I just had four people captured because we were one turn away from a forced evac :/ Four of my best people.
Really hope its easy to free them...
It takes some time but they'll show up as a VIP rescue.
I'm nearly at the end of my
Impossible Legendary Ironman run. Max tech, no research left except for the story ones.
It's uh... very tedious. Because you spend so much time scanning and research / build times are so much longer. However, the same rules still apply.
1. Offense > defense. Rush the best guns.
2. Kill everything in one turn.
3. If you can't kill everything in one turn, run away.
4. Explosions = good. Blow everything up.
There's one new rule though.
- It's fine to lose missions. You don't lose that much. Better to GTFO than get squadwiped.
One other thing I've noticed is that unlike XCOM: EU / EW, here all the enemies scale up. So unless you soup up your weapons first, you're gonna have a shitty time. Hell, I was fighting 10hp troopers before I even had railguns. Not amusing. Now all the Advent Commanders have 13hp. It's a bit zany seeing everyone have so much health.
Also, it takes so long to rank up your soldiers now. I'm at the end game and only have one colonel.
I miss my giant robots. I hacked two of the advent's MECs but it wasn't the same...