Turn sent.
Newspaper "Pravda" is the most popular source of news on the Decados worlds. The last issue has reached the peak sales - since it has many important political articles.
Page 7-9, The Shadow Over Severus.
This article uncovers the mystery over Severus blockade. Author states that the reason of quarantine was the invasion of alien race in the jungles of the south hemisphere. Using the current empire instability they gathered warriors from subterranean lairs and seized control of the most human cities in the hemisphere. A few remaining villages under Decados reign are now greatly fortified and are relatively safe. A few battle groups are formed and soon they will clean the jungles of the invaders. To aid in this mission Vladimir Decados invited his old allies - battle brothers of De Moley. They have already dropped their elite space legions and now they are seeking through the region to find and banish alien invaders.
Very good roleplaying, and for clarification the aliens on Severus are the indigenous insectoid alien race the Ascorbite that usually work with the Decados but sometimes strike out when their jungle habitat are infringed upon. So, technically the humanity was the alien invaders on Severus. haha
When humanity spread throughout the Known Worlds during the Diaspora they only met three space faring races the Ukari, the Obun, and the Vau. The Ukari lost a war against humanity and were subjugated, the Obun were pacifist and never really explored the stars, and well the Vau just kicked humanity in the butt.
The rest of the alien races (Ascorbite, Etyri, Gannock, Shantor, Vorox, etc.) never reach advanced levels and were subjugated by the more advanced colonizing humans.