Name: Unnamed, called Bony Creatures for now.
Shape: Normal: Tailed humanoid (3 inch tail), 1 foot tall.
Queen: Winged tailed humanoid (1 foot wingspan, 4 inch tail), 2 foot tall.
Mind: Normal: Sapient, but stupid, incapable of understanding human language because of it's complexity.
Queen: Sapient, equally stupid, but also very naive. Easy to manipulate.
Body: Normal: Weak muscles, grey flesh, covered mostly in strong white bone, clawed hands and feet, pointy bony ears. Big eyes.
Queen: Equally weak, big eyed, and strong boned, black flesh, sides of head and back of neck is bony, pointy fleshy ears, white feathered wings. Can't fly.
Other: The Bony Creatures live near the modified Sand Cotton, whose sap they eat, and they make clothes from the silky stuff that covers it's seeds.
The Bony Creatures are bound to the modified Sand Cotton, and feel their pain, and as such endeavor to extract resources with as little pain as possible.
The reason for the binding is that they'd exterminate themselves otherwise (by killing the modified Sand Cotton, and starving themselves).
The Bony Creatures make silk clothes, though very crudely, and they trick their queen into wearing them.
The Bony Creatures don't need the queen to reproduce, it's just that a random egg will hatch a queen if none is present in the colony.
The Bony Creatures lay eggs (3-4 each litter), and have a gestation time of 1 year. The Bony creatures have a 6 year lifespan, and take 4 years to reach maturity.
The queen can bind herself to any creature, and do a strange kind of communication. This is used to see how big a Bony Creature population the modified Sand Cotton present can support.
The Bony Creatures harvest modified Sand Cotton seeds when they harvest silk, and spread them around, especially in areas of death, to grow more modified Sand Cotton.
The Bony Creatures have very strong bones.
Most limitations is due to Skolld's inexperience in creating life.