I am not enthused by the weapon name "Laser Musket". I think there's a fun play on words there, (IIRC, Musket means light rifle) but it feels a little bit of a forced faction thing. Maybe it'll make since in the lore.
Stats like guns, medicine, speech, etc, appear to be a thing of the past. Looking at a bunch of pip-boy freezes, there doesn't seem to be anywhere to put them. The stats pane has a section for status, special, and your 'perk chart'. Note the phrase 'perk chart', which implies that there may be some additional ordering to perks (Which would make sense if skills were removed, since skills were the original primary qualifiers for perks), and that you get to see all the perks you can get up front. (A changed retained from FO3) I'll have to see how that plays out before I create a strong opinion.
Layered armor looks amazing, and, again from pip-boy stills, it appears to create different DR scores for different parts of your body. Considering that I loved the patchwork armor that could happen in morrowind, I'm thrilled. I do, however, wonder if there's a practical benefit to armoring different parts of your body to different levels. Does my gun hand get a bonus if there's not too much weight on it? 'Twould be nice, but that's just rampant speculation.
Looking at the footage of the Deathclaw duel, power armor does appear to take sectional damage (the player loses functionality/armor/phlebotinum in the left arm for one part of the clip), and it also has a meter for 'core'. Probably reflecting some kind of energy level. Considering that power armor runs on nuclear fuel cells that were designed to last for hundreds of years, and that it has been hundreds of years since people were making those fuel cells, we may be witnessing a mechanic for scraping the last few hours/days/weeks of life out of nearly inert power cores.