Roofs are very good tho, against a small number of enemies you can endure partial cover if it means taking the high ground and killing them quickly.
Depends. I've had snipers picked off regularly because they were too far forward in partial cover on the high ground. Maybe it's the LW2 AI, but I swear it has it out for snipers if they're even marginally a good target. I'm gonna try baiting the AI to shoot at my least covered soldier in partial with Hunker Down though. Probably going to be way better than overwatch or a shitty % to hit unless it's a do or die moment.
You can ambush from concealment by throwing everyone on overwatch and shooting or tossing a grenade into the enemy squad. However you risk not killing all the enemies so try to leave one guy with his move still up (2 or 3 once you have squad size 6).
Sitting in overwatch and letting them path in to LOS is vastly superior to launching an ambush on your turn. You also get the benefit of almost point blank range too. Just sayin'.
Stealthing missions never goes well. View concealment as a way to scout. get good terrain and avoid bad reveals. Not a way to win without fighting because you wont.
Without a fight? No. Fighting 1 of the 3 to 4 pods on the map instead of having to grind through all of them? Yes. Were it not for the auto-reveal when you complete the main mission objective, you could absolutely do some missions without ever being seen or fighting.
Moving forward into undiscovered areas can reveal alien pods. This makes Rangers a bit underpowered (further worsened by melee weapons being able to miss in vanilla). If you want to use close range weapons you can retreat so that the enemy will come to you, and then rush forward into the ground you used to occupy. This has its own risks tho and takes up time. Common mod to mitigate this is increased melee accuracy. If you ranger gets stuck out in the open you can use gremlin support and/or smoke grenades to help him out.
This is like the #1 most annoying thing in XCOM2. Revealing new enemies on your turn makes every fight in the game x2 as deadly.
Oh to be clear, I only use high ground if I can kill all enemies (or all but one enemy) in a single turn, OR if I can use defense boosts to bring the roof soldiers into full cover. I would not fight out of a balcony unless the situation had descended so much that I was abandoning cover.
I thought they added some kind of counter to the Beagle strat? Like the aliens would shoot you if you ambush OWed them on your turn?
Well, anyway, I still stand by my statements. If you try to sneak next to the objective or wait for the enemy to walk into you, my experience is that a pod will "pin" one of your soldiers in cover by moving close to them, and a second pod will move in on the other side of you. Whereas if you make sure a pod is alone, lead with a flashbang/grenade, and then open fire you should be pretty golden. OW shots taken from ambush are the same as shots taken against no cover enemies. Meaning that you probably would have taken them on your own turn anyway.
You are right that it is a good strat tho, if the developers did indeed not add any kind of fix.