The mine cart repeater design I use (found in a post linked to from the wiki) looks like this from a construction perspectiv:
z-2 z-1 z
x x
x x
x x
x x
x x
xxxx c C cxc
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c = channel, X = dig, C = channel with a lower priority than the rest (otherwise you run the risk of getting the miner stuck to have to build a staircase to get out),
At the z level the rightmost c is covered by a lever controlled hatch. All the ramps resulting from the construction (there should be one at the start and end of z-2, and one at z-1) are carved into NE impulse ramps, while all the other tracks (don't forget the single tile between the c's at z) are carved as tracks following the direction of the tunnel (with turning tracks at the corners, of course). Digging is done from the z level downwards, and you need an access to the tile hatched over to place the mine cart as well as do the digging. This access can be from above or below, but not from the east, as that will cause the cart to continue rather stop on top of the hatch when turning the repeater off (it may or may not cause the cart to jump the gap as well).
When built, a route is created on top of the hatch with a route stop on top of the hatch (don't forget to remove the default departure criteria). No need to set up any cart contents selection.
At z-2, build a cart triggered pressure plate somewhere along the route (I place mine two tiles north of the ramp the cart drops down on, but the location doesn't really matter). Then link the pressure plate to each menacing spike in the corridor. It can be noted that the repeater can drive multiple spike corridors (or other repeat things), but the cost of that is that they then are controlled as all-or-nothing, as well as not being possible to use while adding hooking up new usages (the cart will maim or kill the engineer trying to hook the new stuff up).
It's a good idea to either dump or forbid all stones and gems generated by digging the repeater, as you otherwise run the risk of a dwarf getting run over when trying to collect one of them.
Note: It's not that clear from the depiction, but the downward chute starting at z ends in a ramp at z-2 that connects to the northbound track. At z-1 the C is directly below the rightmost c at z, and there are two tiles between the c and the C. The c will result in a ramp connecting to the EW track at z-2.