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End Litany, start a Brand New Version!
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Pretend nothing had happened. Continue on as normal.
- 3 (12%)
Timeskip sleep to Modern Times!
- 11 (44%)
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- 1 (4%)

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Author Topic: Litany of the Void: A God Game (24/⊕∵↯) (OOC)  (Read 244016 times)


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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (22/⊕∵↯) (OOC)
« Reply #2070 on: July 30, 2015, 06:36:37 pm »

Discworld theology: The gods exist.  The people KNOW the gods exist.  The gods have a mountain right smack in the middle of the Disc, which exists and has been visited by mortals, and is pretty obviously their mountain.  The gods talk to their priests &c. &c.  Lightning bolts happen.  Theoretically, more worshippers is a good thing.  If you get down to nuts and bolts, though, the gods are powered by the belief of their worshippers in the gods, not by the formulaic temple worship.  Rules and forms tend to actually build a shell of a god where once the god was, which almost killed a god that, by your rules, would probably have been thriving.  If you want to read the relevant actual Discworld book, get Small Gods from Amazon or something.

Sounds like it would make an interesting story, but a boring game, in my opinion. I am not interested in reading the books right now.

If belief is an opinion, then why would that power Gods? You think that "Having an opinion on a certain God" would make for a better mechanic then actively worshiping them?

((As for why I haven't introduced myself yet: I'm thinking of something suitably appropriate, plus I have no clue what the [EXPLETIVE DELETED] is happening, plus I would like a price check.))

That is logical. I have no clue what is happening either. , but you are going to be waiting at least days for that price check. Sloooowly moving.

But seriously, it really shouldn't be a straight relationship of Number Of Temples == Power Increase, in my opinion.  It should be a measure of Relevance To People * Fervency of Belief * Overtness (middling level is better, just enough to be present, not enough to be too factual) == Power Increase.  But this isn't my game, I really shouldn't be trying to change a core mechanic.

It isn't Number Of Temples==Income Increase. Most of the actual numbers I calculate are number of worshipers, Worship Quality, and more secret hidden factors. More temples helps get more worshipers, and lets people actually worship (raising Worship Quality), but building a million temples won't automatically make you the strongest God.

*groan*  And THIS is why I think the Worship mechanic is kind of awkward.  Sailors don't really build temples to the sea, at least in this day and age, but wouldn't you say that the superstitions count?  Even if they spring up organically, vary from person to person, ship to ship, time to time...Power should be more organic than formulaic.  But I should really stop bashing the system, because I need to work with it.  Heck, it might just be word choice.  But all the same.

Why should a Sailor on the sea give as much Worship as an anointed Priest? You seem to be mislead that it is the Temples themselves that grant Worship. It is the act of Worshiping that generates essence, Temples are typically more of a result of that rather than a cause.
Oh.  I get it now.
We're using different words for the same things.  Or, very nearly the same things.

Eh, the word 'opinion' was more in use to indicate 'not factual knowledge'.  Belief is....Well, belief, and I was trying to avoid a recursive definition but I really can't find the words.  But yeah, you're actually doing what I was thinking should be done so we're god.  ((Typo intentionally left in.))

As for why a sailor might be worth more worship than a Priest, sailors live and breathe the sea.  A priest of a sea god, unless they themselves sail, simply doesn't have that kind of immersion in the sphere, to have the same fervency of belief that the sailor would.  Granted, priests of other gods might very well be more immersed in the sphere than an average worshipper, but it really does vary.  Mother Teresa, for instance, would have that same fervency, while Random Middle-Class Priest might or might not.  It all depends on the person.  Of course, that is ENTIRELY too many variables, but if I was making a god game, I'd consider who the people are, who would be devoted in their worship. 

Also: Do YOU have to build each temple, or can there be such things as people (gasp) actually doing things without divine intervention?

Little shrines in back corners, slowly spreading...

It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.


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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (22/⊕∵↯) (OOC)
« Reply #2071 on: July 30, 2015, 06:41:06 pm »

Nilva doesn't really give a fuck about temples. Or shrines.


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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (22/⊕∵↯) (OOC)
« Reply #2072 on: July 30, 2015, 06:50:19 pm »

Also: Do YOU have to build each temple, or can there be such things as people (gasp) actually doing things without divine intervention?

They build them themselves, and generally live their lives without divine intervention. If you wanted to order a specific way to build temples, or any services for them to give, you may. Example: Lorash's temples act as Golem forges and hospitals.

Nilva doesn't really give a fuck about temples. Or shrines.

Most of Nilva's worshipers appear to be nomadic in nature, thus lack structures such as temples and shrines. The Priests seem to prefer setting up around a large fire, or designate a large Animal to preach from on top of.
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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (22/⊕∵↯) (OOC)
« Reply #2073 on: July 30, 2015, 06:51:12 pm »

Also: Do YOU have to build each temple, or can there be such things as people (gasp) actually doing things without divine intervention?
They build them themselves, and generally live their lives without divine intervention. If you wanted to order a specific way to build temples, or any services for them to give, you may. Example: Lorash's temples act as Golem forges and hospitals.
KK, thanks.  I seem to be covered, then.

It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.


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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (22/⊕∵↯) (OOC)
« Reply #2074 on: July 30, 2015, 07:16:57 pm »



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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (22/⊕∵↯) (OOC)
« Reply #2075 on: July 30, 2015, 07:23:04 pm »

Accepted. This is like the third Invention-focused God, it will be interesting to see how they all work together...Or try to kill each other. Go ahead and Post IC. As another fair warning, the game is currently going slooooooooooowlllllly, you shouldn't expect me to get anything done any time soon.
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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (22/⊕∵↯) (OOC)
« Reply #2076 on: July 30, 2015, 07:51:30 pm »

Going to be inactive for a week since I'm taking a vacation with my family. I know not much is happening right now, but I just wanted to let everybody know if something does happen in the game.
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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (22/⊕∵↯) (OOC)
« Reply #2077 on: July 30, 2015, 07:58:50 pm »

Accepted. This is like the third Invention-focused God, it will be interesting to see how they all work together...Or try to kill each other. Go ahead and Post IC. As another fair warning, the game is currently going slooooooooooowlllllly, you shouldn't expect me to get anything done any time soon.
Heeeere we go.

It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.


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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (22/⊕∵↯) (OOC)
« Reply #2078 on: July 30, 2015, 08:01:28 pm »

Also: Do YOU have to build each temple, or can there be such things as people (gasp) actually doing things without divine intervention?

They build them themselves, and generally live their lives without divine intervention. If you wanted to order a specific way to build temples, or any services for them to give, you may. Example: Lorash's temples act as Golem forges and hospitals.

Nilva doesn't really give a fuck about temples. Or shrines.

Most of Nilva's worshipers appear to be nomadic in nature, thus lack structures such as temples and shrines. The Priests seem to prefer setting up around a large fire, or designate a large Animal to preach from on top of.
Nilva wasn't even aware she had priests until just now~


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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (22/⊕∵↯) (OOC)
« Reply #2079 on: July 30, 2015, 08:05:42 pm »

Also: Do YOU have to build each temple, or can there be such things as people (gasp) actually doing things without divine intervention?

They build them themselves, and generally live their lives without divine intervention. If you wanted to order a specific way to build temples, or any services for them to give, you may. Example: Lorash's temples act as Golem forges and hospitals.

Nilva doesn't really give a fuck about temples. Or shrines.

Most of Nilva's worshipers appear to be nomadic in nature, thus lack structures such as temples and shrines. The Priests seem to prefer setting up around a large fire, or designate a large Animal to preach from on top of.
Nilva wasn't even aware she had priests until just now~

How did Nilva get into the OOC? Gosh darn it, I really need to build a wall or something to keep all these Gods from crossing the border into our reality.
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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (22/⊕∵↯) (OOC)
« Reply #2080 on: July 30, 2015, 08:11:44 pm »

Maaaaybe look at the list of things created, hiddenleafguy. There's only three fragments. :p
Sincerely, Role P. Geek

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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (22/⊕∵↯) (OOC)
« Reply #2081 on: July 30, 2015, 08:14:26 pm »

Everyone knows inane gods regularly break the fourth wall whenever you forget to close the curtains.

Also yah. Hidden, there's like three chunks of planet, a rod sun, and a tiny moon made of chitin.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2015, 08:16:03 pm by Kevak »


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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (22/???) (OOC)
« Reply #2082 on: July 30, 2015, 08:24:08 pm »

Ah, somehow I misread three as "Five" I shall fix this!


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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (22/???) (OOC)
« Reply #2083 on: July 30, 2015, 09:40:14 pm »

Ah, somehow I misread three as "Five" I shall fix this!
...I have to worry about HOW you'll fix that.

It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.


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Re: Litany of the Void: A God Game (24/???) (OOC)
« Reply #2084 on: July 30, 2015, 09:44:00 pm »

Just a bit of editing and.... Now two are left behind for future colonization. Also, beware the invisable robotic world I know need to build.
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