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Author Topic: Immortalitytower; We Live, We Die, We Live Again.  (Read 86886 times)


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Re: Immortalitytower; We Live, We Die, We Live Again.
« Reply #435 on: October 06, 2016, 07:29:13 am »

How goes the tower? And has everybody died (again) yet?
Boundworlds: A Multiverse Creation and Exploration Action RPG
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Re: Immortalitytower; We Live, We Die, We Live Again.
« Reply #436 on: October 06, 2016, 08:03:05 am »

How goes the tower? And has everybody died (again) yet?
Writing an update.
Many have died, you'll see.


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Re: Immortalitytower; We Live, We Die, We Live Again.
« Reply #437 on: October 06, 2016, 09:16:55 am »

Kate's log :

"I might have over reacted..."

The levers are pulled ! There is now an open access from the caverns to the Tower !
The Blinded are 30 in the Tower, three full squads, I'm sure they can kill Sanene, outnumbering it 30 to 1...

Let the Fun begin !!

Sanene has made its way into the well hole !

... but it was only to disappear into the 2nd caverns layer...

No worries ! It will quickly slay what's down there and go for the Blinds afterwards.
I'm not esp...

Wow... :O Huuu... That was unexpected ! A snowy Titan !

"Heum... Dwarves ! Pull this lever ! And that one, and this one ! I have an idea !!"
"We will give the Blinds a warm up before they confront Sanene!"

We pulled the levers to open the exterior bridge (bridge L2), and closed the safety bridge (L1). That way, the Titan could enter the Tower from the surface and not access the caverns.

It's working ! The Hill (H) titan made its way in the Tower ! Be prepared, Blinds !

The Blinds are all nicely packed inside the Tower. They don't know what's coming ! They will be easy pickings !

"Ahahahah !!! The titan threw some blind dorfs off the Tower ! Look at them fall ! Down they go !! Muahahaah !"

"Huh... Wait... Is the Titan climbing down ?"
"No ! No ! Noooo !!! Go back in the Tower ! Go back ! We have Normal dwarves in the courtyard !"
"Shhhhhit ! The fortress gates are open ! Close the gates ! Pull the lever !!! Quiiickkkk !!!"

"Damn it ! You bastard ! Some of these dwarves you killed were Sighted !"
We closed the gate, so the fucker can't get in the fortress... But this is such a waste !

Ok, the Titan is now heading into the Tower.

The Blinds are reacting ! The battle rages !

... and the Titan is finally cut into two by a ... war drake ? Well... Okay !

Echoes I've gathered seem to indicate that only seven Blinded died to the Titan. This war drake really saved them here with his lucky bite !

This is what remains of the foe :

But let's not give the Blinds time to breathe ! Let's stick to the original plan ! Let's unleash Sanene !

"Pull these goddamn levers again !"

Sanene makes its way behind the Safety Bridge L1. On the left is the fortress. Sanene can't get in as we've closed the surface gates.

Oh, right, Sanene has deadly vapors...

"Hoooowwww ! That gotta hurt !"

That's a lot of deaths !
Sanene is rampaging. Killing the Blinds floor after floor !
I might have over-estimated the dwarves...

The battle has ended ! Time for the aftermath !

Most importantly, Sanene is still alive !

Before the attacks, the population was 94. It is now 62.

I can count 8 Blinded dwarves still alive.
Two of them are outside the Tower, in the wilderness. They somehow survive the massacre.
The other six ran into the fortress during the Titan's rampage.

"We have punished the Blinded enough now ! Peace can be made amongst our people."
"It's time to deal with Sanene !"

Yay !

Also. Should I redwarf the dead named dwarves ? And increase their counter ?
« Last Edit: October 06, 2016, 11:43:02 am by Spriggans »


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Re: Immortalitytower; We Live, We Die, We Live Again.
« Reply #438 on: October 06, 2016, 02:42:44 pm »

Yeah. Tell me if I die by the way.
It would be ironic if Kate became blind.
Edit: if Asmoth died, trading will become much worse. So will bookkeeping.
Edit: I will miss the blinded dwarves. They were cool.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2016, 03:24:05 pm by Kamani »
Boundworlds: A Multiverse Creation and Exploration Action RPG
Good if you can't focus on a single project long enough to make a full game. Or for making an entire large game, if you feel like it.

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Re: Immortalitytower; We Live, We Die, We Live Again.
« Reply #439 on: October 06, 2016, 03:26:54 pm »

Heh. Overreacted :P I guess Kate was hurt by the idea of sighted dwarves dying.

A titan, after FB, though? Pretty active turn.

Ducks can be deadly :)

Hm, insta-kill extract?

If Sanene is alive, they're probably mostly healed....

Lot o' deaths

I wonder if Sanene will slither out when merchants leave?


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Re: Immortalitytower; We Live, We Die, We Live Again.
« Reply #440 on: October 06, 2016, 03:33:35 pm »

If Kate is still alive when I get another turn, I'll have a new woodcutter (Semi-evil plotting begins)

Kamani's Log
Date Withheld

Madness in Immortalitytower. Nearly all of our blind people were killed and are now working as slaves. I am planning to take back over this place and fix this, but I will need time to gain support. Two more years should do it. I won't let this madness continue. It must end!
Boundworlds: A Multiverse Creation and Exploration Action RPG
Good if you can't focus on a single project long enough to make a full game. Or for making an entire large game, if you feel like it.


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Re: Immortalitytower; We Live, We Die, We Live Again.
« Reply #441 on: October 06, 2016, 04:03:47 pm »

Last time I checked. Asmoth was Blind. So it is very likely he's dead :-[
I'll check the death list tomorrow when I'm at work (the save is at work, not at home ! Go figure...)

Kamani, you're alive (and still has your eyes) ! But IIRC, Eoya and HiddenLeafGuy died. And Xan is resting at the hospital.

Yeah. That was a busy season. The rest of the year should be easier. Just have to deal with Sanene...


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Re: Immortalitytower; We Live, We Die, We Live Again.
« Reply #442 on: October 06, 2016, 07:22:21 pm »

Oh, I call the next repeat turn.
Boundworlds: A Multiverse Creation and Exploration Action RPG
Good if you can't focus on a single project long enough to make a full game. Or for making an entire large game, if you feel like it.


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Re: Immortalitytower; We Live, We Die, We Live Again.
« Reply #443 on: October 09, 2016, 11:44:30 am »

Kate's log :

"The end of my year"

When I last wrote, Sanene was alive and rampaging the Blinded. We had to find a way to kill it.
I will remind you that we have no military whatsoever. I created a squad of marksdwarves, and they started training. Just in case.

I ordered the lever retaining the merchants pulled.
Sanene pathed through the silver hatch, and saw the brave war drakes for the first time. Combat ensued.

Though they fought well, the drakes were unable to wound Sanene too badly.
No lucky bites this time :(
Spoiler: Combat log (click to show/hide)

They did their jobs at weakening it before dying. RIP war drakes, I loved you all, really.

The merchants warriors came eventually, heavily armored and well trained, they slaughtered the beast !

After having killed many dwarves (Blinded or not), Sanene was finally... FINALLY dead !

Winter 210 :
The whole winter we passed carrying dead bodies, cleaning all the blood that was in the Tower.
Nothing exceptionnal.

Or at least that's what I'd like to say... Since :
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Damned it ! Can't we have any time for ourselves ??!! We haven't even burried all the deads that elves and gobos are attacking !
They are not many, only ten, but we don't have anything to fight them.

I ordered the gates closed, we will simply ignore them, they can't enter, I'm pretty sure.

So, we closed the gates to the exterior, and we resumed burrying our deads.

Hooo ! The Glorious day ! Today, I gave birth to a child !
I'm sure he'll be a wonderful child !

Hu hoo !! The elves/gobos found a way inside !
I forgot elves loves trees, they must have clamb one and they got into the courtyard !

Look at this mess ! They killed both Taupe and Maskwolf !! These bastards must pay ! (OOC : redarfed you both)

The only defense we have is the Tower bridge...
The bastards walked in it, so we activated the bridge. After a long jump, they got a little injured !

That was sadly not enough to kill them.

But I'm sorry to tell you that my rulership will end there.
I won't have time to deal with the elves/gobos.
The dwarves have elected someone else to rule. They believe I'm no longer in shape to lead them.
Good luck to the next guy with the invaders. They are not too many, but since we don't have any competent militia, you'll be having fun.

Ho, right, I forbid the fortress gates. Don't un-forbid them before you have a plan. The invaders would run inside our walls.

Kate son and Spriggans' son both are born the same year. That was funny/lucky. I wonder who they'll grow to be ;)
To the next ruler : I haven't reached the 1st of granite. It is more the 20th of Mid winter. So you'll have 13 months rather than 12, but, having handdle the titan already, I didn't feel like handling the gobos right now. I'll leave that to you.
I'm sure you'll have an idea on how to kill the bastards.
Sorry at letting you in this hard situation, but you'll be ok ;)
Ho, and don't forget that the couryard is NOT invaders safe.

There goes the save :
« Last Edit: October 09, 2016, 11:58:09 am by Spriggans »


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Re: Immortalitytower; We Live, We Die, We Live Again.
« Reply #444 on: October 09, 2016, 11:47:49 am »

I did say there was a hole in the wall. Also, did you kill of ALL of the war drakes?
Boundworlds: A Multiverse Creation and Exploration Action RPG
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Re: Immortalitytower; We Live, We Die, We Live Again.
« Reply #445 on: October 09, 2016, 12:13:33 pm »

I did say there was a hole in the wall. Also, did you kill of ALL of the war drakes?

I saw the hole. I sealed it. But apparently it was not enough.
Trees ! Always be wary of trees !

Yes, all drakes died iirc :'(


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Re: Immortalitytower; We Live, We Die, We Live Again.
« Reply #446 on: October 09, 2016, 12:20:56 pm »

Okay. I will miss the drakes! Assuming we live more then a month anyway.
Boundworlds: A Multiverse Creation and Exploration Action RPG
Good if you can't focus on a single project long enough to make a full game. Or for making an entire large game, if you feel like it.

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Re: Immortalitytower; We Live, We Die, We Live Again.
« Reply #447 on: October 09, 2016, 05:41:41 pm »

Good try, drakes. Good try.

Heh @ losing 5 to goblin ambush squad. Truly, no defences. I guess you have a limit, as well.

The tale of the two sons could be interesting.


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Re: Immortalitytower; We Live, We Die, We Live Again.
« Reply #448 on: October 09, 2016, 07:03:42 pm »

Well, up next is MDFification, and then me.
Boundworlds: A Multiverse Creation and Exploration Action RPG
Good if you can't focus on a single project long enough to make a full game. Or for making an entire large game, if you feel like it.


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Re: Immortalitytower; We Live, We Die, We Live Again.
« Reply #449 on: October 11, 2016, 02:14:06 am »

Sent a PM to MDFification ;)
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