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Author Topic: Re: Dungeons & Dragons / PNP games thread: COBRA!!!  (Read 912852 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Okay, so I'm gonna document my creation of a deadEarth character.

My design brief for this is "melee brawler", but with the power of Realism, anything could result!

Okay, starting off with Moves (apparently the most important stat). I roll 2d6, and get 8. Nice and average.
Next, Resiliency (which is how hard it is to hurt you, I think?). 1d6 + 3, 5(owch). Brawler is off to a bad start.
Strength starts at 0, but apparently skills and mutations can increase it (average is 1, negatives are crippled horribly)

Next, I have to decide my Age. In the grim realism of deadEarth, characters are between 16 and 60 (the setting explicitly says that everyone is dead past 60 and that if a character reaches 60 years old they... just die?). Did I say decide? I meant, "percentile dice". I get 95, and therefore roll again and add d6 to an attribute. I'll take +1d6 to Strength, getting 2. I roll again, and get 12 - Roll again and subract 50 skill points. Damn. I roll athird time and get 61 - roll twice and pick. I get 45 and 48. I pick 45. This gives me -1 resiliency and -3(!) moves, but  get 800 + d6*10 skill points, working out to be 810 (bugger that roll) -50 for 760 skill points. I will get 3d6 Radmans (Mutations, but REALISTIC)

Now that I have decided my age (Look how easy and streamlined the process was! Immense realism! Wow!), I have to - get this - roll for height and weight. Truly, RNG salves all flaws. I roll 48+6d6 inches, getting 72 inches height. Six feet exactly.
For weight, I roll 5d6 and consult a chart (?), getting 15. The book isn't very clear, but I think that I multiply my height by this to get my weight in pounds.
This would make my character (Who I've decided to call Fragile Francis) weigh... 1080lbs?! I don't american weights, so I have no idea how well this conforms to the brutal reality of the deadEarth.

Actually, this doesn't seem to be how you do it. There's a chart here, but it's... blanked out? Whatever, I'll pick a weight myself for maximum minmax (Vital to the realistic atmosphere.) I'll take 260lbs. This gives me +2 resiliency and +1 strength (score!)

Now, carry capacity time. This is, 30 + STR*10 lbs, so that's 60lbs for Francis, with his 3 strength (Which apparently makes him Arnold, according to the description of strength)

Finally, I get the Player's Choice, where I add 1d6 to one of a buncha things listed on the helper spreadsheet.

Time for the First Long Boring Part: Abilities/Disabilities.
These are what Francis is inherently "good" or "bad" at, and will probbably define his character build unless I get some Mad Whack Voodo Mutations.
I roll 2d6 for all of the skills, and for each 12 i get an Ability, and for each 2 I get a disability.

About 100 die rolls later, Francis has Abilities in
-Pioneering (Wtf is that and how would you use it in a game)

and Inabilities in:
-Beast handling

Well, that's completely useless. I rolled

THIS MANY 2d6s (thats all the skills, by the way), and thats all I got. I might as well call this loser Average Aaron.


Anyway, time to generate my $tandards! A post-apocalyptic united currency based off the Euro that uses the dollar symbol and has $1 purchasing power!

I get 3d6*100 $tandards, an-
Wait, WHAT did that next bit say?



Anyway, I got $tandards 1000. More to follow, as we delve into the terrifying Skill Tree.

As it stands, Fragile Francis has 7 Moves, 6 Resiliency, and hits like a pro boxer with a Strength of 3. So much for the name, but the original concept is looking good!
He's 45, is exactly 6 feet high and weighs 260lbs.
He loves Pioneering(?) But hates animals and building things. But he has a worrying 3d6 Radiation Manipulations coming up.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2016, 06:28:08 am by Dorsidwarf »
Quote from: Rodney Ootkins
Everything is going to be alright


  • Bay Watcher
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Starting a gestalt campaign, and I want to build either goku/saitama or some sort of rogue/(druid/wizzerd) master infiltrator. Not sure which yet.


  • Bay Watcher
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Time for the good stuff!

RADIATION MANIPULATIONS (Or, Mutations to regular people. Radmans to the wise)

Fragile Francis here is in his 40s, and so gets 3d6 manipulations. He rolls, and gets... 17. Wow.

So, time to roll on the d1000 table... 17(+) times.

1: 101 Second chance.
When you die (and you will) you will bereborn with no radiation manipulations. Your new life will beginexactly one day after your death (Hopefully no one buries you.).

Amazing. Realistic portrayal of radioactive mutation at its finest.

2:  474 Emergency preparedness.
Add a D6 to jury-rig and
first aid.

3: 185 Sage.
You have a unique ability to perceive beyond your normal
five senses, to see into a situation and determine a better way to accomplish the task at hand. Roll two distinguish-able dice with each of your skill rolls from now on. If they match each other, you may add them to your roll.
range: self.

Now I'm a fortune-telling survivalist with the ultimate edge in survival - Resurrection.

4: 014 Pass.
Choose a random radiation from your list and make it binary. The next person you come into contact with gains that radiation and pass. Then remove that radiation and pass from your list.

I'll use Pass on sage. Remember kids - radioactive mutations are like hot-potato!

 664 Hibernation.
You may choose to go into hibernation at any time. While in hibernation you will have only one move.You will breathe through your skin and your vital signs willbe nil. Hibernation extends for D6 days and can be renewed for a cost of one skill point.
cost:2 skill points.

This is a weird one. I guess I can play dead?

6: 267 Negative influence.
Your pessimistic attitude affects every-one around you. Anyone performing a skill in your company must subtract a D6 from their roll, except you.
range:others in your presence.

Not a team player, is Survivalist Dormant Jesus Fragile Bodybuilder Francis.

7: 145 Eraser.
You may spend 25 skill points to erase a random radiation manipulation, 75 to erase one of your choice, or 200 toerase them all.

My god. I'm safe. As long as I have plenty of skill points, I can dodge Death By Character Generation.

8: 771 He said, she said.
Every D6 days, you change to theopposite sex and personality. All memories and aspirations areunique to that sex's experiences. Add(662)PMS to list whenfemale, (008)Bottoms up when male to radiation list.

Uh, what?! How about no. I'll spend 75 skill points to erase 771, leaving me with 685 Skill Points

9: 880 Worker's compensation.
Worker's compensation. Gainan extra skill point whenever you roll beast handling, construc-tion, domestics, horticulture, mechanics, mining, smithing, andtrapping/

This is... kind of neat? It ties in with the whole "Lone survivalist" thing we've got Francis, even if one of the extra skill points is his disadvantage.

10: 210 Seven card stud.
From now on, when you are asked to rollon the radiation table, roll seven times. The Game Master will choose your fate.

I'll ignore this for char gen, for my sanity.

11:  175 Sweet side of death.
five radiations from this table andadd them to your list of radiation manipulations. From now on,when you encounter radiation, roll percentiles. If you roll 75%or under, you die. Not even (176) retard can save you fromthe death effects of sweet side of death. You may not choose a radiation that removes sweet side of death from your list ofradiations.

I'll take this, then wipe it immediately with Eraser (which I already have and therefore skips the restriction) once I pick my 5 radmen.

11 a)  181 Mule.
Your maximum carrying weight is doubled.
 11b)  251 Save versus death.
If you die, roll resolve against average(15) odds. If you are successful, your willpower will keep youalive provided that you receive immediate medical attention.
11c)  406 Unconscious freedom.
You cannot go unconscious.
11 d) 441 Halogen.
You have the ability to project a variably brightlight from your eyes.
cost:1 skill point per hour.
11e) Deviant (I would never normally select this, but rolling 1d6 radmans for all six of my remaining radmen rolls amuses me. Gain 1d6 radiations whenever you would roll to gain a radiation.

And then scrub SSoD , taking me down to 605 skill points

12a) 797 Misdiagnosis.
Choose a random radiation from your list andreroll it on the table. If a permanent is chosen, choose another.

Lose a random radman. I rolled Halogen. *sigh*
12b) 828 Getaway.
Gain an extra skill point every time you roll escape, climbing, or hide

13  810 Rite of corruption.
You may spend 10 skill points to reducethe reason skill of a person you are speaking with. For everylevel their reason skill is reduced, you may add a D6 to yourguile and outright lie skills. You may not reduce their skill to lessthan 2D6. The effects last of this ritefor one minute.
cost:10 skillpoints.

Why is this "corruption"?

More  to come
Quote from: Rodney Ootkins
Everything is going to be alright


  • Bay Watcher
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Thanks a bunch for sharing these!  The first one was hilarious and this one looks great too (once I get a chance to read it properly).

Haha this is amazing.  I particularly like how it gives you basically no choice in chargen, and involves somewhere between a hundred and a million die rolls.  Much like that other horrible system, but I think this is actually more entertaining.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2016, 12:29:16 pm by Rolan7 »
No justice: no peace.
Quote from: Fallen London, one Unthinkable Hope
This one didn't want to be who they was. On the Surface – it was a dull, unconsidered sadness. But everything changed. Which implied everything could change.


  • Bay Watcher
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14 a)  535 Concussion.
Every time you take a point of damage to thehead, take an extra point of damage (resiliency will protect, ifyou have any) and an extra D6 of stun.

Fragile Escapist Survivalist Dormant Jesus Fragile Bodybuilder Francis is living up to his name.

14 b) 680 Polarization.
You are now magnetic.

You couldn't make this up. Francis can now float on his back in water to point his way north. As long as he stays in a swamp, he'll never get lost.

14 c)  756 Direction sense.
Gain an extra skill point every time you roll navigation, tracking, or memory

I guess this can be assumed to be related to the above.
14 d) 774 Courage under fire.
Whenever you enter an intense situa-tion, roll a D6. On an odd roll, you gain nothing. On an evenroll, you gain +2D6 to command, charisma, and resolve for theduration of the situation.

This is really good considering that he makes a Resolve check to not die when he would otherwise be killed.

14 e)  331 Spawn.
Regenerate a lost limb in D6 weeks.

It takes Francis 4.
Fragile Healing-Factor War-Hero Living-Compass Escapist Survivalist Dormant Jesus Fragile Bodybuilder Francis is shaping up nicely.

15 a) 592 Thyroid condition.
Add or subtract (flip a coin) 2D6 inches to your height and adjust your modifiers accordingly

Uh.. okay. He loses 8 inches, taking his Resilience down by 1. Damnit.
15 b) 697 Killing spree.
Once each year, on a date decided by your Game Master, you must kill D6 people. If you fail to kill those people, kill yourself.

Fragile Healing-Factor War-Hero Living-Compass Escapist Survivalist Dormant Serial-Killer Jesus Fragile Bodybuilder Francis.
15 c)  482 Consumer.
Haggle is now a natural inability.

15 d)  604 Mammal.
You have cross-mutated with a mammal. Take one attribute from a mammal of your choice and apply it to your character.

Francis gets bat echolocation. This will help him hunt down his victims in the dead of night and curse them with his radiation magic.

1d6:1 (yay)
16:  375 Mutant.
From this point forward, each time you accumulate 10 skill points you will spend them by rolling on this table. You may not spend skill points on skills until mutant is removed from your list of radiations

This is really bad, since you can't spend skill points in intervals of less than 10, and accumulate 1 or more every time you roll a skill. But since it's not going to kill
Fragile Healing-Factor War-Hero Living-Compass Escapist Survivalist Dormant Serial-Killer Jesus Bodybuilder Bat Francis in character generation, I'll ignore it.

17a) 417 Active agent.
Your game master will determine a substancewhich, when you ingest it, will add D6 points to your resiliency,strength and moves for D6 x 10 minutes

Francis is Serial Killer Survivalist Popeye now.

17b) 338 Desperation.
You may sacrifice one hit point from any place on your body to add two points to your resiliency. This effect will not permanently remove the hit points from your body. In effect, you will be injuring yourself to save yourself.
cost:1 hit point per 2 resiliency.

An interesting last one. This explicitly states that the HP loss is not permanent, but doesn't say that about the Resiliency gain. So Francis can spend his downtime slitting his wrists and patching himself up to become invincible.

So there you have it.
Francis the Fragile Healing-Factor War-Hero Living-Compass Escapist Survivalist Dormant Serial-Killer Jesus Bodybuilder Bat-Emo.

In the harsh world of deadEarth, radiation is a constant threat, with it's realistic muta-I mean, Radiation Manipulations.

I'll work on his skills.

(also his Misdiagnosis returned  244 Sleepwalking.
Roll a D6 when you fall asleep. If you rolla three, the Game Master has the option of controlling your character while you are asleep. The only thing that can bring you from sleep, while sleepwalking, is pain.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2016, 12:32:24 pm by Dorsidwarf »
Quote from: Rodney Ootkins
Everything is going to be alright

My Name is Immaterial

  • Bay Watcher
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Well, I'm sold. I'm going to roll up mine:

I have no idea what I want to do with this, except roll the dice and see what happens.
Moves is the first thing to roll: 2d6 = 5. Eh, not so great. Below average, but not terribly so.
Resiliency, though, with d6+3 = 9 will really be great! That's a great start!
Age is next, with a percentile dice: 40. Oh, just on the edge there. Any higher, and the penalties would have started racking up heavily. Still, a -1 to a already meh Moves is much less than ideal. Dorisdwarf got much better rolls on the age front, it seems; mine were one and done. I do get 690 skill points out of the deal, which is nice. I am not sure about the 2d6 Radiation, though.

Now onto height and weight. Height rolls out to be a tall 78 inches, and my roll of 21 on the weight chart gives me height x3, or 234 pounds. It does give me a +2 to Moves, which is very useful!
They say that you get to choose your gender, but I'm going to roll for it. 1-49 is male, 50-100 is female, 40 gives me Male.
Player's Choice time. I'm going to have to go with the first option; rolling a d6 and adding it to anyone thing. d6 = 1... Ouch. That's not so great. I can't do a lot with that. I'm going to dump it into Strength to round it out a bit.

Now onto skills, which is buried after a thousand mutations. Holy crap, dude, can't that be an appendix or something?
Thanks to, I can roll Natural (In)Abilities quickly. I'm a natural at Escape and Senses, but a complete failure at Computer Operation, Hork, Interrogate, Memory and Stealth.
Eurgh. That's not a great list of things. Senses might be nice, I guess, but still, not worth a 2:5 ratio.

$tandards comes out to a respectable 1400 on 3d6*100. At least I can use some money to keep my character from floundering too bad.

I've got to head to class now, but as we stand, Ralph is a 40-year-old, tough-as-nails, fit, 6-and-a-half-foot guy, with a nice nest-egg, who has a passion for breaking out of restraints and noticing things, but could never figure out how to use a computer right, steal things from under people's noses, beat information out of people, remember his mother's birthday, or hide when she realizes that he forgot.


  • Bay Watcher
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I'm beating my head against the skill tree, but I have to say these are some of the most functional and normal deadEarth characters I ever saw
Quote from: Rodney Ootkins
Everything is going to be alright


  • Bay Watcher
  • Still a demilich, despite the 4e and 5e nerfs
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For weight, I roll 5d6 and consult a chart (?), getting 15. The book isn't very clear, but I think that I multiply my height by this to get my weight in pounds.
This would make my character (Who I've decided to call Fragile Francis) weigh... 1080lbs?! I don't american weights, so I have no idea how well this conforms to the brutal reality of the deadEarth.

Actually, this doesn't seem to be how you do it. There's a chart here, but it's... blanked out? Whatever, I'll pick a weight myself for maximum minmax (Vital to the realistic atmosphere.) I'll take 260lbs. This gives me +2 resiliency and +1 strength (score!)

Didn't read rest of post past this yet, but for 15 weight=heightx2, or in your case 144 lbs, +2 moves, -1 strength, +/-0 resiliency

Edit: OK, I'm going to do another character myself. Why not, right? Though I'll put mine in spoilers, because walls of text and holy crap I think Gentlefish was trying to talk about a different game and we're all ignoring him.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2016, 04:58:42 pm by flabort »
The Cyan Menace

Went away for a while, came back, went away for a while, and back for now.

My Name is Immaterial

  • Bay Watcher
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Since I'm only 40, I've still only got 2d6 Radmans, which rolls out to an average 8. Hopefully this will have less ups and downs than Francis.

413: Quicksilver. Subtract 18 inches and halve your weight. Adjust your attributes accordingly. Add three to your moves and subtract two from your strength.
And now suddenly, I literally can't carry anything, but I'm fast as sanic.

313: One tracked mind. Pick out a career path for yourself. The path should end with only one skill, such as demolitions or medical doctor. It should not be a jack-of-all-trades type of goal. Discuss it with your game master. After s/he approves it, any skills outside of that path will cost double the skill points to advance.
A career path doesn't seem much like a mutation, but I guess it's a bit like Asperger's? This is a tough decision, since it's so early in the build process. I'm going with Cybernetic Engineer, because the path is so large, and should let me be useful. Maybe I can build a robotic endoskeleton to fix my Strength?

429: Snapshot. You have a photographic memory. You have D6 (3) slots of memory in which you can store any information that you would like(a photograph, a map, etc.) simply by glancing at it. You may purge whatever is stored in those slots at anytime.
That's kinda funny, since Ralph's memory skill has a Natural Inability. Funny how these things work out, isn't it?

501: Elementary deductions. Add 2D6 to investigate.
Meh. Not really interesting. Decent, but not interesting.

424: Fit. Throw a tantrum every time something does not go exactly as you planned.
Obsession with one thing? Stunted growth? Poor memory, except for a bit of photographic memory? Inappropriate rage? I'm not irradiated, I'm arguably on the spectrum.

319: Insight. Gain natural abilities to D6 (5) random skills.
Drive Railed, Trapping/Fishing, Drive Sailcar, WS Blade Paired, and Swimming. What am I now, a D&D Ranger? Heck, I'll take it; it makes up for the bad Ability rolls.

530: Sacrifice. Every time you roll on the radiation table, you may adjust your attributes by -1 moves, -1 resiliency, and -1 strength permanently to reroll on the table.
Well, that's not too good for my second to last radman roll. It's also not really worth using, since my strength is already so bad.

610: Multiplexing. New directions in one's life are often obtained in strange ways. Compare each of your skills to each of the skills of the next player you come in contact with. Roll a D6 for each skill. On a roll of 1, 2, or 3, those skills are unchanged. On a roll of 4, 5, or 6, swap the levels of the two skills.
what even is this
I must have rolled the mutation to turn into a white girl, because I can't even. I'm going to use Sacrifice to reroll this.

765: Special procedures. Radiations may not be removed from your list by other radiations (that effect is negated). However, an impossible medical doctor roll or an improbable genetics engineering roll will remove a radiation from your list.

This is a weird-ass game.

Well, that's Ralph. Now to work on skills.

My Name is Immaterial

  • Bay Watcher
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Right, so I decided that I was going to make Ralph a Cybernetic Engineer.
The good thing about that is that it has a HUGE skill tree, and so I can do a lot of things with those skills.
The bad thing about that is that it has a HUGE skill tree, and so it costs a ridiculous amount of skill points.

The full CE tree is something like this:
Cybernetic Engineer
Robotics Engineering (CE)  Medical Doctor (CE)
Robotics (RE) Medic (MD)
Mechanics (Rob) Electronics Engineering (Rob) Computer Programming (Rob) Biology. (Med) First Aid. (Med)
Physics (Mec) Electronics (EE) Computer Operation. (CP) Math. (CP)
Math. (Phy) Physics (Ele)
Math. (Phy)

That's 14 different skills. I'm going to dump all of my skill points into raising them all to 4d6, except for CE, since I can't afford that extra little bit of training. CE is only going to get to 3d6.

And that's Ralph, the stupid fast and tough, but weak, idiot savant of Cybernetic Engineering. I'm disappointed; I was promised that I would explode during character creation.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Still a demilich, despite the 4e and 5e nerfs
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So far I've had over 50 mutations on my character at any given time, and I'm not done rolling yet.
Due to rolling up 935, Segregation, that got cut down to 18 mutations with at least 10 rolls left.
The Cyan Menace

Went away for a while, came back, went away for a while, and back for now.


  • Bay Watcher
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Damn, now I'm into this shit.
I'm gonna roll up one now.
Edit: H'okay, got the sheet printed, time to start, I'm hoping I get a Sanic here.
Starting off with the name, as with any character I have no intention of using seriously, I name him Pizzazananaman.
So, to start, moves, 2D6, and I get a 1 and a 2.
This bodes well.
Resiliency, D6+3, and I get a 1, oh dear jesus.
Age is up next-And this is percentile, mind- and somehow, I get a four, it lets me pick any age from 16-60, so while it isn't great it ain't terrible, either, I'll go with 35, seems like a good age, and gives me 510+D6*10 skill points, leading up to 530 skill points, figures, still, at least I don't have to decrease my already horrible move speed or any other stats.
Height, let's see if my streak continues with a 6D6+48, and it doesn't! Somewhat, at least, I end up with 69 inches, weight is then calculated by rolling 5D6, then comparing that with the table to see by how many times the weight is multiplied, I get 21 total, which leads to Height*3, 207 Pounds is about a healthy weight, right?
Anyway, on to this unnecessarily obtuse table to see how many positives or negatives I get, in the end, I get 1+ strength and 2+ to resiliency, not too shabby, I guess.
Skills, I don't know why, but it insists on having a roll for every skill, after approximately infinity rolls, I end up with Positives iiiiin...
Ughhhhh, alright, I get a choice between adding or subtracting a D6 in any of the main stats, which considering my luck, is going to be, like, 1, adding 2D6*10 skill points to my character, or being able to purchase new mutations at a cost of 10 skill points per roll, this is actually a tough choice, since I know, without a single doubt, that the mutation thing is going to have me end up with two sharks for an ass and no head, and that the first choice is going to get me jack all.
Whatever, I'll get the skill thing, which actually nets me a 6! Finally, I'm tempted to put them into strength and become the best hulk, so that's what I'll do.
Finally, I'm up to the radiations, I have seven to roll through, so let's get through them.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
There you go, ladies and gentlemen, the first casualty of the game.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2016, 10:32:10 pm by Execute/Dumbo.exe »
He knows how to fix River's tiredness.
Alan help.
IronyOwl   But Kyuubey can more or less be summed up as "You didn't ask."
15:52   IronyOwl   Whereas Dungbeetle is closer to "Fuck you."


  • Bay Watcher
  • Still a demilich, despite the 4e and 5e nerfs
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Spoiler (click to show/hide)

So we've got a color changing scaly lady with a mushroom for a head, working as a maid, stealing from whomever she works for (or whomever stays over at her place of employment).
She has a head for business, doesn't eat enough, has perfect memory and doesn't like it when a plan falls apart. And she can hurl blasts of energy at people who piss her off.
She's also incredibly easy to read.

Let's call her Alex. It's a somewhat gender neutral name, which makes sense given the sex change.
The Cyan Menace

Went away for a while, came back, went away for a while, and back for now.


  • Bay Watcher
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So, our party consists of:

Survivalist Jesus Bat-Emo Francis The Serial Killer,

Speedy Ralph the Spectrum Cybernetic Engineer,

Time Limit Joe, who has 5 minutes from game start (The game creator confirmed in the rpgnet forums that timer mutations in character creation start from the beginning of play) to get a mutation that can save him,

and Alex, the Chameleon Psychic Mushroom Maid.

So, Skills.

Francis has good strength, so I'm gonna keep making him a melee boxer. He's got +1d6 to first aid, so he can be a great medic. Hooray! I also spent a load of points learning Resolve, because Francis rolls Resolve to see if he really dies when killed, as long as someone else takes first aid/medic.

Biology 4d6
Boxing 5d6
Brawling 4d6
First Aid 6d6 (including my 1d6 bonus from RadMans)
Intuition 4d6
Jury Rig 5d6 (including 1d6 radman bonus)
Medic 4d6
Navigation 4d6
Pioneering 4d6
Reason 4d6
Resolve 4d6
running 4d6 (+1 move baby)
search 4d6
senses 4d6
Weight training 4d6 (+1 str baby)
WS melee 5d6

« Last Edit: April 16, 2016, 05:00:46 am by Dorsidwarf »
Quote from: Rodney Ootkins
Everything is going to be alright


  • Bay Watcher
  • Never Types So Much As Punches The Keyboard
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Worst part is, that last mutation makes it so I can never get a mutation again, no matter what.
So I might make a second character, see if he'll survive.
He knows how to fix River's tiredness.
Alan help.
IronyOwl   But Kyuubey can more or less be summed up as "You didn't ask."
15:52   IronyOwl   Whereas Dungbeetle is closer to "Fuck you."
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