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Author Topic: Death to the false emperor, IT'S ALIVE!! (40k)  (Read 59223 times)


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Re: Death to the false emperor, Running of the bulls (warhammer40k SG)
« Reply #105 on: July 23, 2015, 02:49:41 pm »

As the sun rise in your room you the breath of the gods against your skin, filling you with power.

For a moment you can feel the energy of the universe flowing in to you, twisting and swelling inside you.

You focus hard trying to command it, bend it to your will, and force it out from your hand.
With a  purple flash a fist sized bolt strikes your chair, smashing into matchsticks.

The gods have lessoned to your dedication, you have been give the gift of magic!

The next hour is spent in a burst of wild experimentation, ultimately it proves to be fruitless.
Maybe it's you being much less powerfull than you thought, or you simply lack the knowledge.
But all you have achieved is the smell of sulphur and the destruction of the rooms furnishings with an array of coloured bolts and beams.

You eat your breakfast looking out over the walls at the ruined camp below.

Torn tents flutter in the wind as disgruntled and aimless looking men wander around.

You see dozens of men quietly slip away into the tree line, at this rate there will be only a hand full left come night fall...

"My lord, if you love me so much give me the right to strike back at his familly.
 I'll go to their capital and siege it and bring back his entire familly alive for you.
They will doubtlessly accept whatever your conditions for peace.

In return, I want my Sisters who helped us win this day to have Semi-Automatic pistols not these sluggers. The Wrathful Executioners are not a one-shot army outfit. Worry not your investment will make you the most feared military leader in these lands. An if you cannot pay me here then perhaps our enemies capital may have the gold waiting for me in plunder."

Corwell blushes as you mention the words love.

"I feel that i must beg your pardon but i was too familiar last night, it was unbecoming of me as a gentleman.
Now these guns, i want you to have them, i want my men to have them, but the treasury is strained to much as it is."

"You want me to Woo Corwell in to a romance?
Do you really think it will work? him fall for me?
with my "unique" appearance?"  Hermine's eyes widen at the idea.

"Love conquerors all, Hermine it conquerors all.
Even sideway eyes lids, fang teeth and three eyes.
Beside he does fancy you, he just doesn't know it yet." you tell her, resting the urge to grin.
From Klienbergs camp you manage to seize two working cannons and a few bags powder.

Spoiler: The Sisters of Maria (click to show/hide)

Agree, plus that's about the LAST thing *I* want to see from this kind of game - author spending valuable development time on useless graphics.

Unofficial slogan of Bay 12 Games.  

Death to the false emperor a warhammer40k SG


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Re: Death to the false emperor, The Blessing of Sorcery (warhammer40k SG)
« Reply #106 on: July 23, 2015, 03:07:24 pm »

With Hermine

"Just speak with him for now. I'll help you as you go along."



Gather our men and head out to face the enemy head on during the day. Smash into them via gunfire and await them to rally a formation in front of us, then hit them with all of our cannons to throw there lines in disarray. From there on, a full frontal charge to push the enemy back but do not pursue them.

After these short events pull back into the castle using a flare like last time to siginal the gate being opened. After today whatever is left of this army will finally shrink back.

Attackers: Us and Kastor

Cannon/Gate duty: Hermine along with Crotwells soldiers

Make sure our flag is out and about so they know what's coming.


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Re: Death to the false emperor, The Blessing of Sorcery (warhammer40k SG)
« Reply #107 on: July 23, 2015, 05:36:17 pm »

With Hermine

"Just speak with him for now. I'll help you as you go along."



Gather our men and head out to face the enemy head on during the day. Smash into them via gunfire and await them to rally a formation in front of us, then hit them with all of our cannons to throw there lines in disarray. From there on, a full frontal charge to push the enemy back but do not pursue them.

After these short events pull back into the castle using a flare like last time to siginal the gate being opened. After today whatever is left of this army will finally shrink back.

Attackers: Us and Kastor

Cannon/Gate duty: Hermine along with Crotwells soldiers

Make sure our flag is out and about so they know what's coming.
we could have a group of men in the back to stop the people from fleeing!
The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
Ravioli Ravioli, the old broad died so now I play a Demon Loli.


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Re: Death to the false emperor, The Blessing of Sorcery (warhammer40k SG)
« Reply #108 on: July 23, 2015, 05:52:47 pm »

We could get a Calvary unit for maneuver purposes but that would leave them open from attack in the woods where these soldiers run away. (We don't know if this is just a scheme).

By the way this should be a day light attack and make sure NOT to use our collar or magic weapons. Too many people can see and that will just bring the Inquisition looking for a rogue psyker.

Bolter and sword will do.


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Re: Death to the false emperor, The Blessing of Sorcery (warhammer40k SG)
« Reply #109 on: July 23, 2015, 06:02:00 pm »

We could get a Calvary unit for maneuver purposes but that would leave them open from attack in the woods where these soldiers run away. (We don't know if this is just a scheme).

By the way this should be a day light attack and make sure NOT to use our collar or magic weapons. Too many people can see and that will just bring the Inquisition looking for a rogue psyker.

Bolter and sword will do.
The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
Ravioli Ravioli, the old broad died so now I play a Demon Loli.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Death to the false emperor, The Blessing of Sorcery (warhammer40k SG)
« Reply #110 on: July 25, 2015, 01:29:18 pm »

"Hermine just speak with him for now.
I'll here i'll help you as you go along.
but you have to make the first move."
You try to reassure her.


Gather our men and head out to face the enemy head on during the day. Smash into them via gunfire and await them to rally a formation in front of us, then hit them with all of our cannons to throw there lines in disarray. From there on, a full frontal charge to push the enemy back but do not pursue them.

After these short events pull back into the castle using a flare like last time to siginal the gate being opened. After today whatever is left of this army will finally shrink back.

Attackers: Us and Kastor

Cannon/Gate duty: Hermine along with Crotwells soldiers

Make sure our flag is out and about so they know what's coming.
We could get a Calvary unit for maneuver purposes but that would leave them open from attack in the woods where these soldiers run away. (We don't know if this is just a scheme).

By the way this should be a day light attack and make sure NOT to use our collar or magic weapons. Too many people can see and that will just bring the Inquisition looking for a rogue psyker.

Bolter and sword will do.

"So that's your plan for our counter attack.
Wish some of us where mounted, then we could see where there going.
If wishes where horses."
Kastor points at a wagon leaving the camp below.

"There's one other thing Kastor, this is a day light attack there's going to be lot of people watching
and i don't want any one asking questions about us having magic weapons.
So lets keep it simple, bolters and normal swords will have to do this time."

The inside your room has been clean but still smells of sulphur.

You unclip the sword from you're belt, the heart shaped pommel still slowly pulses almost like it alive as you hang it on the wall.

Next is the collar, a heavy band of spike brass and iron plates worn tight around your neck.

Searching your fingers trace there way around it looking the buckle.
Nothing, you shake your head, it had a buckle when you put it on.
You check again and still find nothing.
Holding up a mirror, you pull your hair out of the way and look close hoping to find a catch or some way to remove it.

Nothing, just an endless band of spiked brass and iron locked tight around your neck.
Your still wearing the collar when the time comes for the counter attack.

Your banner is raised over the walls to beating of drum and call horns.
A pair of cannons roar there fire smashes into the camp.
The dukes men amass on the wall standing ready to cover your retreat if need be.

Under cover from the men on the wall the Wrathful Executioners gather on the plan below.

Front and centre is your banner an impeded man in red on a black background with "The Wrathful Executioners" below in red text.

Behind that are the Sisters of Maria with a column of the executioners to each side.

Your next to the banner standing beside Kastor.
With a bugle call every one starts to advance on the remains of the camp.

The remaining men are over whelmed by the sight and sound of you advance
they drop there weapons and scatter running for the hills, abandoning there camp to you.

To your surprise the camp does not contain the wealth of arms and armour you had hoped.
Instead there only a trio iron cannons left.

You have allso gained a dozen prisoners. 
Spoiler: The Sisters of Maria (click to show/hide)

« Last Edit: July 25, 2015, 01:31:34 pm by Funk »
Agree, plus that's about the LAST thing *I* want to see from this kind of game - author spending valuable development time on useless graphics.

Unofficial slogan of Bay 12 Games.  

Death to the false emperor a warhammer40k SG


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Death to the false emperor, The Blessing of Sorcery (warhammer40k SG)
« Reply #111 on: July 25, 2015, 02:14:56 pm »

Dukes men cover the walls? I thought we fought for a low ranked baron...

During the day, A brief set of torture segments led by our Sisters with the cultist on looking/cheering them on. See which of our sisters has the best torturing skills and promote her to be our "Chief Interogator" ((She'll also have a name and be relevant)) and then tell her to pick one lucky soldier to be let go off and return to his countries capital. He is to inform his liege and fellow citizens that Bloody Mary is coming to get serious.

"You lot just broke our rules and will pay dearly. My promise is coming to hurt you far worse than today or any other day."

Since Khorne will no longer give us gifts we will set them all on fire using our magic at night when we tie them poles that same day after torturing them. Simple but it should net us a gift if we chant our new Lords name.

Tell [b]Baron[/b] Crotwell that were going to siege Klienbergs capital and set every village belonging to Klienberg on fire all the way up to the capital. We'll also "recruit" messengers to send to the capital with women and children to warn them that Bloody Mary is getting near, you know to set the stage of fear. Once were on the outskirts we and what's rest of the sisters of maria will blend in with the immigrants via black robes and enter the city at night.

Kastor will be left behind and Hermine will pretend to be Bloody Mary as she demands the surrender of the Klienberg family. The Siege will start by us setting a fire in the food storage zones and then opening the gates from the inside to let the rest of the army in. Kastor and Hermine will lead their forces inside and wreck destruction inside when they get in. Of course, no one will be allowed to leave and all shall be killed until we get Klienbergs familly to come with us back to the Baron.

Finally, if it looks like Klienbergs wife or kids are female courtiers they should be given to Hermine so she can begin understanding Courtly ways. If her teachers refuse we'll force them to watch us kill more of there people...and small shocks to their body via a deliciously evil magical touch. The males or those unable to have courtly polotics will be given to Crotwell as "presents that need no pretty bow ties".

I await to see one last resistance from Klienbergs brother..wherever he is. But a night assault will take care of him.

((Funk please try to read what you are writing it's hard to follow. An it sucks that only me and Spazyak are the only ones commentating because it is this bad.))


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Re: Death to the false emperor, The Blessing of Sorcery (warhammer40k SG)
« Reply #112 on: July 25, 2015, 04:28:15 pm »

Dukes men cover the walls? I thought we fought for a low ranked baron...

During the day, A brief set of torture segments led by our Sisters with the cultist on looking/cheering them on. See which of our sisters has the best torturing skills and promote her to be our "Chief Interogator" ((She'll also have a name and be relevant)) and then tell her to pick one lucky soldier to be let go off and return to his countries capital. He is to inform his liege and fellow citizens that Bloody Mary is coming to get serious.

"You lot just broke our rules and will pay dearly. My promise is coming to hurt you far worse than today or any other day."

Since Khorne will no longer give us gifts we will set them all on fire using our magic at night when we tie them poles that same day after torturing them. Simple but it should net us a gift if we chant our new Lords name.

Tell [b]Baron[/b] Crotwell that were going to siege Klienbergs capital and set every village belonging to Klienberg on fire all the way up to the capital. We'll also "recruit" messengers to send to the capital with women and children to warn them that Bloody Mary is getting near, you know to set the stage of fear. Once were on the outskirts we and what's rest of the sisters of maria will blend in with the immigrants via black robes and enter the city at night.

Kastor will be left behind and Hermine will pretend to be Bloody Mary as she demands the surrender of the Klienberg family. The Siege will start by us setting a fire in the food storage zones and then opening the gates from the inside to let the rest of the army in. Kastor and Hermine will lead their forces inside and wreck destruction inside when they get in. Of course, no one will be allowed to leave and all shall be killed until we get Klienbergs familly to come with us back to the Baron.

Finally, if it looks like Klienbergs wife or kids are female courtiers they should be given to Hermine so she can begin understanding Courtly ways. If her teachers refuse we'll force them to watch us kill more of there people...and small shocks to their body via a deliciously evil magical touch. The males or those unable to have courtly polotics will be given to Crotwell as "presents that need no pretty bow ties".

I await to see one last resistance from Klienbergs brother..wherever he is. But a night assault will take care of him.

((Funk please try to read what you are writing it's hard to follow. An it sucks that only me and Spazyak are the only ones commentating because it is this bad.))
The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
Ravioli Ravioli, the old broad died so now I play a Demon Loli.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Death to the false emperor, The Blessing of Sorcery (warhammer40k SG)
« Reply #113 on: July 29, 2015, 07:57:09 pm »

Since Khorne will no longer give us gifts we will set them all on fire using our magic at night when we tie them poles that same day after torturing them. Simple but it should net us a gift if we chant our new Lords name.
Your still unaligned, so you can get gifts from any of the gods.

Tell Baron Crotwell that were going to siege Klienbergs capital and set every village belonging to Klienberg on fire all the way up to the capital.

"What man can rule ash?
Go and take his city as you promised.
I'll have supplys sent to support you with the siege.
But remember we need fields and work shops to tax, not ash and ruins..." 

BaronCrotwell is less than impressed by your enthusiasm for a scorched earth attack.

With a dozen loaded wagons you head towards Klienberg, the capital city of Klienberg's lands.

Dragging the gun carts along slows you down and forces you to say on the roads.

On day five you stop for rest day and it's time to have some entertainment.
For entertainment you host a simple contest, a game to see who can make a prisoner suffer the most.

A multitude of knifes, needles, chains and red hot pokers are used in inventive and painfull ways.
Finally after a long day of screams and torture the contest is over.

And surprisingly its a draw, both Alica and Lashunda are on equal points.

"Well This is unexpected, it's a draw.
As your equal you'll both interrogators together.
Now lets dispose of these broken toys" you announce to gathered cultists.

You turn to the eleven prisoners bound to wooden posts.
A whoosh sound echoes as you blast them with Psychic bolts.
Purple flames envelop them as the wood starts to crackle.

"Now we have some lighting, it's time that we sent a message.
Bering out the prisoner!"

Dirty and shirtless he's a wrenched sight as he dragged out in chains behind Kastor.

He try to stand up but Kastor forces him down.
"Kneel! You kneel before you better scum! "he shouts as he slaps him across the face.

"Do you see what has happened here? (He nods in fear)
They broke the rules, as did you.

Now I am ready to be merciful but you have to do something for me.
You have to go and tell the people of Klienberg.
Tell them what happed to you and Lord Klienberg , tell them what happened here.
Because this is but a shadow of what i will do, it will be much, much worse for them.
Go and tell them that if they renounce the Klienbergs and cast open the gates for me.
Then i will have mercy for them. " you speak slowly as you address him.

With a click of your fingers he is sprinted away, to spread the message.
The walls of Klienberg are low and squat, built from large square blocks.

Heading into Klienberg, you pass dozens of peasants setting out a great ring of razor wire around the walls.

Inside the city you soon find your self renting a small room above a taven.

Now all you can do is wait for "Bloody Mary" to arrive.

Inside the walls

Spoiler: The Sisters of Maria (click to show/hide)

Outside the walls

Agree, plus that's about the LAST thing *I* want to see from this kind of game - author spending valuable development time on useless graphics.

Unofficial slogan of Bay 12 Games.  

Death to the false emperor a warhammer40k SG


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Re: Death to the false emperor, The Blessing of Sorcery (warhammer40k SG)
« Reply #114 on: July 31, 2015, 01:46:02 pm »

((Sorry I was in my dads house and couldn't respond.))

Send out 1 sister to each gate of the city, 2 for the main plaza, 1 for the mansion/keep where the famlly should be staying at, 1 (to be sent at night to the barracks), 1 to the cities granary, and finally the rest to look for some thugs to recruit. All sisters are to have their masks OFF to make them look less suspicious. Furthermore, there should be 4 'safehouses' that we will help designate.

The first will be the command safehouse where we and the interrogators will stay with 5 other sisters. In total 8 (I count the interrogators as 2 separate people here). We'll try and recruit some gangs of thugs at night by paying them with whatever gold we have or by showing them the way of chaos. Don't go overboard or risk anything this is mostly to test our leadership. This is mostly just a task to kill time without lying around.

Second safe house will be for the spies that are being sent out to Granary, Cities mansion/keep/w.e building is said to house the Klienbergs, and the Barracks. This safehouse is where the 'extra' information will be stored in order to help us occupy the city. They have one runner who will report to the third safehouse to inform them at a certain point.

Third safehouse will be for the spies spying on City gates and other places being spied. They'll house our spies looking for main points of information and will need to send a courier to the other safehouses once all information is ready. The send 1 runner to the first safehouse/command safehouse once every night or when they feel that have something important to pass down along with whatever the other safehouse has to report.

Fourth safehouse will house our main force of sisters who are holed up in a few locations in walking distance of each other. Basically they lie low until we order them to amass at night on one of the gates for our assault. We'll send out a runner to them on where to meet us and when once we feel its time to start our plan. As to where we should meet..that's to be determined later.

So with this we have a LCS way of keeping several cells of Sisters around the city, small amount of recruiting the down-trodden/angry gangsters/thugs, and were collecting information so that we can accomplish the task of opening the gates when our army comes here. An most importantly we try our best TO NOT GET CAUGHT. Only the command staff and one runner should know where we are. No one else knows in case they get caught so that we can sleep easy without worry of an angry mob coming for us or the others.

Should something screw up badly we do the following:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: July 31, 2015, 01:52:00 pm by 3man75 »


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Re: Death to the false emperor, The Blessing of Sorcery (warhammer40k SG)
« Reply #115 on: August 03, 2015, 02:38:11 pm »

Right so, scout out the city and send out spys.
Set up safe houses.
Try to recruit some thugs

From your room at the Smart Penguin tavern, you quickly organize the sisters.
You set up safe houses and assign each safe house with a task.
Some with are to spy on the city's workings others to find out more about the city's defences and defenders.

You explore Klienberg and soon you have a working map of the city.
Spoiler: Map (click to show/hide)
(All Credit to daves mapper for the map.)

Time pass as you recruit more men at the cost of a healthy down payment.

In total you have managed to hire 55 mercenaries.
They are not particularly well armed as most of them have crossbows and simple hand weapons.

What worries you is the hundreds gathering in the main square, all ready to join the new lord of   Klienberg and fight against you.
News of your atrocity's have reached Klienberg and Klienberg has used it, drumming up much support among the people.

It take two days for "Bloody Mary" to arrive.
From your room above the tavern you can see out over the walls.
The arrival of The Wrathful Executioners is a sight to behold, hundreds marching side by side with  banners held high.

On black stallion "Bloody Mary" advances closer to the walls to give her demands.

"People of Klienberg you have one chance to surrender and one chance only!
Just open the gates!
And you will be unharmed, your house will untouched.
Just open the gates. 

I swear that any man that leaves the walls and surrenders to us will be unharmed.

But for those that don't, I have only one warning.
We know nothing but Violence. We know nothing but Killing.
Nothing but slaughtering!"

While Hermine looks like you with your armour on she doesn't sound like you.
Indeed you can hear the guardsmen insult her back with jibes about her mother smelling of elderberry's.

From your window you almost have a front row seat at the siege.
Kastor plan is simple and clear he wants to surround the city and slowly force it's defenders to retreat inwards.
A slow death in stages, street by street and inch by inch he'll take city.

As soon a the men stop they start to dig, first come single man firing pits but soon a network of earthworks is dug surrounding the walls.

Day and night men labour under his watch, building deep dug outs and miles of snaking trenches.

At the centre of the earthworks men are starting work on the central strong point.

The third day of the siege, The Red lion brewery.

There's a gentle splash as you relax, this is one more batch of beer poisoned.

Then you feel a hand on your shoulder the world "Your coming with me poisoner." in your ear.
You turn to see the nightwatch man standing over you.
Behind him stands Lashunda unnoticed in the shadows.

"Can you give me a moment? For my dignity please" you ask him.
"No. Now stand up slowly traitor."
Good that means Lashunda can slit your throat.

In once move she grabs him from behind and thrusts her blade deep in to his neck.
Blood drips from Lashunda's red leather gloves as she lowers him to the floor.

"A little discretion is one thing, letting him get that close when i have my trousers down is another.
What where you thinking?"
A cannon roars in the distance, it time for the attack.

"We haven't time now...

The fighting out side grows louder as you get closer to the gate house.
Flames from the other food stores reach up licking  at the heaves with fiery tongues.

In a dirty alleyway you regroup with your sister and slip on the white smiling mask.


Inside the walls

Spoiler: The Sisters of Maria (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Mercenaries (click to show/hide)

Outside the walls

Agree, plus that's about the LAST thing *I* want to see from this kind of game - author spending valuable development time on useless graphics.

Unofficial slogan of Bay 12 Games.  

Death to the false emperor a warhammer40k SG


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Re: Death to the false emperor, The Blessing of Sorcery (warhammer40k SG)
« Reply #116 on: August 03, 2015, 02:52:05 pm »

Tell the Mercs to get on the roof tops near the gate house and fire at anyone getting close. Lead our sisters perosonally into the gate house. Kill anyone with everything we can muster against them. Use magic, sword, gun, and if need be summon that wolf thing. Tell Lashunda and Alice to make a Beeline for the gates control to raise them for Kastor. Then have someone shoot up a flair to have Kastor know the gate is open.

We'll hold the gate and then march through and kill anyone as we ravage the entire city. Once we've surrounded the keep announce victory but do not take the keep..let's starve them out and make them here the howls of pain as we force the garrison through our stakes once more.

((Also Question: Isn't slaanesh more about causing pain then magic? I thought Tzeenth would be the more magiciany Dark god. Either way I'd like more magic and cool Slaanesh blessings.))


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Re: Death to the false emperor, The Blessing of Sorcery (warhammer40k SG)
« Reply #117 on: August 03, 2015, 03:00:12 pm »

Tell the Mercs to get on the roof tops near the gate house and fire at anyone getting close. Lead our sisters perosonally into the gate house. Kill anyone with everything we can muster against them. Use magic, sword, gun, and if need be summon that wolf thing. Tell Lashunda and Alice to make a Beeline for the gates control to raise them for Kastor. Then have someone shoot up a flair to have Kastor know the gate is open.

We'll hold the gate and then march through and kill anyone as we ravage the entire city. Once we've surrounded the keep announce victory but do not take the keep..let's starve them out and make them here the howls of pain as we force the garrison through our stakes once more.

((Also Question: Isn't slaanesh more about causing pain then magic? I thought Tzeenth would be the more magiciany Dark god. Either way I'd like more magic and cool Slaanesh blessings.))
perhaps we can try and have a small group infiltrate into the group and meet up with them that way we can seperate the guards and cause as much chaos as possible
The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
Ravioli Ravioli, the old broad died so now I play a Demon Loli.


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Re: Death to the false emperor, The Blessing of Sorcery (warhammer40k SG)
« Reply #118 on: August 03, 2015, 03:44:59 pm »

((perhaps we can try and have a small group infiltrate into the group and meet up with them that way we can seperate the guards and cause as much chaos as possible.))

What group infiltrate what now? Sorry I couldn't understand and also Hi Spazyak :)


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Re: Death to the false emperor, The Blessing of Sorcery (warhammer40k SG)
« Reply #119 on: August 03, 2015, 03:47:06 pm »

((perhaps we can try and have a small group infiltrate into the group and meet up with them that way we can seperate the guards and cause as much chaos as possible.))

What group infiltrate what now? Sorry I couldn't understand and also Hi Spazyak :)
hey, sorry I'm a bit lost, what's going on?
The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
Ravioli Ravioli, the old broad died so now I play a Demon Loli.
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