//I assumed Demonic Spoon mistyped and wanted HQ in 29, cuz that's where two armies are at.
@Belgian Empire:War! War! Cries of the populace echo thorough the streets as the brave soldiers march and occupy Normandy for the Belgian Emperor.
Meanwhile, various civilian and military constructions are finished, including a port, academy, and military camp.
@Reborn Khanate:In the far east, Khanate expands its scientific and military infrastructure.
Nation #Provinces #Armies Max Armies PI/Turn RP/Turn Current
NPC. Ottomans 14 15 20 2 m5 0/80 (Modern Chemistry)
1.Belgian Empire 10 1 12 3 t8 0/80 (Explosive Shells)
2.Reborn Khanate 13 2 19+4 3+2 m1+8 0/80 (Diesel Fuel)
3.Karelian Coalition 7 4 8+2 4+1 r12+4 0/0 (nothing)
4.Banner of the West 13 1 14 3 d3 0/0 (nothing)
5.Islands Alliance 5 4 7+4 3+2 d12+4 0/0 (nothing)
6.Roman Republic 9 6 11+2 2+1 r3+8 0/0 (nothing)
7.Canadian State 7 4 8+2 3+1 t4+12 0/0 (nothing)
Minor Nations: Icelandic Republic (#1), Kingdom of Norway (#6)
Current Populous Provinces (controlled by):
#4: Belgian Empire
#20: Reborn Khanate
#23: Reborn Khanate
#27: Ottoman Empire
#40: Ottoman Empire
#68: Islands Alliance
DIPLOMACY: Pending: Trade Ottoman-Belgian, Research Ottoman-Belgian
Ottoman Empire:
Belgian Empire:
Wars: Banner of the West
Alliances: Canadian State
Reborn Khanate:
Alliances: Karelian Coalition, Canadian State
Treaties: Trade with Karelian Coalition, Research with Karelian Koalition, Trade with Canadian State, Research with Canadian State
Karelian Coalition
Alliances: Reborn Khanate
Treaties: Trade with Reborn Khanate, Research with Reborn Khanate
Banner of the West:
Wars: Belgian Empire
Alliance of Associated Islands:
Alliances: Roman Republic
Treaties: Research with Canadian State, Trade with Roman Republic, Research with Roman Republic
Roman Republic:
Alliances: Islands Alliance
Treaties: Research with Canadian State, Research with Islands Alliance, Trade with Islands Alliance
Eastern Canadian State:
Alliances: Reborn Khanate, Belgian Empire
Treaties: Research with Roman Republic, Research with Islands Alliance, Research with Reborn Khanate, Trade with Reborn Khanate
Ottoman Empire: -
Belgian Empire: -
Reborn Khanate: -
Karelian Coalition: -
Banner of the West: -
Alliance of Associated Islands: -
Roman Republic: -
Eastern Canadian State: -