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Author Topic: Immortalitytower; We Live, We Die, We Live Again.  (Read 86764 times)


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Re: Immortalitytowers, the Fortress of the Damned
« Reply #135 on: August 26, 2015, 07:02:17 pm »

Summer update 4 -- This time it's personal

The situation at present is like, super bad. I wish I wasn't over'ing Immortalitytowers. In fact, I'd rather be anywhere but here!!!

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Well, mostly anywhere. Anyway, last time i talked to myself about what's going on, I was running downstairs to grab things. I did it! I grabbed the quiver, copper short sword and buckler from the corpse of Other Senshuken. Now I'm truly like my hero! I also dropped all my clothes on the ground, and am now naked.  Tee hee!

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Bankghost is very very strong but he isnt very smart. So I somehow managed to run downstairs, get naked, dump Iamblichos's corpse somewhere in the staircase, grab some gear, and run back in the catacombs. I've erected a nice wall protecting me from the monster. Because I'm awesome. I'm also alone down here, and lonely. Wait, what's that? I hear somebody in the catacombs!!!

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-It's me, Xan the miner! The ogre is after me!
-Oh no!
-Quick, deconstruct the wall so I can live!

I don't know why he is down here in the caverns with me, but saving people and being courageous is my duty as military commander, so I unbuild the wall and let Xan inside. then I rebuild my wall before the monster eats us.

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-Thank you, also why do you not have any...
-Cuz i'm the military commander!
-I don't think that's how this works at all.
-I'm just following what Other Senshuken did. So I got naked.
-Hum, anyway, now that we are safe, I can connect our hideout to the bedrooms by digging a staircase upward, and a tunnel!

Xan the miner is very cool, and very fucking lucky. He is also a legendary miner, and digs very, very fast. he carves us a path toward the fortress. We are now reunited with the rest of the dwarves!

-What's up guys?

Everyone is too busy being thirsty to reply. They ask if i saw flame down there. He was suposed to make weapons in the forge, but vanished, so Deus Asmoth had to take over. I say no, cuz im blind. Sarrak asks for a week of training so that his recruits dont all die instantly, and I say ok, sure, but then some monsters appear in the fort and they get some live training instead! excitement!

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First, a large rat had been wandering the bedrooms for a while. The Buff Picks are sent after it, and they dispatch the beast with a few hits. Thanks to the obsidian short swords, everyone in the squad has a weapon! Yay!

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Downstairs, Bankghost the Satins of Romance is being a dick, trampling all over my discarded clothes, and then kicking every tomb open. now all three Senshukens are lying on the ground, super sad! They will be avenged, of course, but not right now, because nobody wants to deconstruct the barricade because everyone is fucking thirsty.

That's when an army of drakelings flood the fort's entrance, and attack! they seek refuge from the rain, and sarrak moves his fisherdwarves to defend us. I don't help because I get lost. There are 15 drakelings, oh no!

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Rigoth gets her lung stabbed. some dude is trampled and loses a leg. sarrak himself gets his heart bruised. he lives tho because he believes in himself. that's the key he says. ''dodge, stab em, dodge again!!'' he yells to his friends. The leftover drakelings flee, and also die horribly to the infernal dust clouds. We get free food, hurray, but food isnt drinks OMG IM SO THIRSTY!

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Down in the caverns, a group of troglodyte wanders too close to the volcano, and sort of catch on fire. I bet they want some water too right now.

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Deus Asmoth is our expedition leader, so he covers the book-keeping and the doctoring. The problem is that we lack any water, the hospital is understaffed and has no items in it, and also Asmoth's office is on the other side of the barricade, so he can't keep track of what we have at all. He thinks we have a new barrel of booze tho, because some dudes ran away with something large and hid from the rest of the fort.

In any case, it is obvious that the two soldiers injured in the fight against drakelings won't be up to defeat Bankghost. Or at all if we don't find water soon. (I order some buckets tho)

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Some white storks fly close to the fort. They must be so pretty and majestic...!

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...Oh. : (

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But then new migrants arrive to help us!

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They don't seem too excited about the place tho. I tell them that they can get inside if they first dig a super gigantic staircase from the back of the mountain to the center of the earth.

Ahahahah! Yes, but that wasn't a joke guys.

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I'm informed that our dead yaks are only drinkable for a short time.

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A mysterious spirit has claimed the body of Arkarn's daughter, Fikod Cactuspage!!

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I'm not sure this ryolite scepter decorated with ryolite will save us, tho. She seems pretty excited about it, altho she learned nothing from creating it. I mean, how would she, just look at the thing. Metaphorically.

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Someone has news from flame. A friend of his says the blacksmith snuck inside the caverns before they closed the barricade, claiming there probably was some mud or whatever to drink down there. He's probably super dead right now.
This fort is turning out to be awesome and it isn't even that old yet. I hope to live long enough to have a flashing grey name, if you know what I mean.
...You lasted seven seconds after posting this.

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Well, the good news is, Xan the miner is super helpful, and dug a way around the magma forge, to connect Deus Asmoth's office to the rest of the fort. The dude is very fucking thrilled, and rushes to his desk to organize a party. Nobody is excited or festive enough to join him.

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Enough fucking around! One of the dwarves who stole our only barrel of booze this week came back, strong enough to remove the barricade. everyone is gathering around, ready to...

-Hum, Rigoth, your lung is obviously a problem, are you sure you can do this?
-Yeah yeah
-Ok let's go!

The buff picks rush down the staircase, and I follow them closely. Seconds ago, Bankghost was right around the corner, bashing tombs and shit. he cannot be far from here. the dwarves will have their revenge, retomb their Senshukens, and find water down below! Thanks to their bravery, the shaky settlement that is Immortalitytowers will soon be secured, and flowing with drinks. They descend, chanting a warcry.

They look around. No sign of Bankghost. Where the fuck is he...?

They reach the tunnel where many soldiers died to the beast. Which way did their foe go? Then out of the darkness...

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3 blind, glowy pairs of eyes emerge from the dark tunnels, where seconds before there were none. Bankghost has fled the fortress, but he too had friends to avenge. Now three members of his Ogre clan stand ready to murder and pillage and devour dwarves, in the name of the two friends slain by Other Senshuken.

The battle begins...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Immortalitytowers, the Fortress of the Damned
« Reply #136 on: August 26, 2015, 07:09:06 pm »

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Someone has news from flame. A friend of his says the blacksmith snuck inside the caverns before they closed the barricade, claiming there probably was some mud or whatever to drink down there. He's probably super dead right now.
This fort is turning out to be awesome and it isn't even that old yet. I hope to live long enough to have a flashing grey name, if you know what I mean.
...You lasted seven seconds after posting this.

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3 blind, glowy pairs of eyes emerge from the dark tunnels, where seconds before there were none. Bankghost has fled the fortress, but he too had friends to avenge. Now three members of his Ogre clan stand ready to murder and pillage and devour dwarves, in the name of the two friends slain by Other Senshuken.

The battle begins...

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Immortalitytowers, the Fortress of the Damned
« Reply #137 on: August 26, 2015, 07:32:45 pm »

If worst comes to worst, a legendary miner should absolutely annihilate an ogre if they get in a fight, so you could draft Xan to kill it. As long as he's not blind, I guess.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Immortalitytowers, the Fortress of the Damned
« Reply #138 on: August 26, 2015, 07:41:23 pm »

The playthrough is mostly over (midwinter, 60 fps), so the things to come are mostly set in stone. There should be an update for autumn in its integrity tomorrow afternoon, and winter late-evening or friday, depending on how late I get up...

Dont worry. It gets worse in several ways. That OHGODOHGODOHGOD? We arent even there yet.

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Immortalitytower; Not a Tower, Life Expectancy Fifteen Hours
« Reply #139 on: August 26, 2015, 07:56:03 pm »

Well, at least the fortress is guaranteed to be interesting. In any case the OP is actually up to date now, aside from the living/dead lists, which will be updated as soon as people aren't dying faster than the list can be updated.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Immortalitytower; Not a Tower, Life Expectancy Fifteen Hours
« Reply #140 on: August 26, 2015, 10:39:07 pm »

Hah! I'm actually useful, this is awesome!  :D
By the by, if your wondering why I use so many smiley faces, its because I smile a lot when I talk. So I use them here so I don't come off the wrong way.

And so it begins...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Immortalitytower; Not a Tower, Life Expectancy Fifteen Hours
« Reply #141 on: August 26, 2015, 11:38:15 pm »

Hah! I'm actually useful, this is awesome!  :D
You, sir, are the luckiest fucking dwarf the world will ever know. You have simply NO idea how many times you just casually walked right past a batch of rain, a cloud of dust or a bunch of angry ogres. despite all that, you are still alive, healthy, and ecstatic.

Well, at least the fortress is guaranteed to be interesting. In any case the OP is actually up to date now, aside from the living/dead lists, which will be updated as soon as people aren't dying faster than the list can be updated.
Yeah, hum, you probably want to hold on for that...  ::)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Venit leger cerebrum amissa
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Re: Immortalitytower; Not a Tower, Life Expectancy Fifteen Hours
« Reply #142 on: August 27, 2015, 12:59:58 am »

"We shall not falter! We'll took revenge for everything what was taken from us. For the WATER!!!"

((Anyway, drakeling trying to snatch my heart? Hilarious!))
Science is always important. But it needs more flaming cats. Can't we build bridge-based catapults and fling flaming cats at the dust and goo?

It's time for the ATHATH Death Counter to increase once more in celebration for the end of the world.


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Re: Immortalitytower; Not a Tower, Life Expectancy Fifteen Hours
« Reply #143 on: August 27, 2015, 04:07:17 pm »

Autumn update 1-- let's discuss your situation

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Hi there! My name is TaupeII, and I just arrived at the fine fortress of Immortalitytowers. I recently moved here, and already I can tell this name is very, very unfitting. For example, the swans, the beautiful swans who guided us here sort of exploded from the goo that fell from the sky when we neared the mountain. I need to discuss things with the overseer. Before I can gain entrance to the fortress, however, I must ''prove myself'' and build a roof over the trade depot to save the caravan from the rain. Most of my friends are busy digging a back entrance to the mountain, that goes to the center of the earth.

I have a bad feeling about this.

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Ah, speaking of the caravan, there they are. Altho most of the guards are now blind and unconscious. The mountainhome liason travellign with them approaches me, and asks:

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Man, I don,t fucking know what my situation is. What's going on inside? we don't know. Why are we digging that giant staircase? Fuck if I can tell. The roofing part, tho, hum, I can sort of guess. I think I hear scrams coming from inside. To change my mind, I ask the liason what's up with the rest of the world.

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He casually mentions that the only interesting things going on at all in the universe, are the continuing adventures of Tipi Touchbear. He's very famous. People in various forts take bets on his yearly kidnapings. Plus, his name is so awesome.

After about a week, the door is finally swung open. A fat, mangled dude exhuming pus and strange purple liquids screams at us:
-Quick, come inside! Quick!
-Why thanks!
-No problem, Deus Asmoth replies. also welcome to the military

Asmoth the expedition leader pushes me toward the interior of the fort, informing me that I a resident of Immortalitytowers, and a recruit in the fine squad of the Buff Picks. Hum, ok, what happened to the previous members?
-Oh they all died from thirst, or from injuries, or to an ogre.

-Also the militia commander ventured into the caverns to take one of the ogres off our back, but then he died anyway, and the ogre came back!
-One of the ogres?
-Oh don't worry Sergeant Sarrak was in the tunnel to stop it!
-Oh phew!

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-Also sergeant Sarrak did none of that and died horribly.
-Well that's... bad...?

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-Oh that's ok, one of the rangers managed to kill it! tons of arrows, fuck yeah!
-Nice, I would like to congratulate this hero!

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-Hum, well he died instantly after from his bleeding wounds.
-But don't worry, even after Postscreams got killed, we still had a lot of work for army men like you!

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-Postflashes is still rampaging the catacombs and re-unearthing all the senshukens, but don't worry, you can take care of Squidfull the the Savant of Pratice.
-That's a... long title.
-Oh his kill list is much longer. Speaking of which. HEY YOU FIVE, YOU'RE IN THE MILITARY NOW
-But I'm five

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-Oh, by the way, says Asmoth
-That other ogre is now called Postflashes the Cloudy violator, so you shoudl really go get the first one before they both join forces.
-It's easy just follow the echoing screams of death!

Asmoth disappears and locks the door behind me.

I don't like this place very much.


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Re: Immortalitytower; Not a Tower, Life Expectancy Fifteen Hours
« Reply #144 on: August 27, 2015, 04:36:07 pm »

Autumn update 2 --Aftermath

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Well, we did it people. there it is, the fine fortress of Immortalitytowers, carved into a beautiful mountain. The sky is weird, and I think i see some weird dust over the horizon, but hey, let's go and take a closer look, shall we? It'll be nicer than staying outside.

I pass the entrance, where a half-roofed trade depot houses a bunch of suffering, mangled caravan guards. I ask what happened here. They say, it was the rain. My companion turns to me, and says:

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''Doctor, you shoudl take care of those poor wounded soldiers. I would help, but i am eager to meet my Grandfather, Arkarn cactuspage the first, who lives here!''

The young peasant rushes toward the fortress, while I spend some time suturing the guards, as is my profession.
''So, i ask, where can I get some water around here to threat the wounded?''

Blank stares. That doesn't bore well. I decide to take a look inside, and ask the reside... OH MY FUCKING GOD.

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I take a step inside and my sanity instantly moves back to the capital. What. The actual fuck. Happened here.

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There is like, 30 corpses littering the dormitory corridor. Two giant carcasses lie in a pool of green blood, with countless dwarves scattered around them, lifeless. a young dwarf walks in the corridor, screaming for his mother. Three residents, apparently alive, bump around the walls, obviously blind. The rest of the fort, which doesn't acount for more than 15 dwarves, are busy barfing around, or licking the blood of their brothers off the floor before it dries up. The smell of rot and despair fills the air, before a giant cloud of miasma turn this place into a nightmare.

I puke.

A half-alive, blind dwarf crawls to me, and offers a bag of microcline and eathenwares goods. Of poor quality, as is to be expected of such a young fortress.
-Please, I... beg you. take these, and trade them... outside. nevermidn the rain... We need

He coughs a chunk of his own skull.

-...We need drinks.

And thus, I grab the goods, and flee this hellscape, running outside toward the safety of the dust-scorched, goo-covered courtyard. I'm running half-blind myself, but I know that this fortress needs drinks badly. Obviously they were all too busy suffering a cruel fate to practice commerce. I name myself temporary broker of this settlement, and address the merchants.

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''How many for these wares? I ask
-Hum, maybe 4 thousand, four and a half since if you let me leave right after the trade is done.
-Agreed. We'll take all your fish, some gypsum powder, flour and meat, as well as those stacks of cheese, and as many seeds and plump helmet as you are carrying. I doubt anyone here is healthy enough to cook or plant for a while.
-Hum, that should go for maybe 3 thousand, what about the rest?
-We'll take the drinks. All of them.
-The... drinks?
-Why yes, all of them. beer, rhum, wine, doesn't really matter.
-I'm not sure how to put this.
-No. No no no no no.
-I'm very sorry, we brought absolutely no drinks this year.




Ok, listen up, people, grab everything you can, and move those injured to the infirmary. You two, grab all the corpses and bury them properly. The rest of you, grab the strawberries i purchased and make some wine. Quickly. I'm taking charge.

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Is that so? yes, I believe that, we DO need coffins. A fuckton of them. We need water, to save the injured, myself included. That goo, that horrible goo. People desperately try to give water to the patients, but they can't. A third of the fort is underage, another third is busyresting, and the rest won't do anything but spam give water messages. We need water, we need it now!

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At this moment, a miracle. Outside, the horrid goo is replaced by something out of a dream. in the late autumn, snow fills the landscape. Frozen water. Armok mocks us even now. But i have a plan. If we can channel magma outside, right under the surface, we can melt the snow, and create a pool. We can save those people.

I ask who is in charge of the forges. They tell me it is Flame, who's down in the caverns fighting crocodiles. Really, why?

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Oh, because he's a fucking ghost obviously.

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Panic in the magma chambers. Magma crabs are ambushing the metalworkers and miners. The project is put on hold, as more resting dwarves fill the hospital. Another blacksmith, Fperson1, falls unconscious, slowly dehydrating. he dies moment after. Nobody is doing anything. I must take action. This goes against my profession, and against my own survival instinct. Yet, to ensure the survival of this fortress, I'm about to announce a terrible, fateful order.

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Nobody is feeding the patients, recovering them, or trying to give them water. Everyone in the hospital, or lying in their bedroom, is condemned to die slowly, by my authority. I, myself, am among these unlucky dwarves. With my last breath, I tell the now freed dwarves to dig toward the third cavern, or to create a magma channel that will melt the ice.

Spoiler (click to show/hide) is done. The fate of this fortress is now beyond my reach...

*   *   *   *   *   *
Spoiler: OOC (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: August 27, 2015, 05:01:49 pm by Taupe »

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Immortalitytower; Not a Tower, Life Expectancy Fifteen Hours
« Reply #145 on: August 27, 2015, 05:04:52 pm »

I don't think I've ever come across a caravan with no drinks before. Clearly the game is just trying to screw with you.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Immortalitytower; Not a Tower, Life Expectancy Fifteen Hours
« Reply #146 on: August 27, 2015, 05:08:09 pm »

This is epic.

Also, dwarf me again only if we need something killed - I want to die as honorably as Sergeat Did!
Science is always important. But it needs more flaming cats. Can't we build bridge-based catapults and fling flaming cats at the dust and goo?

It's time for the ATHATH Death Counter to increase once more in celebration for the end of the world.


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Re: Immortalitytower; Not a Tower, Life Expectancy Fifteen Hours
« Reply #147 on: August 27, 2015, 06:13:34 pm »




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Re: Immortalitytower; Not a Tower, Life Expectancy Fifteen Hours
« Reply #148 on: August 27, 2015, 06:24:17 pm »


Obviously im doing fiiine


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Immortalitytower; Not a Tower, Life Expectancy Fifteen Hours
« Reply #149 on: August 27, 2015, 06:25:19 pm »


There is no miracles in this Armok's playground. Even your ghost, the most valiant of defenders is...well...a malevolent ghost of the dwarf long dead?
Science is always important. But it needs more flaming cats. Can't we build bridge-based catapults and fling flaming cats at the dust and goo?

It's time for the ATHATH Death Counter to increase once more in celebration for the end of the world.
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