I am contemplating joining a local group, which includes a co-worker. This is the first group in meatspace I have encountered.
I have floated the idea for a comically silly character, for the maximum chaos it will cause, and gotten a warm reception to the concept, but have been asked for an implementation of the concept.
(Specifically, I want to play as a misfit artificer, who by all rights and reason, should not be an artificer, but due to socio-political reasons and guild culture, MUST BE. )
I have made a simple write-up with the following suggested house-rules amended to the RAW for the 3.5e Artificer package found in the Eberron campaign setting splatbook:
Use of the Spell Storage Item infusion is doubled, (Each use counts as normal, and counts against your infusion number for the day. However, after that is depleted, you get an additional "bonus" (ahem) set of uses of this infusion...) with caveats:
Using the "Bonus Infusions" for Spell Storage Item, results in 100% chance of the spell effect so stored having a deleterious effect added to it. Additionally, the first half of these bonus infusions produce results 1/2 the intended CL when possible, and produce "in line with intent, but not in form" effects if the resulting CL is insufficient for the effect when reduced to that new level. (EG, a fireball spell might not actually form a 'ball', but will still emit fire with say, a cone type area with greatly reduced distance, and reduced damage consistent with the reduced CL it is discharged at.) The second half of the bonus infusions operates at 1/4 the intended CL, in the same way.
Additionally, the "DC 20 + CL" check when creating an emulated spell effect to store in such items is amended like this:
The hard-cut point for true success remains the same-- DC20+CL, however, a "*ahem* 'success' *ahem*" margin of 10% is allotted, such that if you fall short of the required roll by this 10% margin, the attempt "succeeds", but is afflicted with an adverse effect that you wont know the specifics of until you use or discharge the stored spell. Additionally, another 10% margin at the bottom (critical failure threshold, where a mishap would occur) is imposed, such that if you squeak by just above the critical failure mark-- you still "fail", but get a mostly harmless, but comical consequence for the failure. (Actual critical failure results in a real, painful-bad consequence, as normal.)
And finally---
Spell Storage Item itself has a slight amendment for this character-- Items intended to function for a short time when activated still peter out after the 1hr/lvl restriction, as per RAW-- but simply stored spell effects persist in the item until it is either discharged, or used to create a magical item through an item creation feat. (Since the artificer has no other real means of producing the requisite effects aside from spell emulation, and would be allowed to substitute the source of the spell in accordance with the dungeon master's guide.) Stored spells that have a deleterious effect added to them, if used to fabricate actual general-use magic items (since spell storage items only work for the artificer, per RAW, and this is retained) transfer the deleterious effect into the finished item, and it cannot be removed. The deleterious effect is not a rider, but instead represents a broken or twisted version of the spell effect itself.
To make up for the "can keep the items until discharged" amendment, the artificer can only keep track of so many such items per artificer level, making them function more-or-less like a spell slot, with slot number restrictions-- consistent with a sorc, (The artificer is CHA based, like a sorc) but hampered by the fact that you have to burn through your infusions to get stored spell items, that you must use this process to reload the stored spell items, and that you have the imposed failure mechanics mentioned above applied to this process, making a significant number of the "slots" dangerous to use.
Deleterious effects are decided by the "cursed item creation" rules in the dungeon master's guide.
I am putting this here for feedback before I actually submit the proposal. Cut this shit up, and make it bleed.