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Author Topic: Ice Station WereZebra  (Read 56508 times)


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Re: Ice Station WereZebra
« Reply #105 on: July 06, 2015, 01:51:19 pm »

me wanna go pls
Added! Sorry your lawyer was so terrible, but welcome to Icehold. Please don't feed the weremammoths.

he was teribble. thats why hes in 1000001 pieces
Eventually when you go far enough the insane start becoming the sane


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Re: Ice Station WereZebra
« Reply #106 on: July 07, 2015, 09:36:01 am »

Honeymoon called for their names.


The gathered dwarves looked amongst themselves, but most knew Mebzuth was one of the first to die.


No response. The dwarves remained still.



She went on,  skritching off names in the ledger when no response was heard. She then copied that same name to a different page, this one labelled "Unknown Condition". This list contained:

Olon Bomrekvathez, Swordsdwarf
Mebzuth Rithabod, Swordsdwarf
Nish Endokdetes, Farmer
Unib Udistalåth, Baby
Asmel Keskalkilrud, Swordsdwarf
Vabôk Konadolin, Baby
Olon Etesurvad, Suturer
Likot Lotoldók, Swordsdwarf
Atir Zolakrigòth, Ranger
Monom Kûbukstâkud, Spearmaster
Stâkud Bomrekirtir, Spearmaster
Äs Cilobnônub, Strand Extractor
Oddom Sashasilral, Farmer
Ingish Alåthomrist, Beekeeper
Ustuth Alåthzugob, Baby of Ingish
Endok Nonosrutod, Gem Setter
Id Vabôkkôn, Leatherworker
Bomrek Vodlimul, Ranger
Ber Letmosaned, Farmer
Amost Nomalziril, Ranger
Domas Cattendatan, Mace Lord
Äs Cilobnônub, Strand Extractor
Kûbuk âbirmeng, Farmer
Bomrek Vodlimul, Ranger
Cilob Ästhiz, Suterer

and perhaps most concerning of all:

Mistêm Sôddeduk, Overseer

Honeymoon took charge, though only temporarily. So she hoped. She considered the situation, and was at bit of a loss for what to do. Even hardened thieves and scoundrels won't take the loss of a friend lightly, and she was surrounded by grief and hopelessness.

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When the ghost of a long-dead dwarf appeared and beckoned them to visit the surface, she trusted the apparition and adjourned the meeting.

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Mistêm held his bleeding hand against his chest, breathing heavily. That thing was dead. He was alive. A few moments of relief were granted by this realization. Then, he recalled a very important and well understood fact about werebeasts: the infection is passed through bites and wounds. A month from now he, along with the majority of dwarves in front of him, would tranform into a horde of unfathomable monstrosities.

This was something he should have felt pleasure in, for wasn't his purpose in life to destroy the sodden bunch of dwarves that clung to this  lonely, horrid glacier? The esteemed and rather populated Cult of Self-Perservation, however, was something Mistêm found rather enticing at the moment. He wasn't sure what would happen if all of them changed at once. They might rage against one another, maiming and killing until one final creature stood, only to return to dwarfhood and weep for those just murdered. This was extremely unlikely to happen to him, and he considered his options:

1. Convince the dwarves to let him inside the fortress, and one month from now surprise those inside. Surely death awaits should he take this option, as the severed spinal cord of the weremammoth in front of him clearly shows.
2. Become that last-man-standing and escape to his master's tower, whereupon he could deliver important information about lever location and potential tunnel-building routes.
3. Obtain a pick and make my own, secret existence amongst the stone and darkness below.

Mistêm was fairly pragmatic for a zombie-worshipping cultist, and thought to try that last option first.


Honeymoon ventured to the surface, wanting to know more. Shouting over the walls, she was answered by multiple dwarves at once. A faint conversation beyond the walls followed, and then a single voice was heard.

"Honeymoon, we know you know that were the walking dead and we've all accepted that. There's uninjured out here, though, and you can't just let them die." Honeymoon recognized the voice as that of Stâkud, oldest member of The Bolts of Flying and one of the best spearfighters in the fortress.

"List their names and bring them to the surface. I need to confirm the absence of wounds before I even consider what to do with them." Honeymoon was thourough and precise about the examination, having those dwarves in question strip naked on the ice and prove their good health.

The names of those who showed no sign of injury:

Domas Cattendatan, Mace Lord
Äs Cilobnônub, Strand Extractor
Kûbuk âbirmeng, Farmer
Ustuth Alåthzugob, Baby of Ingish and Edëm
Bomrek Vodlimul, Ranger
Cilob Ästhiz, Suterer

Honeymoon also asked for the names of the dead:

Olon Bomrekvathez, Swordsdwarf
Mebzuth Rithabod, Swordsdwarf
Nish Endokdetes, Farmer
Unib Udistalåth, Baby
Asmel Keskalkilrud, Swordsdwarf
Vabôk Konadolin, Baby
Olon Etesurvad, Suturer
Likot Lotoldók, Swordsdwarf
Atir Zolakrigòth, Ranger

She considered for a moment, and realized that she absolutely refused to trust the injured dwarves not to force their way inside should she open the ice gate. This was a prison, after all. She felt a bit stumped about the situation when she heard the voice of Mistêm, Overseer.

"Honeymoon, throw us a pick. The uninjured can dig into the ice and away from the rest of us." There was a deeply sympathetic tone to his voice, as if his only concern was for the survival of those unwounded.

A few of those outside spoke up in agreement. One of them was Domas, macelord and killer of Stosbûb. "Moon, listen. You've known me for some time now. I don't lie. I have just felled this terrible beast, against all odds and all too late. Give the pick to me, and I can guarantee that it won't leave my grip."

Good, Mistêm thought. This was going my way.

Honeymoon consulted with those below, and after a lengthy argument the majority decided Domas could be trusted. A pick was selected and thrown over the wall. Domas had told the truth, and when Mistêm attempted to pass off his bloodied stump of a hand as "an injury from slipping off the bridge" Domas absolutely refused to believe his story. When Mistêm grabbed for the pick, Domas knocked him back and told the others to hold him down.

"No, Mistêm, I won't blindly trust your word . Whatever authority you used to hold over me has no place here." Mistêm spat onto the ice but said nothing else.

Domas then surprised everyone with a bit of ingenious thought. "I have enought time to carve a small room for each of you. When the next moon rolls around, whoever turns into a weremammoth can stay locked up, while those unchanged can be let free."

And so the plan was enacted. However, As Roofpunches had a different idea. Sneaking around to the other side of the moat, he clambered up the rough ice walls. He had never really climbed anything before, and absolutely shocked the dwarves inside when his head popped up.

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Luckily, Dumas prevented the others from climbing. Ingish had tried to scale the wall with her baby, saying she could just give him back to the others, but Dumas pulled her down - it was nearing the next moon and he couldn't risk it. They made slow progress on the ice holes, and they soon realized there wasn't going to be enough time. As the moon approached everyone became wary of one another, and a few started acting crazy and broken. When Endok, the gem setter who's leg had been torn off, began to scream and shift Stâkud was ready.

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The fight was short and Endok's twisted body soon collapsed, leaking blood from countless wounds. Ingish and Oddom had been killed before Stâkud could react, however, and their bodies were added to the growing pile of dead. This meant, however, that only Endok had been truly infected by the curse. Another month was to be waited, however, since Endok himself may have spread the curse amongst those outside.

The dwarves inside returned to a normal routine as they waited to see who would survive. A new section was carved out  near the caverns, meant to be an expanded farm once flooded via screwpump.

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Various sections of the fortress were enlarged and smoothed.

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Outside, the few who remained did their best to hold on and stay warm. They drank straight from the kegs thrown over the wall, and occasionally ate a yeti biscuit or two.


It was Avuz who finally turned.

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Domas, the macelord, wasn't prepared. Avuz had lied about his injury, knowing Domas might just finish him off then and there. He hid the wound well, and transformed in an instant. Avuz, in his newly-acquired form, assaulted Domas, ripping apart the ligaments connecting Domas's shoulder to his body and biting off his head. A ranger was killed similarly before Stâkud, spearmaster, could intervene. Avuz was then killed quickly, but with Domas dead and two more dwarves wounded those outside were forced to face yet another month on the ice.


Time passes. Tonight, the moon comes - it floats above the horizon. After spending the night lazily drifting across the blackened sky, it leaves. It's passing marks the arrival of Autumn, acting also as proof that Icehold has finally banished the fell curse of the Weremammoth. The gate is dropped, the wounded are saved, and the dead are buried.

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It's only when the bloodless corpse of Bomrek is found, tucked away in one of the ice caves at the bottom of the moat, that the dwarves learn of the vampire amidst their numbers.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2015, 08:22:16 am by Salmeuk »


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Re: Ice Station WereZebra
« Reply #107 on: July 08, 2015, 08:54:22 am »

This fortress has become a John Carpenter movie.
"Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit." - Oscar Wilde


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Re: Ice Station WereZebra
« Reply #108 on: July 08, 2015, 11:47:15 am »

This fortress has become a John Carpenter movie.


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Re: Ice Station WereZebra
« Reply #109 on: July 10, 2015, 08:54:24 pm »

how's the population doing after that  :D
hopefully the vampire will help too
I am quite looking forward to the next 20 or 30 years or so of developmental madness


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Re: Ice Station WereZebra
« Reply #110 on: July 13, 2015, 03:56:52 am »

Autumn passes uneventfully. Reintegration went about as smooth as it could for the survivors, and despite the witnessed horrors the mood eventually stabilized. The revelation of a vampire, while concerning, was something
that could wait. At least until these ogres were cleared out:

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They had climbed over the cavern lake walls and into the screw pump channel, bursting into the hallway.

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Two dwarves died (their names quickly forgotten), crushed and pulped before the newly-formed military squads could arrive. The Ogres died swiftly, but the fight left our recruits with a number of injuries.

The hallway from where the ogres had come was walled off, and their corpses were hauled and flung into the moat.

Time passes, a few artifacts of minor noteworthiness are created. No one seems to get any better at anything, however, and the objects are written off as the work of possesive spirits.

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Some time in winter a Giant Cave Spider attacks the fortress. No one is sure how it got where it did, somehow sneaking 30 z-levels up the most heavily-pathed staircase in the fortress, but hey no one died. Just irreversible mental scarring from having fangs the size of bananas inject venom directly into your brain. Heh, mental scarring. . .

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The end of winter brought a change in Mistêm's mood. He had been completely surprised by the tenacity of these dwarves, and felt that even in his position of power there just wasn't anything he could do. By stepping down
and passing the job of overseer, he was choosing to simply wait for the right moment. While he had been given power during this past year, he had spent a good half of it trapped outside trying to come to terms with his impending death. This left little time to actually go through with his plans. And, he thought, insurrection should not be taken lightly, for should you fail there are no second chances. Not here, not at this damnded prison outpost known as Icehold.


Ok, woo, thanks for reading. I was much less verbose during the latter half since not much really happened. This seems to be a recurring pattern, where you just finish cleaning up whatever mess you caused in the first half of the year only to find your turn is over. The mess is clean, though, but shit guys I hate to break it to you but the vampire is our mayor. And our mayor is a vampire. Standard affair these days, really, but something that should be addressed before one of us named ones dies.

Also, the mason workshops are all set to take a specific color of stone, according to the stone they are made from. That might be confusing for newer players, but it makes for efficient block production / specific color furniture.

I rebound the hotkeys to useful places, f1-f6 take you through the important floors in descending order. There are a few other nooks and crannies but this fortress is surprisingly easy to navigate. Levers should be all labelled, but just ask if it doesn't make sense.

I was attempting to create a second trader-only bridge onto the newly-roofed surface building, but couldn't finish in time. Ideally, this would let us safely enclose the traders while we do business without opening the fortress up to evil. Do as you will but that's my explanation for the weird ramp placement.

oh, and I started this but you should totally finish it: floor off the moat with lead. I dug it an extra 2 z-levels deep for a total of 4, and lead floors would probably be overkill, but doooo iiiit you know you want to.

We still have too many dwarves.

Save is here.

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Ice Station WereZebra
« Reply #111 on: July 13, 2015, 08:10:39 am »

Heh heh heh. I have a plan for knocking the population back to what it should be, but it involves everyone else losing their immortal soul. On the bright side, they wouldn't be at risk from the vampire mayor anymore.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.


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Re: Ice Station WereZebra
« Reply #112 on: July 13, 2015, 10:17:04 am »

Heh heh heh. I have a plan for knocking the population back to what it should be, but it involves everyone else losing their immortal soul. On the bright side, they wouldn't be at risk from the vampire mayor anymore.
Thats as good a method as any.


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Re: Ice Station WereZebra
« Reply #113 on: July 13, 2015, 10:57:15 am »

Excellent - Deus, you are up!
"Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit." - Oscar Wilde

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Ice Station WereZebra
« Reply #114 on: July 13, 2015, 01:22:25 pm »

Excellent. Though, granting immortality to everyone hasn't worked out well for me in the past. It might be a better idea to give it only to a chose few who can then lord over and feed off the mortal slaves for eternity.

... and I was planning to play as a good guy in this game.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Ice Station WereZebra
« Reply #115 on: July 13, 2015, 04:58:53 pm »

... I unpaused the game for nearly two seconds after opening it for the first time when I got this announcement:

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It's going to be one of those kinds of years, I guess.

Deus' Diary, 1st of Granite, 254.
Someone shouting my name woke me from my dreams. Not my real name; Nish was the only one who I'd told that to since my exile, and she was dead. But I knew that they were looking for me, for whatever reason. Shaking off the horrors of the past that night brought me, I looked at a world that was scarcely better. Mosus, our seventeen-year-old militia commander is staring at me.
"The dead walk," she says simply, striding back towards the surface without waiting to see if I would catch up with her. She needed that kind of self assurance to keep her authority over dwarves three or four times her age, of course, but it was still irritating to experience.
"Pull everyone inside the gates," I orderd rapidly. "We can set up a training room for the militia there until we can find out a safe way to engage them."
I had long ago come to terms with the fact that this place was cursed. Our bloodsucking mayor and the weremammoth moat had been more than enough to convince me of that. But I would be damned if I didn't keep the place that Nish died in free from the taint of necromancy. Whatever it took.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2015, 05:41:54 pm by Deus Asmoth »
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.


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Re: Ice Station WereZebra
« Reply #116 on: July 13, 2015, 08:24:37 pm »

That awkward moment when you plan to turn everything into a soulless undead abomination, but everyone else has already beaten you to the punch.

"The dead walk," she says simply, striding back towards the surface without waiting to see if I would catch up with her. She needed that kind of self assurance to keep her authority over dwarves three or four times her age, of course, but it was still irritating to experience.
Actually a badass quote.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2015, 08:26:35 pm by Taupe »

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Ice Station WereZebra
« Reply #117 on: July 14, 2015, 02:43:05 pm »

Deus' Diary, 7th of Granite
I think I'm going to go mad. The moaning I expected. I heard stories from survivors of attempts to purge a necromancer's tower when I worked as a mercenary. They never left out the moaning. I was as prepared as I could be for that, even if it is unnerving. I didn't expect the way they move, any part of them not being directed by whatever spell they use hanging like tattered clothing. The zombies rot slowly in the cold, but their joints and muscles still get damaged from the force they put behind blows and the loads that the sorcerers make them carry. With some of them you can hear the crunch of bone on bone with every step.

Still, only one person has died to them so far. As Roofpunches got locked outside the fortress in the initial rush. She ended up trying to climb the moat again, but an elf corpse dragged her back down, and after that... well, I'm glad that my children were underground. With any luck they didn't hear anything.

14th of Granite.
We've locked Id Orbmaster in one of the unused bedrooms until we can decide what to do with her. She didn't seem all that worried about getting found out. She just smirked as we closed the door and the noise of the zombies died away.
"They wouldn't attack me, you know," she told me. "I could walk right by them and take care of their masters for you. Or, if you don't trust me, I could always turn some of you. It's cost you your soul, but you'd be able to save everyone you love."
She laughed as I closed the door. "One bite," she called, "And you'll be hooked!"
I think I prefer the sound of the moaning.

15th of Granite.
The last of our ghosts has been laid to rest today. The necromancers also seem to have vanished, leaving their minions behind. For all I know, they could just be hiding, waiting for more corpses to desecrate.

26th of Granite.
Spoiler: Inheritance (click to show/hide)
I have no idea how a noble ended up here. I can only assume that his parents sent him here in an attempt to prevent him from assassinating them or something. In any case, he can't take his rightful position until we get rid of the zombies.
Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.


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Re: Ice Station WereZebra
« Reply #118 on: July 15, 2015, 04:25:40 am »

I'd like to be dorfed, if you don't mind. As Ipeps, a very strong but completely idiotic woodcutter or hauler, sent here after a bunch of dwarves tried to bully him or her yet another time (and it didn't end too well for them this time).
« Last Edit: July 15, 2015, 05:43:02 am by Dumbestdorf »

Deus Asmoth

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Re: Ice Station WereZebra
« Reply #119 on: July 17, 2015, 06:34:28 pm »

Deus' Diary, 1st of Slate
I've released Id Orbmasters from her prison and given her a mace. The others that know of her... affliction aren't particularly happy about it, but I'd rather know whether she was telling the truth before risking infecting others with her curse. Even if she does flee rather than doing anything helpful, she'll at least be gone and it'll be one less pest to worry about.

5th of Slate
The zombies were smarter than Id thought, apparently. She had barely crossed the bridge before they attacked her:
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Black Pat has been elected mayor. I'm trying to get as much steel equipment made as we can. With any luck it'll give us some hope of combating the dead.

13th of Slate
The blue stone is bizarrely light in my hands.
"We found it in the deepest mines," Tulon told me reluctantly. "The metalworkers have managed to extract an ore harder than steel from it."
I nod. "Is there more of it?" I asked softly.
"Some," she answered. She shifted uncomfortably, setting her pick on the floor. "The others... they don't want to dig it out, though. There are legends of terrible curses unleashed by digging up adamantine."
For a moment, I can't speak. I look at her, laughing. "What could we possibly provoke that we haven't already been through? Our civilians have been turning into mad beasts, we're under siege from zombies, and our mayor wanted to drain us of our blood up until the zombies killed her! And to be honest, I'm not entirely sure that Black Pat wouldn't do exactly the same thing given the chance!"
Tulon was still standing there, staring at me like a child. I sighed angrily.
"Tell them that they can either dig the stone, or I will find a hammer and convict them of every crime I can think of," I tell her.
"There are more of them than there are of you," Tulon said. She seemed to think that she was being subtle. I lay my hand on the hilt of my sword and nod towards the door. She took the hint and left, muttering under her breath as she slammed the door.

Look elsewhere, reader. There is nothing for you here.
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