Again with the alpha centauri references...
Can we perhaps be more original?
No, because CIVBE was not SMAC2
I am still for the AI scenario. Amusingly, the singularity avenue requires such an AI anyway. The "The AI might kill us all!" angle is pure histrionics IMO.
The same fear mongering exists with GMO foods, and biotech. (Not to mention with things like high energy physics, or did all the fear mongering about microsingularities destroying the planet escape your notice?)
GMO foods and biotech do not have the same capacity to kill humanity as AI do. Rather hilarious, is that when developing atomic bombs some voiced concern that they may ignite the atmosphere and destroy humanity. Fortunately that didn't happen, but then humanity did nearly wipe itself out again in the cold war.
AI isn't biotech, nuclear bombs or Monsanto being disney evil. It's not something to embrace without caution. Much like all of the above tbh
Computer programs doing strange things is not a new phenomena, but on investigation, the anomalous behavior is always logical, and stemming from an error in the programming.
I dont advocate putting RoboCrat2.0 in charge immediately. RoboCrat needs to be worked on iteratively, and developed to manage human populations slowly and have time to have its bugs worked out. It should start doing simple management tasks, such as organizing small human workforces within an organization.
That's pretty much the only way it can be developed, the question is whether it should be