Mavnon smiled. "Luthus, you're insane, but I do love how your intricate investigations. I cannot speak for Patronius or Utter, but here is my part. It is true, I have made schemes upon schemes and lies upon lies but what I have never done, nor plan to do, is empower a creature of the Void. That is utter insanity. Do you not remember how I threatened Izgalmo with his life if he were to tamper with the Void? If the Void entered this realm all my goals would be pointless. The mortals would stay like cattle and would have no mentors to ensure their eventual growth. And if selfless reasons seem unlike me think of this: this Void Entity of yours would kill me as much as any of you. "
"Now the Void part done with, tell me Luthus; which part is lie and which part is truth? I don't think you care anymore. To be quite frank with you, when I ordered Illyria to the Library, I had hoped to spread all knowledge everywhere. It was a mistake to connect it to the Rilem mountainhome. Would that problem be rectified if I created portals between all mortal cities and the Library?"
"Now the cattle...that thought had not occurred to me. I can already do that Luthus; Illyria is a master at the art and 100 Portobani with immense herds cannot match her skill. The cows, I know you won't believe me, were to allow the Portobani to perform the role they were originally supposed to do: replace normal modes of locomotion entirely."
"Now...if you think Patronius or Utter are in communication, you are a fool. If you think I am working with Utter, you're less of a fool and more of a blinded deity."
"Now, if you were to carry out those sentences, I have no defense. It is quite clear that I am of a very different philosophy and while I had hoped we could coexist, you seem intent on ending all possibilities of that. I can only say this: I am no threat to the world, I am a threat to the gods. A very great difference here."