For the longer run...
Price check on starting an order of Gai-Knights.
The Gai-Knights are skilled melee warriors empowered by me with the purpose of ensuring the spread of technology and fighting on my behalf. The Gai-Knights have 7 "orders", of which the first only has one member. The First Order only has the leader within it. The leader is whoever has the strongest fighting skills, defined by victory in duels and large numbers of kills. The leader is immortal for as long as he is the strongest fighter. If he becomes not the strongest fighter, the immortality will end, leaving the former leader's body at the biological age it had during immortality(but now aging). (note only males can become Gai-Knights. See Gen-Snipers for fairness) The Second Order has only seven members, as you might imagine they are the 7 strongest fighters that are not the leader. Their aging speed is halved. The other 5 Orders have no maximum member number restriction.
Membership in the Gai-Knights is signified by wearing a gear amulet made of gold. The size of the gear depends on the Order number. As you might expect, the First Order has the largest gear and the Seventh has the smallest.
Being a Gai-Knight also has other benefits. The Fifth Order and up can go into martial trances when fighting an unfair battle to boost their fighting skills. The Third Order and above can infuse fire or electricity into their attacks. The First Order(one member, the leader) can call the spirits of those Gai-Knights who died fighting into himself to boost his power and allow him to "flash step".
Price check on starting an order of Gen-Snipers.
The Gen-Snipers are a group of elite crossbow wielding females empowered by me with the purpose of ensuring the spread of technology and fighting on my behalf. The Gen-Snipers have 7 Orders. The same "immortal leader, slowly aging near-leaders" thing applies here also. The same "1 in First, 7 in Second, infinite in rest" also applies here.
The symbol and badge of membership of the Gen-Snipers is a custom-made crossbow. Anyone in the Gen-Snipers must use a crossbow they made themselves.
The Order a Gen-Sniper occupies is calculated based on their accuracy and kill-count. The change in leadership and whatnot is determined by long-ranged archery contests(using crossbows).
Every Order gained by a Gen-Sniper improves their range, accuracy, eyesight, and dexterity. At the Fourth Order, any Gen-Sniper has the option to, twice a day, fire a crossbow bolt that explodes in a magical explosion. Note that at the First Order, a Gen-Sniper could snipe across a large city, and then some.