[3] You currently sit inside your apartment on the fifth floor of the second tallest building in the city. The windows are shielded with plasma shielding after an unfortunate accident where someone fell out of them.
[4] You start slamming your head against the softened bars, causing more internal bleeding and damage. You are now incapable of moving, and begin having some sort of seizure. {3 turns left to live}. The guard, seeing this, starts screaming like an insane man and calls in half of the medical bots in the city.
Enjoy my meal. When I am finished, take whatever bones there are, and gently hold it on the sleeping waiter's skull. Then perform Joker's magic trick on myself
[1] The chicken was boneless. Instead, you decide to slam your head against the waiter's skull, but that doesn't work either. He wakes up and looks around, startled.
[4] You sit on the fifteenth floor of the largest building in the city. All of the windows are shielded by energy shielding after some poor person fell out of them "Accidentally". You look over at the elevator, which has just arrived with a polite "Ping!"
Spawn. Look around.
[1] The protection agency is just arresting you for attempting to destroy a skyscraper to release everyone inside from their pitiful lives. They take you to their vehicle, and begin the three hour 5 mph drive back to their HQ.
[6] You are standing at the edge of the roof of the tallest building in the world. This would be fantastic, but someone already guessed your intentions and called law enforcement, and now you are surrounded by cutesy fluffy robots who are trying to make you feel better about yourself and not jump, while some form a pillow right where you'd fall if you did jump.