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Author Topic: Immortalitytower; We Live, We Die, We Live Again.  (Read 86855 times)


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Re: Immortalitytowers, the Fortress of the Damned
« Reply #90 on: July 29, 2015, 02:05:51 pm »

Yeah hum, your full username seems somewhat appropriate here. Trust me there'll be a number two sooner or later.

I was tempted to ask for Fperson the First, and iterate it upon deaths. Maybe put it in my profession name, Fperson the First Miner, Fperson the Second Corpse Hauler, etc.
Will do.

Work has been done on the autumn update, although nothing hugely interesting has been happening.


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Re: Immortalitytowers, the Fortress of the Damned
« Reply #91 on: August 04, 2015, 11:43:59 pm »

So, how's the update going?
As it turns out, pulling every lever in the fortress wasn't as good of an idea as it sounded like at the time.


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Re: Immortalitytowers, the Fortress of the Damned
« Reply #92 on: August 05, 2015, 08:11:11 am »

So, how's the update going?
Will be out today.  Had a busy weekend.

Edit: or... not, because I helped a friend move for the last six hours.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2015, 09:43:02 pm by 4maskwolf »

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Immortalitytowers, the Fortress of the Damned
« Reply #93 on: August 11, 2015, 11:08:50 am »

Pokey pokey.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.


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Re: Immortalitytowers, the Fortress of the Damned
« Reply #94 on: August 13, 2015, 09:17:08 am »

So, how's it going?  :)
By the by, if your wondering why I use so many smiley faces, its because I smile a lot when I talk. So I use them here so I don't come off the wrong way.

And so it begins...


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Re: Immortalitytowers, the Fortress of the Damned
« Reply #95 on: August 15, 2015, 06:57:54 pm »

Not well at all.  I have way too much stuff on my plate to devote time to a good update.  I'm willing to upload the save where I am and write up a final post, or you all could go back to the beginning of the year.

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Immortalitytowers, the Fortress of the Damned
« Reply #96 on: August 16, 2015, 02:13:58 pm »

I shall message Taupe. If you're around halfway or more through the year it'd probably be fine for Taupe to finish it off.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.


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Re: Immortalitytowers, the Fortress of the Damned
« Reply #97 on: August 16, 2015, 03:22:12 pm »

Im busy with Murderflood right now. Murderflood turns are rare, beautiful occurences, like comets or unicorns, and I dare not stray away from it right now.

Maybe things will be over by friday and Ill be able to jump into this thing by now. maybe not. But i definitely cant take a turn here until at least then... The rules mention two weeks turns, tho. So maybe we can just wait a bit and Ill blitz through this in like a week. Itll be like waiting for someone who doesnt update much, in the end. My processor is rather solid and this is a rarher young fort, I cant imagine the fps to be too low. we are talking about a day or two of dedicated play.

 Your call if you guys wanna skip to the next dude or wait like six days.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2015, 03:26:51 pm by Taupe »


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Re: Immortalitytowers, the Fortress of the Damned
« Reply #98 on: August 16, 2015, 10:31:12 pm »

Naw man, I'm looking forward to your turn! Maybe supergoats sister will visit...
By the by, if your wondering why I use so many smiley faces, its because I smile a lot when I talk. So I use them here so I don't come off the wrong way.

And so it begins...


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Re: Immortalitytowers, the Fortress of the Damned
« Reply #99 on: August 19, 2015, 12:54:12 pm »

Prelude -- Over' qualified

Oh hi!



Oh, hello! Finally!

My name is Taupe. I'm very good at _______ and for those numerous reasons I'm overseer now. I'm not sure why. I think someone said ''Hey, overseer!'' and I said ''Yes?'' because I heard something else. something about salmon. Anyway, people think I'm stupid and awkward and dumb and also not very good around people? Man I wish I had salmon. Or was a fish. then I could see again, using...

That fish thing...


Anyway, oh right. I think people said I was overseer, probably because they assumed I was Maskwolf and everyone is blind. But now I can't say I'm not because they'd just think im weird and a liar and dumb and can't understand things. So I'll just act as overseer until, well, until someone corrects me. I'm not really sure where Maskwolf is, mostly because I don't even remember what he sounds like, and I don't know where I am, or what this fort is like. I remember a wagon, and from there I'm mostly imagining what the fort is like in my head. I assume it's a place of wonder and excitement and colors and puppies, despite the problems caused by evil rain and stuff. Something like that actually. I assume you can understand what I'm thinking because you're probably me, because I'm talking to myself, because I can't write journals and nobody has eyes and also I'm not sure I have friends.

People ask me what they should do. I tell them to, hum, solve the problems.

They ask, which problems.

I say, well all of them

Well, not at once, obviously, more like, one at a time. Maybe two. Yes tackling two problems at once can probably work. Because we each have two hands. We can't really carry both an axe and a pick at the same time, tho, so they can't be fundamentally different problems.

People tell me, are you sure you know what overseeing means?

I say, yes, except I can't see so I'm just an Over'. I ask the kids if they want to adopt this as slang.


So, it'll stick I'm sure. Angry voice number 6 tells me, actually different people are supposed to tackle different problems? That's hard. I think we'll solve a single problem at once instead.

I describe a specific yet vague problem, so people don't think I don't know what I'm talking about. I describe a problem that's hum... sphere shaped, but maybe vegetal?

They ask, fruits?

I say, possibly. Could we solve this with hum, erh...

(don't say salmon don't say salmon)

...squares? I describe something that's a square. Maybe a rectangle even. Could something that's a square solve a problem? If so please use the square to solve a problem.

They ask, a farm?

I say, yes, why not! Use a farm. They stop making noises, so probably they are working on the square. Or crafting it. Or whatever it is that people do to obtain squares.

I think I'll be ok as an Over'.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2015, 07:47:47 pm by Taupe »


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Re: Immortalitytowers, the Fortress of the Damned
« Reply #100 on: August 19, 2015, 08:18:17 pm »

Spring update 1 -- A friend comes Over'

So I'm in charge now. And I am going to solve problems. In fact, the very problem I asked people to solve has need of more solving. See, people tell me that they cannot build squares to solve spheres and food and fruit things because we have no seeds for anything. Well, no seeds for anything underground, really. In fact, we haven't got any food period.

I ask if we have more things to plant, but people say they won't plant outside because of the goo. I ask, what if we just, sent blind people outside as farmers? Can they be double-blind? I don't think they can. But apparently the purple horrid goo could totally murder people in addition to making them blind and apparently that's bad for health. I tell the farmers to go anyway, and stop whinning. How many farmers do we have?


His name is Taupe?

I think of other solutions. Apparently we have drakelings around the place, which could be used as food. I'm pretty sure drakes are like chicken dudes but with more scales. We could hunt that. I ask the military, which is essentially one dude named Senshuken, to kill the chicken dudes. He says, ''yeah dude i don't have a crossbow and I'm blind''. Well, The Military (which by the way is his title now), maybe if you weren't blind you would find a crossbow, cause there's one right there.

That's a chair.

I place the chair in what I think is a dinning room. I also ask Asmoth to make more crossbows, which should give The Military more chances of stumbling upon one. Senshuken will be a great hunter, because he can't be blinded by the sun, which will make shooting up at birds very very easy. My plan is so good, I stay in the dinning hall until chicken is brought to me.

The Military doesn't return yet, because he heard noises outside, and went to investigate. Apparently a kobold was spotted trying to sneak inside the fortress. His name is Tikijrulus, or so I think. That sounds so koboldy. He probably wears a fancy red sweater he stole from elven kids, and cool leather boots that say ''I'm too cool for school''. He even has a fancy big leather bag because Tikijrulus just believes in himself, and he knows he'll succeed in grabbing loot. Also, he's probably blue!

Man, I wish I was as great as Tikijrulus...

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Tikijlrulus enters the fortress and start running and bouncing around. The Military tries to stop him, but he cannot spot the goblin. I guess having no eyes does have drawbacks after all. The kobold visits the fortress as he pleases. The bedrooms I'm told we have, the farms I,m told we have, even the half-finished graveyard I'm told we almost have. Tikijrulus visits it all. I wish he would describe to me what he sees. Sadly he just grabs a clear zircon and the *only* crossbow we currently have, and runs outside unchallenged. I don't think obtaining a total of minus one crossbow is a really good score for my ''acquire more crossbow'' policy.

Goodbye mister kobold! He runs away, across the hill, and make his way to his little kobold home, which I assume probably has a chimney and one of those cool little chauldron things always boiling with a delicious meal? Kobolds are so cool! I wish I was a kobold. Or had food. Senshuken  meanwhile has caugh on with his opponent which turns out is actually some part of the wall.

I wish i wasn't in this fortress with no cool things and no eyes and mean people. I wish I was Tikijrulus the kobold, because I could be stealing from people and I'd be rich and I'd run around freely with my new crossbow and wait what's that?


Well. Hum. That doesn't sound very fun. Suddenly I don't feel like being Tikijrulus anymore. Wow, ok. so that's what the dust does. that hum, let's not go north at all people.

Within seconds of agonizing, bone-shattering and nerve-wrecking pain beyond any imaginable scale, it is over. I forbid the kobold.

Well, this was an eventful day! I can't wait to see what happens on the second of granite!
« Last Edit: August 19, 2015, 10:15:21 pm by Taupe »

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Immortalitytowers, the Fortress of the Damned
« Reply #101 on: August 19, 2015, 08:40:11 pm »

Asmoth's Journal
I'm making crossbows now. Apparently, that's something I should be doing as the fortress' blind bookkeeper. Though, thinking about it more it's probably a lot safer that I make weapons blind than treating our sick and wounded when I can't actually see them. In other news, I think Taupe has gone mad in his state of blindness. I'd do something about it, but interfering with the Overseer has never worked out well for me in the past. Plus I can't actually hit him with anything if I can't see him. Maybe I'll get lucky and he'll come to me with an open wound, and then I can accidentally spill some more of that purple goop on the wound and see if it does anything. Or just stick a knife in him somewhere. That seems simpler.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.


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Re: Immortalitytowers, the Fortress of the Damned
« Reply #102 on: August 19, 2015, 10:17:18 pm »

Asmoth's Journal
I'm making crossbows now. Apparently, that's something I should be doing as the fortress' blind bookkeeper. Though, thinking about it more it's probably a lot safer that I make weapons blind than treating our sick and wounded when I can't actually see them. In other news, I think Taupe has gone mad in his state of blindness. I'd do something about it, but interfering with the Overseer has never worked out well for me in the past. Plus I can't actually hit him with anything if I can't see him. Maybe I'll get lucky and he'll come to me with an open wound, and then I can accidentally spill some more of that purple goop on the wound and see if it does anything. Or just stick a knife in him somewhere. That seems simpler.
Well, when you give the reigns of the fort to basically blind Hodor, you shouldn't expect stellar results. Also I am glad to announce that the first day of my Over'ing is done, and everything is running super duper smoothly. I'm sure we'll have a wonderful year and make lots of friends.


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Re: Immortalitytowers, the Fortress of the Damned
« Reply #103 on: August 20, 2015, 12:59:07 pm »

Spring update 2 -- Infernal dust, meet horrid goo!

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I was so excited about my second day as overseer. Sadly when I woke up people told me we shouldn't go outside because of the super evil purple rain coming back. This is sad. Thankfully all I have to do is tell people to obey the...

What the fuck, we don't have a burrow?

Well that explains a lot. I make a burrow. I tell people ''If it has horrible, horrible goo coming from the sky don't go. If it doesn't it's k.'' I ask Asmoth if the crossbows are ready. I don't find him. Cause im blind. When I find him, tho, he says he didnt make the crossbows because he can't read plans and can't find the tools or the forges or the metal. Also he's technically just a clerk.

Well, that's not very cool.  You know who was cool? Senshuken, The Military. Sadly, it seems that, well, nobody has seen him in a week. Which, I guess, makes sence because everyone is blind. But then they tell me it is probably serious.

But Senshuken was super smart, and wise, and witty, so when I gave the order to not chase Tikijrulus anymore, he probably listened and headed straight back to the base. He must have used echolocation to retrieve the fortress, so he most likely didnt chase after the kobold anyway and stumble upon the dust cause he's blind. I tell people, Senshuken is safe, he will return.

Just because we can't go outside and senshuken hasnt reported yet doesn't mean we should be sad. I tell people to dig a gem stockpile near the workshops because everyone is blind and gems are sharp and it sucks to step on them. that'll keep us occupied. Everyone, go haul big rocks and gems while the weather clear. Cherry-Hearts is a smart mason, and she says: ''You know what would be even more fun than hauling giant rocks while blind? Throwing a party for this bird all week long!''. So we do that instead.

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Still, throwing parties and not hauling rocks is fun, but our food and booze stockpile is kind of dwindling with each passing day. thankfully, I have a plan! My mom always told me of scary monsters and spores and trees and super scary lakes and food and plants growing in mysterious caverns. So clearly all we have to do to solve the problem is dig down and find caverns. Senshuken is probably down there already fighting monsters, but just in case he doesn't report, I'll designate a temporary spare Senshuken if we need to fight.

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It seems in addition to not having burrows, the fort has a big fucking flaw. Let's see if you can find it. The upper section contains the food and drinks and tables. The bottom section contains the workshops and bedrooms. both of these sections connect outside, and don't link to each other. apparently everyone is going through the inner courtyard and into the rain twice a day. I've told the minders to solve the problem using digging. digging is fun. Bye, problems! Also eyes.

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Senshuken isnt back, even after the weather has cleared. Thankfully, the happy smiling sun is back just in time for more migrants! Hello, welcome, I am the Over' (it'll stick just wait). One of them is a blacksmith and calls himself Fperson1. Hi dude, please make the crossbows. Speaking of crossbows, someone found one of them lying to the north next to... Senshuken's corpse. People drag him inside, where he will receive a proper burial but then I forget about it and a month later as I narrate this his body still rots in the main stockpile.

So there are like, 30 new migrants. which is double what we already have. We have, right now, half as many food units as we have dudes. We gonna dig through those rock layers and find the mythical cave of food and booze and coolness and we gotta do it now. I tell everyone to get inside and dig. Anyone who isnt digging should move wood inside, because outside carpenters workshops and wood piles are not fun when evil goo fall from the sky.

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i notice that two of our migrants brought a horse with them. Dude horses, not lady horses, and I'm pretty sure two dude horses can't make babies. I've told people to chop them into bits so we can eat em.

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Then it starts raining again. People carrying Senshuken's corpse are caugh outside. the butcher chops down a horse, and immediately becomes possessed by a fucking ghost. Man, at first i was scared? but the ghost of the horse just wants to build something. So I tell people to build a craftdwarf workshop cause we had none. the horse ghost says ''This is mine get out!'', but he does so in horse-tongue. I think that's what he meant tho because he won't let us get close enough to craft bolts and a slab for Senshuken.

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With the ghost busy with some stuff and the ghost's corpse in our stockpile, we not have food for a little bit. We do run out of booze tho. that's bad. not only because i like booze cause I'm a dwarf and shit, but also... we don't have water. Many dwarves have been injured by going outside repeatedly because of the bad design, or by carrying shit from Senshuken back to the fort. now they rest in bed with no water to give them. they will die of thirst. also, so will all of us. cause we got no booze or water.

I tell people to hum, make a hospital thing somewhere, while everyone else go dig more caverns. We need water, and we need it now. Actually we needed it even before I became Over' but that's beside the point.

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Success! A cavern is found. Sadly, from what the non-blind miner can see, the ground is barren, made of gabbro, and bears no food or water. I've told Other Senshuken to grab 3 useless dudes and go explore those caverns, to find water maybe. A new shaft is dug to locate more caverns...

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Again success! But not really. This new cavern contains mushroom and dense moss, and maybe we'll be able to find a few seeds or two, but it is also littered with spider webs, which sounds dangerous. When senshuken is done exploring the first cavern he'll go here, but for now, we'll start work on a new new mine shaft. If we don't find a new cavern here with water, we'll all be dead before the dwarven caravan arrives in autumn. Even if it does, the purple goo or infernal dust could just shatter it and make booze impossible to get.

Spring is now over. There are 45 of us, but not for long...

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Immortalitytowers, the Fortress of the Damned
« Reply #104 on: August 20, 2015, 02:15:00 pm »

That doesn't seem right. There should be stairs just south east of the dining hall. And the dining hall really shouldn't be open to the air...
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.
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