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How should we proceed?

End Litany, start a Brand New Version!
- 10 (40%)
Pretend nothing had happened. Continue on as normal.
- 3 (12%)
Timeskip sleep to Modern Times!
- 11 (44%)
Other (Specify)
- 1 (4%)

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Author Topic: Litany of the Void: A God Game (24/⊕∵↯) (OOC)  (Read 252729 times)


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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (24/⊕∵↯) (OOC)
« Reply #2355 on: October 28, 2015, 03:29:12 pm »

....Soooo now I will have to remember everything that happened so I can properly right their general history  :-\. Oh well. I'm good at improve.

Anyway, speaking of Magic, did anyone ever make a list of magic? I never found one, and that is probably something somewhat important in determining how everything played out.;topicseen#msg6313781


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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (24/⊕∵↯) (OOC)
« Reply #2356 on: October 28, 2015, 11:12:04 pm »

Alright, I got time on my hands and started thinking about it. Might as well start to pen ideas down. Nations are random, being put down as soon as I start remembering them and thinking of what would happen. Here is what to expect from option 1:

Great Tribe:
Fedrich, who remains control over the majority humanity with the Artifacts and Knowledge granted to him, is greatly saddened by the loss of his God. He prayed every day for ten years, stopping only to do his holy duties of ruling the Empire and to eat. Finally realizing he will never get an answer, he decided to look for his God himself. The humans develop balloons, then blimps and biplanes, before jets and space-ships and air-fortresses, ruling the skies in search of a God who may never awaken....

Even without the influence of their God, Fredrich's leadership skills and Faith kept the majority of the population held fast to the ideals of Leadership, as Fredrich made them a necessitate to hold a leadership position. This focus, along with the inherent lust for power, allowed for the nation to expand far and wide. For the most part, relationship with other Races and nations is friendly, including the smaller Human Tribes. The Nomads had been investigated by the finest agents the Tribe had to offer, leading them to be banished from the Great Tribe lands and burned when found (Along with their positions) by Humans in gas-masks.

The focus on "Looking up" (in position, in wealth, in the sky) lead to many of the city's constructions towering into sky-scrappers. Even small towns generally have a massive building for docking aircraft. The towns can often by identified from miles away-if not by the tall towers themselves, then by the number of aircraft moving between them. The roads are less and less used as time goes on, with the wealth and technology of the Great Tribe allowing for the use of personal aircraft when others would place a road. Roads still exist, naturally the high-volume of trade the nation produces brings many foreigners to the dirt roads lining the country. Crime is low, technology is high, and population is high.

Early on, a child of indeterminate gender was born to a certain group of nomads. As they grew, it was found that this young fellow was exceptional in almost everything the Nomads had value in. Intelligent, charismatic, and with great control over their abilities, this creature quickly became what other nations would consider a "Leader", giving out advice and generally organizing the Nomads. This specific nomad, (Insert name here Kevak, cuz' I can't find it and using all these pronouns is getting weird), seemed to stop aging once they became a young adult, proving themselves to be Immortal.

Perhaps the most important event of the time was that their Secret had gotten out. The existence of Shifters and The Virus has become public knowledge. It started out slowly, generation after generation keeping the secret as tightly as it could. The other races began putting two and two together, began circulating rumors that became legends that had been investigated. It was simply impossible for them to keep such a big secret so long from the world. After people became suspicious, two major Investigations took place, each bringing the knowledge into the world secretly. The first was ordered by Fredrich, who was already suspicious of them before the Gods left. A crack-team of the Greatest Guards and Hunters a super-power had to offer began tracking, stalking, and watching a group of nomads from a time, often using still-primitive spy balloons and their knowledge of wind patterns to avoid detection by sight or smell. If their witnessing the events was not enough, they managed to snap a picture of a Shifting with a primitive camera. This Investigation lead to great outrage in many nation, especially the Great Tribe, leading to Nomads being driven out by mobs wielding bullets and flame weapons. The second "Investigation", happening about the same time, took place among the Intellectual elites at the Colleges of the Aag, Rilem, and Dwarves. When putting their intelligence towards the Nomads, they discovered several patterns that they begun to analyze and investigate. Several Ritual Stone pilgrims (of the stones that remained) had been granted Knowledge of the Nomads during this Investigation, leading to a deeper and more scientific based knowledge of the Nomads in countries effected by the Second Investigation. While laws are in place to avoid several their actions that have been marked "Detrimental to society", so long as they behave themselves, they are generally welcome in the Aag nation, along with most Rilem and Dwarf nations.

Their main focus on technology has been biological, ever sense they began focusing on what the heck these "Stomachs" and "Hearts" Nilva ordered them to make where. Their nomadic lifestyle made it difficult to achieve large amounts of metal and other useful material the other race's advance with, making them less advanced in several other areas. Nomad camps often have a hosh-posh of metallic equipment and weaponry, taken from any nation that would give it. For the most part, however, they have been capable of great feats of genetic engineering, and have researched their own power to the point that much of their technology is simply one of them with a new strain of Virus. That is to say, their Virus had been investigated to the point they had been capable of changing its properties and abilities to the extent many believe Nilva willed it that way. Instead of cars and trucks, they simply use a Nomad with the ability to grow especially large and run especially fast while carrying a heavy load. Nomads often travel on these, whole caravans on bizarre creatures the world has never seen before, from dozen-legged wolfspider buses to simply large wolves, depending on the whim and imagination of the particular Nomad. Even objects complex as computers had been left to a Strained Nomad, with extensive research going into the brain to allow for certain Nomads to be able to compute incredibly quickly, store vast amounts of information, and even give other information to other computer-types with a simple transfer. Other research includes extensive studies into (INH)'s genes. Researchers discovered that, while half of (INH)'s genes had been from a mortal, the other half isn't like anything they have seen before. This has lead them to believe (INH) is a demigod, leading to numerous (failed) experiment's with the holy DNA. This is often brought up as evidence in the existence of Gods in many of the more Atheistic nations.

They also found out the extent of the average Nomad's abilities, with a small outlying here.
-Shifters have variable abilities, depending on the particular Strain of Virus effecting them. Some are able to make themselves stronger than others, while others can hold their form under more trauma, while others can become smaller/larger. Even among the same strand, individual abilities seem to effect performance.
-Increased amounts of hearts, lungs, and other vital organs do not seem to increase the ability of the Shifter to resist trauma in any way, let alone make them near-invincible. Shifters seem to transform back into their "Original" forms if too much trauma is sustained, with this new form being dead upon transformation.
-There is a limit to how fast, strong, large, small, etc a shifter can make himself. Making multiple stomachs and devouring more biomatter does not allow them to get larger, nor does implanting more onto any of their forms.

Population: Very high, Technology (Niche), Crime is moderate (High to Non-Nomads), and Wealth is low.

New Kingdom:
When the Gods where inactive, the New King seemed to be as well. He simply vanished without a trace one day, the exact moment the Gods lost contact. Without a single leader to unify their Aggression, they mostly kept to tiny skirmishes and battles with bordering nations, doing their best to expand when possible. They mostly focused inwards, battling against each other, fighting to see who is worthy of being the next New King. Occasionally, a powerful Warlord would finally take over the nation and go on a new assault, often being pushed back by allied nations with relatively little difficulty, but never falling fully. The boarders with Aag, the Great Tribe, and other major nations are full-on dematerialized zones, with armed guards on each side of the boarder constantly at watch near a series of big guns with a field full of land-mines, air-mines, and razor-wire.

Despite this constant state of internal combat, their diversity of Races has generally been an advantage to them. With a wide-verity of skills and abilities, they have moderate performance in every respect. Often, much of their Wealth and Technology is plundered from what they can manage to take, but they do have a substantial amount of generated wealth and technology within them. In fact, they seem to have a particular skill with Weapons technology, on par with that of even the Dwarves, with every warlord giving whatever resources necessary to give them the edge and generally preferring to capture enemy scientists for their own use.

Other than that, the relative "Newness" makes it hard to right on this kingdom. Their piety is unknown, though it is believed that Nothing is worshiped on a large scale, with no true facts to prove it. Population Medium, technology medium (Weapons Very High), Crime (Lawless!), Wealth medium-low.

Chitin Ants:
With the permanent portal to the Aag, the nation changed substantially. New technology was brought in as part of the Aag Aant Aaliance, mostly one way. The Ants have been rather poor at crafting their own technology, with only certain types having the ability to do any sort of innovation. However, they had been able to make great strides in the fields of magic, with their innate understanding surpassing that of the Aag. Often, their own innovations are magical in nature, with the rare joint-effort with the Aag to create magitech devices, focusing on the magi-part.

The Ants sometimes venture out into the wider world, but only under strict watch. Even in the Aag main city, they are simply in too much danger walking alone on the streets, where an errant foot could end their life with the murderer being none-the-wiser. Even those that do venture out return home for the night, they still need food from their home-land to survive. The opposite, normal creatures going to the moon, varied from being a common sight to being nearly unheard of over time. It is currently uncommon, but becoming more so. New portal-based digging allowed for normal sized constructs to be ripped out of the moon with relatively little difficulty, which has also allowed each ant to have a comparative abundance of personal space. Larger creatures on the Moon generally survive with supplies stored on the moon using the Ant's pyromancery based storage system. They often perform technological work for the ants, who are often unable to even work the technology granted to them (do as much to the size of it as their lack of knowledge on how to work it.) Unfortunately, there is the occasional rampage by the Larger races, often stomping on or otherwise killing hundreds of Ants before being put down by a magic attack (or, more rarely, another Large race). The most recent (having lead to a decline of Large races on the moon) was an entire squad of New Kingdom Saboteurs who had infiltrated the Aag and jumped through the portal equipped with powerful flamethrowers. Thousand had died in minutes before the Ant King himself through them directly into the moon's core with a portal.

Socially, the Ants do not change much, aside from their new alliances. The Ant King was never overthrown, despite many attempts at this. More and more ants are born, but growth-magic technology coupled with new tunnel building techniques allowed for overpopulation to never have been a problem. Ants are still ants.

Technology: Aag-borrowed (Magic High), crime is nearly non-existent, and few ants truly value "Wealth" in the same way the other races do. Population is extreme, but they are still ants.

Aaaand Stirk needs a rest and is out of ideas for now, but this should give you the general idea of what Example 1 would be. Individual technologies would be improvised by me based on the descriptions. I will try to make the societies as detailed as I can with sticking to the race's identity, and I should probably add more to the Ants and New Kingdom examples if I can think of something to put. Things will-no doubt- be retconned as I remember how things used to work, other things that exist, other things that don't exist, etc.

Was that really all, the magic? I could have sworn there was more then that  :-\.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2015, 11:14:03 pm by Stirk »
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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (24/⊕∵↯) (OOC)
« Reply #2357 on: October 29, 2015, 12:13:38 am »

Response to questions/statements:

Err, IIRC, I had either just introduced or was about to introduce alchemy to the Loi'naaryt, so I'm guessing they'd become either environmentally friendly pharmaceutical specialists or hippy druggies.

I don't remember anything about the Loi'naryt, 'cept they used Ironwood. I blame the letter-salad name and the fact they didn't do anything  :-\. What was Alchemy again? I don't remember any Alchemy.

As you see fit but take in mind what the races currently focus on. Or do something completely crazy and justify that with the power of history.

The Clan probably went agnostic/atheistic by now, knowing Mavnon's teachings. Militant atheists with crusades. Militant atheists with robot angels who fight the crusades.

I'll try to, if I can remember anything :P. At your suggestion, I will try to fit that belief in. The Clan-Rilem are currently not-really-focused on Military Crusady type thingies, if I remember correctly.  My general idea is that, with forces working to bring the Clan-Dwarves and the Noral-Dwarves together, they ended up becoming allies for the most part. The college and cultural exchanges between the Aag and the Clan are on and off, with several tense events and even war breaking out at times between them (though not ideologically driven crusades, mostly because I remember Mavnon and Lithus/Luthus not getting along  :P). No robotic angels though, that is a little past the current tech-limit. Unless tanks and planes count. Should they? I count them...

Dgetagans probably continued along technological expansion paths, plus magic.
So maybe a meritocracy.

The Dgetagans did nothin', so I have no clue what happened  :-\. I forgot they even existed.

I'd say Option 1. I think the mortals should just progress as they see fit (you being the mortals) without US (the gods) intervening; after all, we are asleep. Mayhaps blanket technologies that we all have (we'd all have steel, and coal, and firearms, for example) but certain technologies might be unique to certain races (sky fortresses unique to frederick in your example, or advanced computing machines unique to dwarves, or tanks unique to Clan Rilem for example).

Option 1 has something like that, with individual technologies varying from nation to nation. Mortals have certainly had enough time to know such basic things as steel, coal, and firearms by this point.

Which is the option that allows for technology and magic to advance as it would according to general trends started by the actions of the gods? If I remember correctly, Iliseth was pushing for greater usage of Art in all areas of life.

We may also need a recap to refresh our memories. After such a long time I and probably others have forgotten who's allied to who, what problems there are, what races exist, etc.

Someone else would have to do the recap, 'cuz I have no clue. The options are generally based around the actions of Gods (before going away), the personality of the race, and whatever Stirk feels like writing at the second.

Currently, Art had become popular among the areas Iliseth had influenced quite quickly. This meant the Human Tribes (And, later, Human Alliance, the Tribes had banded together in a state/providence system somewhere along the line) at the beginning. Elsewhere, it was fairly noted, though not wide spread. The Human Alliance and the Great Tribe became trading partners and allies relatively early. The Great Tribe was pleasantly surprised by the versatility of Art, which had been applied in ways I haven't come up with yet throughout the nation. All of Humanity, still being her creation despite a good portion no longer following her, soon had the majority of its Mages practice art. As time went on, it was found to be one of the most effective for "Magi-tech", despite not being magic, again do to its versatility. This increased its prominence even further, in addition to its natural powers. It eventually became one of the most prominent "magic" practiced in the world, facing portal magic for first place. The majority of Humans train their souls, often practicing Universal art in their day-to-day lives to limited extent. There are still a comparatively small amount of "Mages" who are capable of doing much more then the limited practice of most humans, it is not that the average human is an expert mage. Most have their abilities limited to running magi-tech, often choosing elements based on their need. It is part of the curriculum in most human schools, usually as separate class alongside math and science. In other races, it usually has a fair share of mages, though it is rare among the Ants (Who are nearly incapable of using it, and shine in "true" magic), the Clan Rilem Dwarves (Who's magic continues to focus on the Portal Plans), and is looked on with mixed reactions by the Nomads.


I will NOTbe processing any actions from tick 18, if we ever started up again. You will be considered to have froze at the beginning of the tick, which will be explained again in detail if I ever put it up. That is why some of this information contradicts some actions posted on that tick. Mostly 'cuz that would be a lot of work, I would have to remember everything then income calc then price check then reread everything then find the 1000 PMs you left me from that tick....and in the End, it wouldn't have a huuuuge effect on what happened over the Break anyway. You will be at full E/P/F and will be able to go back to preform any action you wanted to preform on tick 18 on tick 1 of Symphony of the Void (The working title of the next round, if it ever gets up.... which it probably won't). Because this is easiest for Stirk.
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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (24/⊕∵↯) (OOC)
« Reply #2358 on: October 29, 2015, 04:58:23 am »

I like it!  :D

Quick question: What happened to that Monster who tried to steal artifacts?


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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (24/⊕∵↯) (OOC)
« Reply #2359 on: October 29, 2015, 05:18:04 am »

Symphony of the Void (The working title of the next round, if it ever gets up.... which it probably won't).
As if the gods could and would ever work in enough harmony to form a single verse of metaphorical music, let alone an entire symphony. :P

Going with the music metaphor, which instruments do y'all think your gods would play in an orchestra? Personally, I think the saxophone would fit Aurosseu, with its smooth and potentially dreamy timbre and weird qualities, such as being a woodwind instrument despite being made of brass.
There is a world yet only seen by physicists and magicians.


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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (24/⊕∵↯) (OOC)
« Reply #2360 on: October 29, 2015, 05:23:59 am »

Dgetga would probably play theremin.

It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.


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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (24/⊕∵↯) (OOC)
« Reply #2361 on: October 29, 2015, 06:10:15 am »

Symphony of the Void (The working title of the next round, if it ever gets up.... which it probably won't).
As if the gods could and would ever work in enough harmony to form a single verse of metaphorical music, let alone an entire symphony. :P

Going with the music metaphor, which instruments do y'all think your gods would play in an orchestra? Personally, I think the saxophone would fit Aurosseu, with its smooth and potentially dreamy timbre and weird qualities, such as being a woodwind instrument despite being made of brass.
Alicia would probably play her Psaltery :^)


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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (24/⊕∵↯) (OOC)
« Reply #2362 on: October 29, 2015, 06:48:23 am »

Ehh, I'm kinda fuzzy on what exactly Rilem was tbh. Maybe the militancy was a stereotype? I'll have to check. Pretty sure I made a codex somewhere...
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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (24/⊕∵↯) (OOC)
« Reply #2363 on: October 29, 2015, 08:13:02 am »

Gai-Gen would probably play...

Quote from: Gai-gen
"Why should I play any instrument? Music is irrelevant and unnecessary."

I believe that at the modern times, interbreeding between the dwarven species has mostly ironed out the differences. If the Gai-un was published before the gods slept, however... not so much due to the anti-Mavnon commandment.
And whatever happened to Sankis? As a result of his immortality, he would be still alive. (though his memory might be fuzzy)
By now, I'd be surprised if there weren't a large number of Machine Priest run universities.
A Thousand Treasures (And You).

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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (24/⊕∵↯) (OOC)
« Reply #2364 on: October 29, 2015, 08:32:25 am »

Which reminds me: Mavnon's immortals, due to the complete loyalty thing, probably aren't aligned with Clan Rilem these days. I'd guess that they'd be considered vestiges of an archaic belief system or as respected elders who can be...politically incorrect at the times. Dunno. Up to you Stirk.
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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (24/⊕∵↯) (OOC)
« Reply #2365 on: October 29, 2015, 10:08:42 am »

I like it!  :D

Quick question: What happened to that Monster who tried to steal artifacts?

He seems to have went off into the still-vast unknowns of the fragments, devouring flesh of beasts and practicing magic. He grew quite large in this time, larger than most Great Beasts before him, and seems to be more powerful in general. Unfortunately for him, he is lost in the vastness of the fragments, unable to find any artifacts or locate a place to place portals. This had the effect of keeping him away from any civilizations that might try to combat him, or the adventurers who hound him.
Symphony of the Void (The working title of the next round, if it ever gets up.... which it probably won't).
As if the gods could and would ever work in enough harmony to form a single verse of metaphorical music, let alone an entire symphony. :P

Going with the music metaphor, which instruments do y'all think your gods would play in an orchestra? Personally, I think the saxophone would fit Aurosseu, with its smooth and potentially dreamy timbre and weird qualities, such as being a woodwind instrument despite being made of brass.

The "Symphony" refers to the Gods themselves about as much as the "Litany" did in the first round  :P.

For the record, the Titles of Litany/Sympony where mostly inspired by "geekyfandubs"'s translation of Cruel Angel's thesis. I felt the lines described this game perfectly  :P. Specifically, the choruses.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Ehh, I'm kinda fuzzy on what exactly Rilem was tbh. Maybe the militancy was a stereotype? I'll have to check. Pretty sure I made a codex somewhere...

I can't remember either  :-\. One of the reasons I haven't done them yet.

Gai-Gen would probably play...

Quote from: Gai-gen
"Why should I play any instrument? Music is irrelevant and unnecessary."

I believe that at the modern times, interbreeding between the dwarven species has mostly ironed out the differences. If the Gai-un was published before the gods slept, however... not so much due to the anti-Mavnon commandment.
And whatever happened to Sankis? As a result of his immortality, he would be still alive. (though his memory might be fuzzy)
By now, I'd be surprised if there weren't a large number of Machine Priest run universities.

*Checks notes* The CRD and Dwarves are incapable of interbreeding, the differences are still there and still prominent (and are probably biologically hardwired), despite the attempts of "Civil Rights" activists. The Book probably didn't come out, due to the book fight being on tick 18. In any case, the book would have less effect than the several Immortals who where working to bring them together, especially as their piety waned. Sankis is a prominent Dwarf figure who is a vital part of the Dwarve's advancement and will be expanded upon during the Dwarve's history section. Machine-priests (For given value of Priests) do indeed have a significant presence in Dwarf lands, and are one of the contributing factors to the Dwarve's Very High technology.

Which reminds me: Mavnon's immortals, due to the complete loyalty thing, probably aren't aligned with Clan Rilem these days. I'd guess that they'd be considered vestiges of an archaic belief system or as respected elders who can be...politically incorrect at the times. Dunno. Up to you Stirk.

Most of the Immortals Mavnon created are of the "Reviving" type, making few if any "Respected Elders" (As young bodies would contradict this.) I am out of time for now, and will have to be more specific in history-building later.
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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (24/⊕∵↯) (OOC)
« Reply #2366 on: October 29, 2015, 11:16:25 am »

Aw... no Elemental King (that was what I was planning with the cursing of the Void King).
Wait, isn't there a cursed dwarven king as well? I think one of them got inverted big time on the king power.

I'm kinda keeping it vague, so I don't give away too much PM info.

Oh, and don't forget the Elemental Wolves, Water Otters, Mozilla Fire Foxes, Earth Jaguars, and Air Eagles.
Especially with the whole rampage the Earth Jaguars did.

Edit: Also, the Blood Silk (modified sand cotton), kinda important, especially if I'm to make the Bony Creatures.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2015, 11:19:08 am by Happy Demon »
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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (24/⊕∵↯) (OOC)
« Reply #2367 on: October 29, 2015, 12:01:51 pm »

Aw... no Elemental King (that was what I was planning with the cursing of the Void King).
Wait, isn't there a cursed dwarven king as well? I think one of them got inverted big time on the king power.

I'm kinda keeping it vague, so I don't give away too much PM info.

Oh, and don't forget the Elemental Wolves, Water Otters, Mozilla Fire Foxes, Earth Jaguars, and Air Eagles.
Especially with the whole rampage the Earth Jaguars did.

Edit: Also, the Blood Silk (modified sand cotton), kinda important, especially if I'm to make the Bony Creatures.

The "Void King" seems to have been immune to any and all curses.

I don't remember cursed Dwarf Kings  :-\. I remember one of them had their Crown's inverted, but that was to give them greater empathy rather than sociopathy. That will have an effect on his kingdome, though the Dwarf race as a whole is rather unaffected.

I didn't forget about them, I had actually had a little bit written after Mavnon brought up the Immortals  :P. Sample:

The Elementals (Being given as a generic name for all Elemental Animals from OOC perspective) where the hardest hit by far. To them, advancing technology only meant advancing pollution. Every passing day meant more pollution, and more pain, more hatred. Even the most environmentally aware put so much pollution into their respective environments that the Elementals where driven half-insane. Rampages became more and more frequent, as even the most kindhearted Elemental was driven to fury by the sight of any industrious Mortal. When a true industrial revolution hit, it was a breaking point. Temujin, having killed thousands over time, united all the Elementals in a massive army like nation, with the sole intent of eliminating the other Races (Or, failing that, destroying everything that hurts them.) The "Great Rampage" was not directed at any specific nation, sacking whatever towns they could over-run and destroying anyone who got in their way. The major nations and races, in an exceptionally rare moment of friendship, banned together against the Rampage. The combined might of the nations, coupled with their advanced technology and the fact their mere presence causes pain to their enemies, pushed back the Rampage after a series of massive battles. Temujin himself revived several times during this conflict alone, often making beelines of carnage toward the enemy leadership. Once, he even made it into the heart of the enemy. Unfortunately for him, the combined guards and strength of the Immortals was too much, and his enemies where prepared. After a hard-fought battle, a group of Soul Artists hand-picked by Fredrich and empowered by others managed to capture the weakened Tumajin's Soul, transferring it to a blood-red ruby they had prepared with special Enchantments. Unable to revive in this restraint, he was now (Ironically) Bound as surly as if the God that Cursed the wolves had done it himself. The gem was transferred to the most secure prison of the Great Tribe, where it resides to this day, the soul becoming even more angry and bitter than it was in life.

Unable to stop the pain, and now leaderless, the Elementals retreat far from the other races. Being animals, they where naturally accustomed to wide expanses of Wilderness that exist even today, surviving easily among the Wolf-life countless miles from other civilizations. They live as their ancestor's had, more like animals then a proper civilization. Still, the Elementals are Bound together in the bonds of a loose nation, if it can be called that. Every decade or so a new Rampage is called, typically with goals to either free Tumajin so they may finally wipe out the Painmakers or to destroy as many pollution-causing equipment as possible (especially that with far-reaching effects like air pollution.)

Still, there are friendlier groups that broke off. Small groups, even less like nation, that just want to be left alone. Typically it is these groups that provide the very limited technological advancements of the Elementals, coming up with pollution-reducing magic or equipment that they cleverly leave for other races to find (Often sending a less-effected Firefox for the job), in an attempt to allow the Races and Elementals to draw closer once again.

Their technology is Low, and their society is animistic. Population is High, but spread out and far from the other Races.
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Happy Demon

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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (24/⊕∵↯) (OOC)
« Reply #2368 on: October 29, 2015, 12:53:00 pm »

Holy s***, I feel sorry for the shamans now.

Sure, they only experience pain when taking on the aspects of the elementals, but that's pain every time they use their powers.

Edit: Also, I said I kept it vague, the king's power comes from the crown, hence why I call it an inversion of king power.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2015, 12:57:19 pm by Happy Demon »
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (24/⊕∵↯) (OOC)
« Reply #2369 on: October 29, 2015, 01:49:47 pm »

I imagine the Muslings and the people of Elysium's great city haven't been in contact with the torus rings for thousands of years now, causing them to have completely different technologies, cultures and ethics. They've probably found ways to fly and/or glide between islands, or maybe they've even connected isles to each other. I expect them to stay united and live in peace, but they might have even fought terrible wars and divided themselves into countries on separate islands. The torus rings are most likely no more than a rare myth and fairy tale told to kids to scare them.

Also my lone muse is probably considered a lunatic on the rings, preaching and brabbling non-stop.
The very few instrumentalism-instruments are considered valuable artifacts I assume, and the secret of enchanting might have been discovered by magical and/or technological research.
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