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Author Topic: Mercenary Fleet IC: Open. [Hyper Transit 1: Abandoned Megafreighters]  (Read 1684 times)

Ross Vernal

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This post is going to be reserved for:

1. Captains (Players)
Ozark - Cog Ozarckus
Rolepgeek - Markus Heaks

2. Ships of the Fleet
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

3. Possible Missions
Spoiler: Missions (click to show/hide)

4. Accepted Missions

5. Completed Missions

6. Failed Missions
« Last Edit: July 15, 2015, 04:54:58 pm by Ross Vernal »

Ross Vernal

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Re: Mercenary Fleet IC (under construction)
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2015, 06:16:17 pm »

This post reserved for:

1. State of the Galaxy (Relations)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

2. State of the Galaxy (Power)
In order, Military/Industry/Economy/Population/Power.

Primary Powers
Alliance   2   2   4   3   1
Rift      6   1   1   4   2
Coalition   3   3   5   2   3

Secondary Powers
Merope   1   6   9   1   4
League   7   4   2   5   5
Octav H   5   8   3   6   6

Tertiary Powers
Empire   4   9   7   7   7
SynCiv   9   5   6   9   8
Dominion   8   7   8   8   9

3. Star Nation Flavor Texts (WIP)

4. Galactic History (to be improved before import)
« Last Edit: June 15, 2015, 07:24:11 pm by Ross Vernal »

Ross Vernal

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Re: Mercenary Fleet IC (under construction)
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2015, 06:48:07 pm »

This post reserved for... rules and precedents?

1. IC Rules.
Spoiler: Speed Limits (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Sensors and EW (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Blowing Stuff Up (click to show/hide)

Range is determined as follows:
"extreme range" = 10% to hit
"max range" = 25% to hit
"mid range"=50% to hit
"close range"=75% to hit
"killing range"=100% to hit

Base defense is 10%. Base ECW is 0%. Base defense increases by 5% per size; EW does not aside from the races whose hat it is to have good EW.
Logistics score is cost per month to operate. You can let this slide for a while, but eventually, morale will decrease, your ship will lose performance, and at some point of not paying you're up for a "weekly explosion roll" followed by "daily explosion roll" followed by "Your crew attempts to boot you out into a small craft and pick someone better" followed by "Long walk out of a short airlock without an EVA suit" or "fired out of a missile tube", depending on whether the crew doesn't or does like you despite your incompetence.

Cargo insurance rate is 0.5bc per 100bc of cargo, minimum of 10bc.
Ships are supplied for a six month deployment.

2. IC Precedents Set By Inventive Players
I'm watching you.

3. OOC Rules
- I'd prefer you not *shoots missiles at 25% hit* and do like more "Captain Herocharacter looked at Lieutenant Supportinguy and ordered him to launch at maximum range."
- Common sense?

Ross Vernal

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Re: Mercenary Fleet IC (under construction)
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2015, 06:50:50 pm »

I'm sure I'll need this post to be reserved for something. Until then, OOC thread
« Last Edit: July 07, 2015, 06:35:38 pm by Ross Vernal »

Ross Vernal

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Re: Mercenary Fleet IC (under construction)
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2015, 06:51:14 pm »

I probably don't need this but I'm reserving it anyway.

Ross Vernal

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Staff Meeting #1
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2015, 07:09:03 pm »

There wasn't the traditional chime sound of the door opening, but then again, a meeting like this had to be in the gym of the Admiral's oversized luxury yacht to accommodate all of the Marines there to ensure that nobody would take the chance to change owners on the "you killed it, you own it" clause. First Marines, then XO's, then Captains, all seated (as much as possible, anyway) around a large, wastefully expensive and ornate Terra-mahogany table in cushy, tall, grav-dampening chairs.

Still, despite the obvious initial nervousness and nippiness that could be expected whenever you got such a diverse group of mercenaries and crusaders together for mutual benefit, they had tentatively adopted the name of "Onslaught" for lack of votes against, although negotiations over the helmet colors and insignia were, as expected, stalled. Instead of focusing on something that could probably be decided later, the more active of the Captains had discussed their prospective missions. Although some remained silent, it appeared that the company had, for lack of objection, decided to gamble on the Planetary CEO before spearheading what promised to be a massive pain in the ass with a really nice payoff (and time to work up together as a company, for that matter.)

The Admiral (who appeared to be a Terran human with standard heavy-world genie heritage) coughed and pushed the attention button.

"I'm glad that you all are eager to get started, but can we formalize the vote as per the charter before? If we're committing, now is the time to commit."

Spacer accent, not indicating anything other than "born in space and probably doesn't spend much time dirtside."


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Re: Mercenary Fleet IC: Open. [Staff Meeting 1]
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2015, 07:51:16 pm »

((excellent. Good start, Ross))

Captain Ozarckus looks around at his fellow fleet Captains.

"Well, good to see you all again. Admiral," he nods in the Admiral's direction, [/glow]"I'll start off the vote, I guess. The Missions I am in favor of are: The one in which we aid the league and receive a partially completed Station as reward, the thiefcatcher, the Matter of Honor, and the prevention of the takeover, since that one seems popular amongst the rest of the fleet for some reason. Consider my vote to be on the Preventing the Takeover, since we seem to be settled on that one."

Captain Ozarckus leans back in his chair, and sips a glass of whiskey, awaiting the others' input. Business as usual.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2015, 07:56:50 pm by Ozarck »


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Re: Mercenary Fleet IC: Open. [Staff Meeting 1]
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2015, 08:33:44 pm »

At the other end of the table, a tall man with a focused bearing half-stood in dress uniform. A distinct lack of medals or commendations on said uniform made it somewhat unique, though he still bore the insignia denoting his rank: Knight-Captain. The man's personal Armsmen stood behind him, gleaming silver in their reinforced armor. The man himself, bearing the markings of augmentation typical of those who'd undergone Marine augmentation, had no weapons with him. While he didn't believe he could trust everyone here, his Armsmen he trusted with his life, and he knew that they would not allow him to come to harm if they could possibly help it.

Markus grimaced at the mention of the Honor mission. It reminded him of his self-imposed, actually. He'd grown accustomed to that. What it reminded him of was the coup that had killed his liegelady. It was a similar venture, and it was rare for Monarchs to be allowed two systems under their rule. But on the other hand, their target had refused a duel, and this show of force, was certainly an appropriate response. Besides, it wasn't his concern anyway. He'd refused to swear new fealty. He was no longer technically a subject of the Coalition. Finally, Knight-Captain Markus Heaks spoke.

"I also support taking action to prevent the takeover. The opportunity will be lost if we do not act swiftly. is nice to see all of you again in person. It has been some time since we've last convened like this, hasn't it? I trust any disputes between us have been resolved before we started?"

The last is said with an intentionally even tone. It hadn't escalated to blows, that last meeting, but it had been close. He didn't plan on giving any opportunity for it to do so this time.
Sincerely, Role P. Geek

Optimism is Painful.
Optimize anyway.


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Re: Mercenary Fleet IC: Open. [Staff Meeting 1]
« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2015, 08:45:17 pm »

"Disputes? I'm sure I don't have a clue what you are talking about Markus." Ozarckus says with an absolutely straight face. And a slow wink. "We're all professionals here. But since you mentioned opportunities lost, I bring up the subject of the little tiff between the Terrans and the Gals. That space station could be mighty useful. A little proper refitting and we wouldn't have to worry about some dirtsider dictating our repair schedule."

Ozarckus sighs.

"Still, let's let the others have their say before we go on, shall we?"


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Re: Mercenary Fleet IC: Open. [Staff Meeting 1]
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2015, 10:58:17 pm »

Captain Knavikov sat back in his grav chair, content to listen to the other captains bicker about who to blast away first. Truth be told, he always took the time early in these sorts of meetings to enjoy the accoutrements provided. The Drunk Duchess, true to her name, had a plentiful booze selection, but it ranged closer in vintage to that of 'the best moonshine you'll have this arm of the galaxy' rather than the 'this bottle of brandy cost more than the shuttle you rode in on'.

"I've never been one to try and roll a hard six before we even have a pot going." Knavikov frowned for a moment as he realized that making a gambling metaphor with a cultural and racial menagerie might not hit it's intended point with all parties present. He restarted. "Some of these assignments, - Like the takeover prevention - give a good payout, but they don't offer us any security if things go tits up." He frowned once more at his use of idioms. "How much extra cash do we have on hand for logistics and repairs? How many months we have in reserve? One bad fight and we're crippled with no way to fix it."

Knavikov finished his tumbler of brandy before leaning back in his grav chair. "I would say we sit back for a few months with a gravy run. Take a mining contract. We can use the Duchess to beef up our fleet with the ore we grab." He shrugged, "Not exactly glamourous, but then we have a nice safety net in case we want to gamble in the future."


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Re: Mercenary Fleet IC: Open. [Staff Meeting 1]
« Reply #10 on: June 16, 2015, 10:30:13 pm »

While some of the captains were discussing what exactly the next step should be. At the far end of the table was a man looking like he had stepped out of those old westerns from way back in the earth's past. From leather boots with stirrups, to rawhide duster, and of course the signature hat tipped over his eyes, while he had his feet propped up on the table appearing to be asleep. With two old colt revolvers strapped to his waist, peaking out from underneath the duster.

The slightly dramatic appearance and seemingly sleeping figure disarming all but those who knew him and the extremely observant. In truth while the outfit was a bit ridiculous, it spoke to his true nature that of his deadly abilities and title as gunslinger. In truth he was one of the most deadly men in the room his deadly body reigned in by his clear and sharp will, witch some might argue was deadlier then his body.

Breaking the facade the man straightens ever so slightly looking up at the captains around him.

Fellow Captains I Have to agree with Captain Knavikov he has point. Why risk everything on a maybe with this Ceo, he may not even stay afloat even if we save him. We should be looking at more secure options right now, so that way we can take bigger chances later on if we wish. Two this fleet has just been put together, back in the military we didn't throw new squads out on ops straight away.   

Pausing for a moment he sits up straight taking his feet off the table looking at everyone around it.

No we let them get to know each other first what their are quarks, how they operate, and just what kind of person their teammates were. And it was highly effective even if the troops got bored of their assignments. Just my suggestion, though trials by fire can also be extremely effective at creating cohesion. Grinning to himself a little he continues, whatever the majority decides The Cossack stands ready.   

Crazy??I was crazy once they put me in a room, a rubber room, with rats. I hate rats, they drive me crazy......Crazy?? I was crazy once, they put me in a room, a rubber room, with rats. I hate rats, they drive me crazy......Crazy??

Ross Vernal

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Re: Mercenary Fleet IC: Open. [Staff Meeting 1]
« Reply #11 on: June 17, 2015, 12:40:06 am »

The Admiral took a sip of his own drink (it looked fruity, with a cheap paper umbrella) and touched a few keys on the tablet in front of him before answering.

"About two months, give or take a bit. We're near a hundred billion, not counting interest, etc, etc."

The holo background disappeared, and was replaced with a chart of missions and votes in a pleasing light blue. It presently read:

Formal Vote
Takeover: 23.9% in favor, 20.3% opposed, 55.8% undecided
Mining: 20.3% in favor, 79.7% undecided
Honor: 100% undecided

"The numbers can be shuffled, and we can reduce costs by standing down, although I can't imagine any of you fine Galactics came here to stop working if you can help it."

He chuckled a bit, and sipped his tequila concoction, ready to change the numbers.


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Re: Mercenary Fleet IC: Open. [Staff Meeting 1]
« Reply #12 on: June 17, 2015, 02:05:38 am »

Thinking on what to do next, his train of thought is suddenly interrupted by one of his marines tapping him on the shoulder having appeared from nowhere it seemed. Whispering into the Captains ear, the Captain's face showing he doesn't like what he's hearing. The marine having finished disappears back into the shadows.

Clearing his throat Captain Barron speaks up,sorry gentlemen I just received information about one of the main creditors trying to take the planet. I used to know him back in the day, and well he was a very bad man someone we don't want getting a foothold anywhere so I'm changing my vote for the protection of the planet. Also while I'm at it I'm voting aye for a matter of honer as well, can't hurt to get on the good side of a monarch we just made more powerful.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2015, 02:24:22 am by Romans »
Crazy??I was crazy once they put me in a room, a rubber room, with rats. I hate rats, they drive me crazy......Crazy?? I was crazy once, they put me in a room, a rubber room, with rats. I hate rats, they drive me crazy......Crazy??


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Re: Mercenary Fleet IC: Open. [Staff Meeting 1]
« Reply #13 on: June 17, 2015, 03:40:40 am »

"The mining mission, while certainly posing extremely low risk, also provides only barely tangible rewards. It seems to be a good opportunity if we require time to rearm of repair, or wait for reason or another. I'm thus formally opposed to that operation. The two other alternatives do have my support."



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Re: Mercenary Fleet IC: Open. [Staff Meeting 1]
« Reply #14 on: June 17, 2015, 12:31:04 pm »

Captain Ozarckus leans forward with a mild frown. "Ah. I see we are voting more broadly than on just the one mission. Of course, I formally vote aye on the Matter of Honor, and Nay to a mining run. We'll have time for that later, provided the risks we take now bear the results we hope and expect. Please forgive my interruption, and continue," he finishes, leaning back with a welcoming smile.
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