Alright, got some time in as dwarfs. Impressions:
-The drakegun/drake pistol are hilarious. Caravan guards keep burning themselves to death in wildfires trying to incinerate random wilderness creatures, but used properly they're a worthy addition. Honestly they're kind of OP, but I don't really see any other way to implement them.
-Siege weapons don't seem to be working properly. I can build them just fine, but none of them have any reactions listed.
-The stone beds don't work like I expected them to, with neither boulders or blocks being available for the reaction. Am I just missing something here?
-The reaction to produce a rune at the metalsmith's forge doesn't seem to work. A bar is consumed, but no rune is produced. Does it require a runesmith to make the things, or just to strike them at the anvil of doom?
-No word on the anvil of doom, none of my dwarves have been runesmiths so far (I've been spawning in runes with DFHack.)
-Handguns seem to be about right, power-wise. Smaller targets tend to have the part explode in gore when hit, while larger ones stick in and cause lots of bleeding. This with bismuth bronze bullets.
-Standards seem to be working as intended. My quarreler squad rallied against a group of plaguebeasts when their sergeant (carrying the standard and a drake pistol) showed up. They still all died because plaguebeasts, but they didn't have the the fear debuff.
-Plaguebeasts, incidentally, have a typo in the raws, they've got [CREATURE_CLASS:MIDNLESS] instead of mindless.
-No word on the book of grudges yet. My scholars are a lazy bunch.
-No word on Skaven or Vampire Counts either, I'm at war with both but they're no-shows after 10 years. That's DF though, so I guess the wait continues.
Overall pretty good. The creatures (at least the ones I've seen) match the source material pretty closely. I've noticed a lot more fights among the dwarfs than the vanilla dwarves as well, they seem to be an appropriately contentious people.