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Author Topic: Mercenary Fleet OOC: 10?/10? charter members, ??/?? members. Transit 1  (Read 28647 times)


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Re: Mercenary Fleet: Mission selection and strategizing (9/?? players)
« Reply #285 on: June 12, 2015, 11:36:14 pm »

I sorta regarded Rift as being like Jacksonians from Vorkosigan, only vaguely more moral because of publicity.

Okay, this is the kind of thing I need to know beforehand, like knowing what the Kai were. It would be the very reason I split from the Rift, then, and have zero compulsion against fighting against them.

as for uniforms, I'd say at least the decorations should be uniform. We may be a diverse group, but no group I've ever heard of fails to have some kind of uniform exclusive to them.


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Re: Mercenary Fleet: Mission selection and strategizing (9/?? players)
« Reply #286 on: June 12, 2015, 11:57:56 pm »

I would ask why you'd be part of the Rift in the first place, but they own planets. He did say they were a gigantic corporation.

Though why you'd find it so repulsive if you were raised with it raises questions.

Our uniform might be as simple as the Onslaught emblem plastered over everyone's helmets. *shrug*

In any case, I think we're ready to start once everyone reports in. If everyone reports in.
Sincerely, Role P. Geek

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Ross Vernal

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Re: Mercenary Fleet: Mission selection and strategizing (9/?? players)
« Reply #287 on: June 13, 2015, 12:15:29 am »

Sometimes, I forget that not everyone can see five different pieces of a puzzle and assemble it into a whole coherent image. I do this a lot, in a few contexts. >__>

I'd imagine that there's going to be shoulder insignia or something for the armor, because that's not something that can easily be changed to uniformity in a short time. I can totally see the dress outfits/class A's all being set to a specific pattern for the humanoids and for there to be something for the non-humanoids/non-Terra origin that is shared with the fancy clothes. Like a sash with Fleet medals, or a beret or something in Fleet colors? I dunno. xD

As far as the Rift and Cog, morals aren't 100% uniform. He could have been on a system in which the CEO is a straight shooter and tries to be good to the citizen-employees, makes sure the technoserfs have reasonable housing and good, and he grew up thinking the rest of the Conglomerate must be pretty decent. And then, after going around the system and getting the polish rubbed off, he goes home to find a new CEO with a much less humane policy and that's the last straw.

Or, since he is independently rich, it could be that he was just too insulated from reality to notice until reality gave him a cold hard slap in the face. It could be "He was actively a bad guy by his current standards until <event> happened to remind him of his family, and had a 'My god, what have I done!?" reaction. Hence the mercenary fleet, to build up enough money to get his family out. Or to become a player and change the system from within.

So many options. And yeah, I think we're ready too.


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Re: Mercenary Fleet: Mission selection and strategizing (9/?? players)
« Reply #288 on: June 13, 2015, 12:15:49 am »

You know the story of Siddhartha Gautama, a.k.a. the Buddha, right? He was raised in luxury, knowing neither  pain, hunger, age, or death. When he discovered these things, he renounced his old path.

Then, there's the story of John Newton.

Impressed into the navy, sold as a slave, converted to Evangelical Christianity, became captain of slave ships. Many years later, long after retiring and becoming an Anglican priest, he wrote of how abhorrent the conditions were. A complicated conversion, to be sure.

Morality isn't a thing solely learned by example. We have an innate sense of good and evil, to at least some extent.

And as for why I chose Rift in the game, it's simply because I didn't know their story.

EDIT: and, Ross, we can't fill in the pieces of the puzzle that aren't present.
EDIT 2: Here's what the OP says about the Rift: A long time ago, rift conglomerate formed. Distant past, Merope take out loans from them and other powers. Recently, they are against wormhole tariffs.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2015, 12:21:29 am by Ozarck »

Ross Vernal

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Re: Mercenary Fleet: Mission selection and strategizing (9/?? players)
« Reply #289 on: June 13, 2015, 12:29:33 am »

That's what I meant, yeah. xD

I would also like to say that even though there is all kinds of detail that I have listed, I am fond of shared universe creation. I will try very hard to make sure that there are bones and try to connect tendons and stuff so it stays together; putting meat and skin on it is something that should be between the players and the creator to the mutual satisfaction of both. Otherwise, I'm basically writing a novel.

I probably wouldn't have thought of a legendary female AI embodied in a Megadreadnaught seeking true immortality and the answers to the universe if Rolep hadn't thought it up, for one. :D

So, if there is anything that I did not cover sufficiently, or that you want clarification on something that you think is important, you can either prod me to let me know and demand I answer, or say "I noticed this inconsistency, and here's my solution to it or a reason why it is actually consistent." If you want to just decide on something being canon, work it in and I will more than likely approve and start wondering as to its ramifications.

EDIT: okay, FOUR puzzle pieces - three bits of history and the relations chart. I'll throw in flavor texts this week before Anniversary Proposal Trip.

EDIT 2:  I am saying that my job is to provide you guys a stage, make sure that things flow smoothly, and pitch curves at you to make the show more interesting. Anything you need, it's my job to be sure it's received or understood.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2015, 12:38:42 am by Ross Vernal »


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Re: Mercenary Fleet: Mission selection and strategizing (9/?? players)
« Reply #290 on: June 13, 2015, 12:40:35 am »

He did say this, Ozarck. :P

But yeah, we should probably reveal a bit more of the puzzle, shouldn't we?

And that's true to some extent, aye, but Good and Evil are relative. They're real, but they're relative.
Sincerely, Role P. Geek

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Re: Mercenary Fleet: Mission selection and strategizing (9/?? players)
« Reply #291 on: June 13, 2015, 12:46:45 am »

That's good, then, Ross :D

true enough, Rolep. I missed it the first time around because, wall of text.  :'( And it says nothing of the "anything goes" philosophy of the Jacksonians. Plus, I have been so bogged down finding everyone's race, ships, and preferences that I tend to skim some of the thicker posts, especially when I don't know who is being responded to at any given moment.

I AM enjoying this, but it IS quite thick, and between You two and myself, it's a daunting wall of text game for the others, I'm sure :P Just to reiterate, I AM enjoying this. These are loving critiques  :o  :D


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Re: Mercenary Fleet: Mission selection and strategizing (9/?? players)
« Reply #292 on: June 13, 2015, 12:58:24 am »

He did say more moral. Immorality is bad for business. Just like not caring for the environment. Have to maintain workplace conditions, after all.

Actually, I figure a lot of morals for the Rift Conglomerate are not between good and evil, necessarily, but rather long-term and short-term profit. Make more money now, and eventually get found out(and it always comes out eventually. Always. in any information age, it's gonna be a fact of life), or keep going slow and steady. Harvest everything now at lower efficiency, or over the next ten years and sell every gram without a bit of waste? A different form of good versus evil, I suppose. Good PR versus Bad PR.
Sincerely, Role P. Geek

Optimism is Painful.
Optimize anyway.

Ross Vernal

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Re: Mercenary Fleet: Mission selection and strategizing (9/?? players)
« Reply #293 on: June 13, 2015, 01:02:53 am »

There's also the information overload factor, if I am going to make excuses. (But really, it was my bad for not organizing information well.)

I imagine that if one went "Oh neat, starship game" and halfway through, you're reading about the head plume relation to social status in a  matriarchal society of giant colorful warlike bee eater near-birds  or the cat-like mating habits of aggressive lizard aliens on the far side of the Galaxy, or singing fuzzy lobster pragmatic pacifists who thought they made war obsolete with super long range energy weapons only to discover that they actually made everything worse, you might get a little bit lost. (I'm sure I stepped on Rolepgeek with descriptions here, but you get the idea.)

For the Rift, I did specifically avoid the "buying warrants" and the "If you want rights, you buy them or you are screwed into debt slavery for generations" flavor. That's closer to evil when I am really trying to convey "Mostly neutral, with awareness of public opinion, its effects upon business, and intelligently selfish." as their hat. There are absolutely industrial worlds with all kinds of 19th century era working conditions, and creepy space stations where Kai sell off useless slaves, but there's also worlds that have decent unions, good standards of living, and slave stories are dismissed as whining convicts or Alliance propaganda or a rumor. Of course they're not going to believe it, or will find ways to justify it


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Re: Mercenary Fleet: Mission selection and strategizing (9/?? players)
« Reply #294 on: June 13, 2015, 02:05:14 am »

I am also finding some of the numbers difficult to wade through, but I've got this far. And again, I also don't understand much of the setting, having picked the League purely because they fit the kind of play style I wanted. So now that I'm firmly entrenched, would I be able to get some fluff on them so I can play them straight, or is that something I should be coming up with?


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Re: Mercenary Fleet: Mission selection and strategizing (9/?? players)
« Reply #295 on: June 13, 2015, 02:12:45 am »

I just want to chime in that the Duchess and my team are with you no matter what mission we go with.  As long as you're looking after the safety of our assets and we get paid.

Ross Vernal

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Re: Mercenary Fleet: Mission selection and strategizing (9/?? players)
« Reply #296 on: June 13, 2015, 04:02:17 am »

I will actually go over and post better text for all, but for now, I will do a general one. Obviously, you're free to vary from this musing, expand, etc.

The League is one of the more open-minded and independent star nations in the galaxy. They range over quite a few planets, but with relatively low populations, typically no more than two to five billion. Their first world is an outlier at ten billion, however, and the system is fairly populated.

Although the Synthetics view them as "embarrassing liberal parents", that's kind of a misnomer if you think in terms of current politics and only a partial description for the areas in which it is similar. The League simply insists upon the right to be left the hell alone in their own life as long as it doesn't impinge too much on someone else, and considers it a universal right to every thinking species (even though some of them like the Merope push the definition of 'thinking' as far as most League citizens care.) It's basically between "Like a good neighbor, stay over there" and "As long as you aren't hurting anyone who doesn't need hurting and come together with us when it's time, we literally could not care less what you do or who you are." It is far more likely for a League citizen than an Alliance citizen to be armed simply because the hostile nature of many of their worlds means that carrying a good weapon when skimming around your lands is a pretty decent idea. They're typically quietly polite by nature, partially due to many internal and external forces pushing the "hang together or hang separately" mentality, and are reasonably honest in business by principle. Most of the people who are considered "poor" by League standards are fairly land-rich by other standards. There is definitely a frontier spirit, and a notable lack of AI except where it cannot be helped or would be practical.

Politically speaking, there's a weak central government with low taxes, but theoretical dictator-like war powers that rarely get asserted but typically do with roaring support (and even less rarely remain asserted after wartime because they're severely allergic to that much concentration of power.) As such, most of the League governing mechanisms exist merely to help out your neighbor/family over thataways and to put in just enough laws for business to go about their job of making money in a way that punishes neither failure nor success. The capital planet changes every 3 standard years by a mind-boggling process only League Free Citizens claim to understand. Some non-League people consider it something between an ongoing bet / inside joke / possibly a strange cult, and there's definitely Coalition jokes like "League citizens take so long to vote because they have to sound out every word on the paper twice" and such.

But, there is one thing that every League citizen - especially the Terran-origin ones and long-time families that still exist - remember.


They remember the deathtrap worlds and the effort to clean up toxic planets while being demanded by the Corrupt Worlds to pay ridiculous taxes to fund the next fleet to halfheartedly defend the frontier. They remember who the Merope didn't take loans from, are very aware that the Alliance paid for the Synthetic and Merope attack on their worlds, absolutely refuse to accept the Alliance/Formation whitewashing of the destruction of League ships by the backstabbing Formation ships, and will not forgive the Merope for frying nearly their entire Marine Corps and a significant portion of many planetary armies when the Merope committed war crimes by blowing up the War Kai sun without allowing withdrawal of occupation forces. There's memorials on every single planet.

They might not show it much, but there's a core of anger and determination to turn the League into a serious power if sufficiently provoked, as opposed to its fleets built mainly for collective defense against hostiles, system and convoy defense against pirates, and commerce raiding if needed.

Right now, they have the philosophy of "talk softly and carry a big rocket launcher", with a fleet strength of "If you push me, I'm going to push back", and "I might not win the fight but I'm sure as hell not going to lose." There's no official ranking, because the League "states" don't particularly bother to make sure the League itself actually knows how many and what kind of ships they have, aside from legally required audits every several years, and it's been postponed a few times for "business reasons" and "If we really need to know, we can find out one way or another without all the hassle." However, it's estimated that they're in the bottom half of the powers, and their war ships are getting their teeth cut on pirates (and occasional Alliance and Merope convoy escorts) regularly to where there's a solid corps of Navy who have seen combat.

Economically, they're one of the top four powers, with League convoys all over the Galaxy due to their low insurance and high safety ratings, access to a lot of wormholes, and enough planets to have a variety of products and big markets.


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Add this to the OP, eh?
« Reply #297 on: June 13, 2015, 01:33:57 pm »

Terran Alliance: expansionist, heir to the old dominant interstellar nation of man and seaking their old glory?
Galactic League: split from the old nation and "live and let live"?
Kai Dominion: Civilized Zerglings (and some not so civilized - Starcraft reference if you need that)
Merope: Predators (from the Schwarzenegger film)
Synthetics: AI ships
Rift: A Corporation who's outlook is entirely business oriented. human
Octav: Religious, Musical Whalebugs. (that might not be exactly what Rolep said, but I'm totally going with it. Canon.)
Coalition of Monarchies: exactly what it says on the tin (think Honor Harrington's world if you've read any of that) human
Red Star: Noble Savage dragon-Tigers. Emperor and ancestor worship, honor and work ethic

*I mean Terran, not Human, as uplifted monkeys, dolphins, and ... i don't know, dogs and cats? are intelligent species by now and can even be part of the crew. I want my XO to be a monkey and my tactical officer to be a cat. Not a humanoid cat. A cat.


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Re: Mercenary Fleet: Mission selection and strategizing (9/?? players)
« Reply #298 on: June 13, 2015, 01:43:52 pm »

p.s. HIgh Tyrel, I know I didn't trick out any of the fighters for your personal use. Sorry about that. I'll dedicate our share of at least the first mission to purchasing a fighter or bomber with advanced armament, or at least purchase the components. It'll probably take a couple missions to get there though   :-[


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Re: Mercenary Fleet: Mission selection and strategizing (9/?? players)
« Reply #299 on: June 13, 2015, 01:49:41 pm »

Well...the Alliance actually isn't all that expansionist, from what I could tell. Nor are the Galactic League all that friendly to strangers, I think. Coalition varies widely from world to world. Kai are basically psychic hive-mind space locust-wasps, Merope are something or other(they're the ones I have the least idea about), Synthetics are AIs in general, Rift is a really damn big company/super-corporation, Octav are based at least to some extent off the Renaissance and Enlightenment, and the Red Star are basically super-expansionist Empire of dicks. Who care about their kids. I like the Empire, but they're dicks. Let's be honest here.
Sincerely, Role P. Geek

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