Wow I can't believe this is still going!
Alright! So I decided to return to the forsaken town and examine the aftermath...
As you can see, the town is still rife with patrols. I couldn't imagine what the guards intend to protect, almost the entire town has been reduced to rubble and ruins. The only structure that remains is the keep.
The local temple had not been spared from the iron fist of the animals. The paved floors which had once lined the cornerstone of this crumbling town has been reduced to mud. I can only imagine the animals intend to horde their litter over the ruins as a sign of dominance to the remaining locals. However the streets, houses and markets lay completely barren.
Damn! I've been spotted by the guards! They threaten no mercy as they furrow about in the dirt.
I swiftly and bravely fled in similar fashion to a certain Sir Robin, I had arrived at the keep.
I decided to climb atop one of the battlements in order to survey the area. Within moments I found myself surrounded.
One of the previous guards lay dead amongst the unforgiving horde.
In my attempt to escape I met with the leader of the resistance, however by the time I had came he had descended into madness.
The war leader recounted over and over again the horrific invasion which had reduced his kind to take the place of animals in the wild.
Devastated by what he had discovered, my adventurer joined the war leader in madness and eventually succumbed to starvation.
The animals may have one the battle... but not the war!