hours
« Reply #202 on: September 15, 2015, 05:59:22 pm »

That would be some serious badass you invited right into mountainhome... Congrats on raising a perfect dwarf-murdering machine of destruction? And seriously, "Grim Meteor of Stealing" sounds awesome. A grim reaper incarnate invaded our fortress with a speed of a falling meteor to gorge on lives and suffering of mortal souls.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2015, 06:01:45 pm by Sarrak »
Science is always important. But it needs more flaming cats. Can't we build bridge-based catapults and fling flaming cats at the dust and goo?

It's time for the ATHATH Death Counter to increase once more in celebration for the end of the world.


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Re: Immortalitytower; Not a Tower, Life Expectancy Fifteen Hours
« Reply #203 on: September 15, 2015, 06:05:26 pm »

That would be some serious badass you invited right into mountainhome... Congrats on raising a perfect dwarf-murdering machine of destruction? And seriously, "Grim Meteor of Stealing" sounds awesome. A grim reaper incarnate invaded our fortress with a speed of a falling meteor to gorge on lives and suffering of mortal souls.
To me it sounds like a lowly thief just skyrocketed to epic-tier. That's one of the most badass and fitting name combination I've seen in a while. Nothing is out of place.


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Re: Immortalitytower; Not a Tower, Life Expectancy Fifteen Hours
« Reply #204 on: September 15, 2015, 06:59:46 pm »

Dead dwarves with names:

Arkun Cactuspage II
TheCheeseMaker II
Udil Catuspage

If your not listed above, you're still alive.

Also, shoutout to Taupe IV, who lost his wife and all 4 of his children, but managed to survive.

Correction: Udil was part of a different fight, where he survived. The other 4 are dead, though, still pretty good for the total amount of deaths.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2015, 07:26:52 pm by TheCheeseMaker »
As it turns out, pulling every lever in the fortress wasn't as good of an idea as it sounded like at the time.


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Re: Immortalitytower; Not a Tower, Life Expectancy Fifteen Hours
« Reply #205 on: September 15, 2015, 08:52:43 pm »



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Re: Immortalitytower; Not a Tower, Life Expectancy Fifteen Hours
« Reply #206 on: September 16, 2015, 09:35:50 am »

Journal of TheCheeseMaker III

20 Limestone, 205

You know, I’ve never really thought to stop and think about the past.  I always am more of a “live in the moment” kind of guy.  I think this is generally a good. Thing.  Everyone dies.  I know that now.  Everyone loses in the end.  From the loss of family, to the loss of possessions, to finally the loss of life.  Sometimes it’s too much for others.

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26 Limestone, 205

A child was possessed today, no doubt by recently deceased spirit.  He quickly claimed a craftdwarf’s workshop and demanded materials.  I will try to provide him what he needs, but there are more important things to do right now.

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2 Sandstone, 205

The Happy Hackers are disbanded.  With only one surviving member, it seems fit to recreate the squad.  The random name that the squad is decided to be called is… The Halls of Mortality.  Quite fitting, actually.

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27 Sandstone, 205

The siege is still technically up.  Seven goblins remain in Immortalitytowers.  Sealed within our bedrooms is the most dangerous goblin I have ever seen.  She needs to be removed if the fortress can hope to survive.  I hatch a clever plan to defeat her with as little risk as possible.

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The exit to the hallway is walled off; the only possible escape is to go through two cage traps.  The wall to the hallway will be removed, and Flukenightmare will become our prisoner.

3 Timber, 205

A single wall is taken down.  Two dwarves, I didn’t bother to learn their names, immediately charge Flukenightmare, because when a single goblin has murdered half your military and another half of the entire population, some random, skill-less dwarves can defeat her.  Right?  Actually, no, they both get their heads chopped off for their trouble.  The remainder of the plan goes off without a hitch, and the goblin falls into our traps.

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12 Timber, 205

Perfect, that’s exactly what we need now.  The possessed child went berserk today.  The spirit controlling him decided, “Hey, let’s stop trying to create a useless artifact, and instead, murder everybody.  That’ll be fun.

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The military (aka one dwarf with an axe) killed him without a problem.

1 Moonstone, 205

It is time to expand the military.  I pick the two least useful dwarves and draft them into the Halls of Mortality.  Our military may be small, but it will grow.  That I can guarantee.

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10 Moonstone, 205

I turn my attention to the exterior of the fortress.  Six goblins still lay siege to Immortalitytowers.  One goblin leads his squad away from the fortress.  They retreat to the north, through the evil mountain range, where the goo rains down upon them, cursing them with horrible blisters for the remainder of their lives.

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That’s our parting gift.

21 Moonstone, 205

Three goblins still mill about the surface.  They will be removed.  I form a similar strategy to how I captured Flukenightmare.  Three cage traps are placed behind the interior gate.  The gate is open, and all three goblins stumble inside.  All three are caught without incident.

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As of today, the siege has been lifted.

4 Opal, 205

A dwarf returns to the fortress.  Her body was never recovered, as it was outside the courtyard.  Now that the siege is over, we can reclaim the exterior and lay her and her child to rest.

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17 Opal, 205

I don’t believe this…Migrants!  Somehow they have decided to brave the deathly conditions here and attempt to make a life.  Between them and a few births at the fortress, the population is now at 60 dwarves.  We will thrive yet.

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19 Obsidian, 205

Four goblins reside in cages throughout the fortress.  I debate for a long time what to do with them.  It would be so easy to order them thrown into the volcano.  They killed so many of us.  Yet…A quick death seems too merciful.  I form a different plan.

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A room is dug out deep within the fortress.  The goblins are placed at the four corners of the room, and each cage is connected to a lever outside the room.  The room is then walled off.

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The lever is pulled, and the four goblins escape into the room.  They do not know how to remove the walls, however, and so they remains stuck in the small room.

Goblins do not eat.  They do not drink.  A goblin will never die of old age.  And they can never get out.  This fortress will fall, I have no doubt about that.  Monster, sieges, perhaps even our own disagreements will leave us in ruins.  However, no matter what happens, no one will ever come for these four creatures.  In a hundred, in a thousand years, long after all of us are dead and gone, Flukenightmare and the others will live on, forgotten.  They have no hope of escape, and no one will come to rescue them.

At least someone will find their immortality here.

1 Granite, 206

Spring has arrived.  Despite the tragedy we’ve faced, our wealth increases.  We may not be thriving, but we are surviving.  We will live on, for now at least.  We will.

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So, there’s the rest of my turn.  In a twist, this time the write-up was written while on pain medication, which is why all my decisions were intelligent for the turn, but the writing seems very depressing compared to what I usually do.  I have not redorfed Salmeuk or Maskwolf yet, so if the next overseer could take care of that.  Save is here:
As it turns out, pulling every lever in the fortress wasn't as good of an idea as it sounded like at the time.


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Re: Immortalitytower; Not a Tower, Life Expectancy Fifteen Hours
« Reply #207 on: September 16, 2015, 09:53:29 am »

For the record, The Halls of Mortality is also the name of Doomforests' local government.


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Re: Immortalitytower; Not a Tower, Life Expectancy Fifteen Hours
« Reply #208 on: September 16, 2015, 12:58:22 pm »

Curious, but is there a Senshuken currently up and alive? I seriously doubt it because they all tend to be military dwarves but I feel the need to ask.

If not, just dwarf a new Senshuken. We'll do a bit of a reboot since I have no idea just how many of the bastards have been and died in the history of Immortalitytower so we might as well start from the begining and get a proper Senshuken counter going. Be interesting to see how just plain Senshuken does.

Number of Senshukens that have died so far: 0.
Cause every silver lining has a cloud, and it won't be alright on the night; There's nothing at the end of the rainbow and there's a tunnel at the end of the light!


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Re: Immortalitytower; Not a Tower, Life Expectancy Fifteen Hours
« Reply #209 on: September 16, 2015, 01:13:00 pm »

Curious, but is there a Senshuken currently up and alive? I seriously doubt it because they all tend to be military dwarves but I feel the need to ask.

If not, just dwarf a new Senshuken. We'll do a bit of a reboot since I have no idea just how many of the bastards have been and died in the history of Immortalitytower so we might as well start from the begining and get a proper Senshuken counter going. Be interesting to see how just plain Senshuken does.

Number of Senshukens that have died so far: 0.
There was Senshuken, other senshuken, new senshuken, and I *think* I dwarfed Senshuken four during my turn. If the current player is using dfhack for added useability, one can simply type u--left--q--senshuken to know how many have died so far, and keep going from there.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2015, 01:15:27 pm by Taupe »
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