1. Hi I'm new, I didn't know someone was shutting down discussion about that, I replied after someone else brought it up, that's a shame because these kind of things are really important to talk about, awwh. Sometimes avoiding talking about things leads to a situation where it comes to the point no one can, humanity loses...
2. I appreciate you tried, poorly, to be insulting and patronising in your reply here, and imply, laughably, that I was not genuine in talking about the subject which is impossible to separate from talking about real world censorship, from a high horse that you have shown little but unwarranted self-importance (with an anime avatar, really) for a reason to talk down to people though. (No, I don't, that was really obnoxious and a great example of why the position of gatekeeper over discussions often often leads to megalomania.)
If I believe that you are breaking the rules stated in the OP, then I will issue a warning, as stated in the OP. If you give me attitude for that warning, I will not hesitate to report you, as the forum guidelines, specifically 1, 2 and 4, clearly support my position.
I will not issue another warning to you. I will apologize for the specific phrasing of my warning, my use of the word "poorly" was out of line, and the result of twenty hours without sleep. The warning stands nonetheless.
Cruxador: I am not current on WoD's game lore, and had heard nothing about any of this until this morning, it still reeks of politics dragged into a discussion that has no need for them. I will defer to you on the issues surrounding it as you have apparently been able to determine what the actual connection is.
Having looked further into this I am going to maintain my position regarding my previous warning. The fact that White Wolf used this bit of modern political nastiness as a plot point does not mitigate that the way it was phrased by TWO CATATA is clearly inflammatory and outside this thread's scope. Phrasing matters.