Clan Rilem Orders:
1. Diplomats are to be sent to Loi'naaryt communities and offered Commandery status. If they accept, their leaders are to become de jure equal to Rilem's Regent and be supplied with dwarven goods, technology and education. In exchange, they must establish proper armies to defend their homes as well as aid Rilem when it requires it.
2. Lan Cao is to travel to the capital of the Great Tribe and try to create an alliance between them and Rilem. One condition is that the worship of all gods is to tolerated. Should this go through, go a step further and offer to split up the remaining human tribes between them.
3. Diplomats are to be sent to the dwarven kings. They are to offer greater cooperation and trade between the dwarven realms.
4. Send diplomats to the Aag Nation and the Saplings. Offer a cultural exchange where populations of all 3 parties will have enclaves in each other's territories so as to spread culture and foster cooperation.
Teach Clan Rilem Mobile Portal Doctrine. Rather than engaging in mundane trade and combat, Rilem is to bring all technological and magical arts to their logical conclusion. Rather than making use of supply lines, trade routes or even roads, portals will be set up by dedicated Portabani, portal mages with the sole duty of opening portals. Rather than marching an army through an enemy's defenses, the army will simply teleport directly into the enemy's flanks. Rather than creating structures with entrances, buildings only accessible via portals will be made.
Teach Clan Rilem the wonders of the scientific method.
Check up on the approximate Durazni population.