Danganronpa is a series of visual novels based around the premise of the most skilled students in their field; referred to as Super High School Level/Ultimate Students- going to an academy and suddenly being overrun by the entity Monokuma, who subjects them to the Mutual Killing Game.
In effect, all the students must kill each other. The survivor gets to leave.
Basically, the players would be playing Ultimate Students, masters of their skill; whether it is something mundane, such as being the Ultimate Chef, or something esoteric, such as being the Ultimate Princess. Their job is to survive and escape the Mutual Killing Game before they are all murdered, all the while solving cases of murders among the student body.
Preferably, of course, the players escape while most of them are still alive.
In effect, the rules would be as thus:
1. There would be three phases per ingame day.
Morning phase, where players will be gathered in a hub to be talked to by Monokuma(or equivalent) and potentially discuss evidence, murders and other things. Any murders committed at Night will be declared here.
Day phase, where players are free to do as they wish, including and up to murdering another player.
Night phase, where players are gathered in a hub and sent to their dorms again. Any murders committed in Morning and Day phase will be declared here if not found by a player prior. Murders can be committed in the Night phase, but will only be detected in the morning.
2. Murders committed will not be
automatically announced. A murder committed, whether player-made or NPC-made, will only be declared during the Night/Morning phase unless discovered by a player.
3. Once a murder is discovered,
every player will be gathered in automatically, regardless of phase to discuss.
4. Once the gathering is over, the game regardless of time will enter
Investigation phase. All players must now find and locate evidence relating to the murder and decide if said evidence is relevant. This evidence can be anything from a physical piece of evidence to a verbal confession recorded. Once all players deem all possible evidence to be gathered and one informs Monokuma(or the equivalent entity), the
Trial phase will begin.
5. During
Trial, all players will gather in and discuss the evidence, discussing their reasons for believing one character is the murderer.
6. Once all arguments for and against all potential suspects' innocence have been made and a suspect declared, it will be determined if the players succeeded in finding the murderer.
7. If the players are correct, the murderer will be
executed (and if a PC, will be out of the game). If the players are wrong, however,
everyone except the murderer is executed.
8. If the murder was in fact a
suicide, nobody is executed.
9 (possibly). Players may be allowed to murder other players or NPCs. (NPCs will never murder PCs). However, it will be mediated with the GM, with both the murder victim and the murderer, and if the PC is caught, they will be
subject to the same punishment as NPC murderers.
Well, did I miss anything? Do you guys have any suggestions? Should I allow PC murders? Anything else?*
*Yes, I realise how similar this is to Mafia. The difference is that Mafia has pre-defined roles aside from 'potential murderer/innocent' and is probably going to be far less hectic than this knowing the GM. And is a lot more structured than this crap.