Try to become Nightmare through the card. If it fails, try to load up a VR simulation of this area. Become Nightmare and direct all the fire into a large ball above the ground.
You hold the card in front of you and go all
"YAAAAAHHHH!" Nothing happens but you do hear barely supressed laugh from direction of Mr White.
Trying to ignore burning on your face you go to the VR machine. There's no controls other than slots to where insert your cards. Now the one terminal near back of main stage seems to have controls for managing simulation of the arena. Main thing seems to be randomization of various weather effects as well as location and time. The stage hand here has abandonded his post so you do your best to set area properly. The system is apparently hardwired for multiplayer, but thankfully ATHATH seems to be willing joining you. After inserting your cards ((whatever you decided to pick in addition of Nightmare)) and donning the VR gear, you appear on rooftop of the tournament hall. A fire elemental in shape of pegasus appears next to you.
From roof you can see the chaos is not very far spread, most of the damage is within hundred meters of the tournament hall.
If Beirus turns into a creature, run for cover.
He only does embarrassing yell while staring his card, and fiddles with machines with red face before entering into whatever virtual arena he picked.
"Well well well. Manifested summoning magic compressed into cards? Brilliant!"
Doesn't seem to be compressed into cards, it seems. Or it could be that Beirus just doesn't know how to properly utilize it. Probably that.
Get in the machine. Prepare to save the day as Fire Pegasus Squad 1.
Beirus sets up the virtual arena for a match. You follow his example, insert your cards and wear the VR gear. You appear on rooftop of the tournament hall next to The Nightmare ((with whatever cards you decided to pick)).
Back in the hall White continues fiddling with his phone. Looks like he found what he was looking for.
"About fucking time!"He swipes his fingers forward over the phone and past it as if throwing a card from top of the pile. Air glows in front of him and reforms as a humanoid. Tall, thin, green scaled and horned humanoid. A unique sensation comes with it. You are in presence of god.