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Author Topic: I told them I could be anything...  (Read 27270 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #90 on: June 03, 2015, 07:56:37 pm »

+1 to the above.... just, ask everyone to be quiet too. Everything is loud, even those people in the apartment building next door....
Oooooooo. I know. ClF3. That should be a fun surprise.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #91 on: June 03, 2015, 08:43:30 pm »

ok then lets eat, we just made reality bend over backwards for us, time to rest up and re fuel.....'

then we can test again and take it a step further.

make reality bend over backwards, twist 260 degrees at the waist, open its mouth so wide it can swallow itself, and beat it with a hammer :D
Kids make great meat shields.
I nominate endlessblaze as our chief military executive!

Silleh Boy

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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #92 on: June 04, 2015, 08:40:57 am »

By the time you had arrived at the cafeteria your hunger had progressed from pangs that demanded satiation for your continued comfort, to the point where you felt utterly ravenous.
Just how taxing had what you'd done been on your body?
If it was this taxing, perhaps you should hold off on doing it again.
At least until you could figure a way of doing it more efficiently.
The key to success wasn't to expend the most effort possible, it was to maximise results for the effort put into things.

Practice made perfect, they said, but practice without direction was almost as bad as no practice at all.
At least that was how you rationalised running away for breakfast.
Not that you needed a reason for it, given you hadn't actually had breakfast yet.
Sure, it was a late breakfast now, but it was still breakfast.

"So, what do you want?" Millicent asked as she ushered you into the cafeteria and towards one of the tables near the windows.
Now that day had broken, you were able to see the buildings that stood around this one.
Outside it was a mixture of office buildings and businesses, pubs, bakeries and a few houses dotted between them.
And in the midst of it all, there was this building.
People were no doubt ignorant of its very existance, despite being in such close proximity to it.
"Alyssa?" Millicent nudged your shoulder as your attention snapped back to her.
"Oh, sorry, I was just thinking."
"What were you thinking?"
"If they're going to want to keep me here, do you think I'd be able to get new clothes?"
"I'm sure they'll want to keep you here for further observation if they can, so you can ask them yourself," Millicent laughed. "What do you think about breakfast though?"
"I think I need a lot of it. I feel drained after that and... Hungry. I've gone without before, but this is some serious hunger pangs."
"Yeah, I get that too. If I use my ability to influence people enough it leaves me fatigued as the strain of it builds up."
"Maybe a big plate of bacon, sausages, eggs, beans, toast and.. Um... A milkshake."
"Okay, I'll see what I can do," Millicent responded as she made her way over to the counters before the kitchens, leaving you - briefly - sat alone.
Of course, that solitude was not to last, and you would have been lying if you'd said you had had any expectation that it would.

"Ah, Alyssa, I trust you are well?" came the voice of the boss, the man whom you had expected was going to be all over the chance to be your new best friend. It was all an interconnected mess, you were special, he was desperate to show results to avoid this place getting further cuts. People were going to poach your talents, whatever they were, and leave him sat on the reject pile with people like Millicent.
That wasn't fair on Millicent, but you knew what you were dealing with here.
A dying organisation that needed a chance to show that the cuts were unjust, that they could have missed out on others like you simply because they were under-funded.
You, the hottest person in this place right now.
"I feel exausted, hungry, dehydrated... It's like i'm starving, hung over and want to fall asleep at the same time, and right over there-" you pointed towards Millicent, who scowled across at you almost imperceptibly as she spied the boss with you. "Is a solution to two of the three."
"Yes, I heard that you did something quite amazing. Then the LPD called to ask if we needed Guardian assistance as they'd picked up a disturbance caused by what you accomplished. I told them that it was nothing to worry about as, well, it was merely a prospective new geomancer whom requires a little assistance on getting a handle over their powers."
"Millicent thought the same."
"With all due respect, Agent Cross isn't qualified to make that judgement. We both know what you pulled off was no mere act of geomancy. You didn't make the wall part with your affinity for stone, no. We're going to keep this under wraps however, for now. I am certain that you can understand that it is in your best interests that we do so - we can't have you announced and endangered. No, that would not do at all."
You watched the boss shifting uncomfortably as he did his best to wear a smile in your presence. You made this man fearful in a way Millicent could never dream of.
Was it what you were capable of, or what you would bring upon him that he feared most, though?
"What kind of danger are you talking about?"
"There are various groups that will attempt to recruit you, various others that will be horrified by your very existance and seek to harm you. While you are here however, you're amongst friends, the men and women that work in this agency-"
"Only have my best interests at heart. Yeah, I get it."
"Is there anything you require to make your stay here more comfortable?" he asked as you tilted your head slowly in response.
"What makes you certain I plan to stay?"
"You have not interrupted me so far to tell me that you wish to return home, so one can only presume-"
"Assumptions are not a good thing to make."
"Perhaps not, but I can see it in your eyes that something has changed. You have had the veil removed, you have been humbled by your own power-" he paused as you burst out laughing at the concept of being humbled by what you had accomplished. "Is something funny?"
"Yes, the thought that I should be humbled by that. Do you know how I managed it?"
"No, but I am certain you will enlighten me on this matter?"
"I reminded myself how I can only believe in what I can touch, that I can only be certain of what I can accomplish. I'm not humbled by what I accomplished, I'm disappointed that I didn't believe in myself sooner," you could see the manner in what he edged back, discomfort creeping over the corners of his mouth as his smile faltered.

Right now, he was no doubt thinking he was sat face to face with the greatest monster in the world, that he could be cast into the abyss at any moment as he was no longer at the top of the food chain here.
He had no reason to be afraid however, you had no reason to cast him from your presence.
Of course, you weren't going to stop basking in the afterglow of your accomplishment any time soon either - you were on a cosmic high, having asserted yourself over reality itself.
You were impossible, the woman who had done what gods alone dared.
This was doing wonders for your self confidence, and you were going to enjoy it while you could.

"So, I told them to give you a full english breakfast and load it up with extras, so you have beans, toast, sausage, eggs, tomato, black pudding and a chocolate milkshake," came Millicent's voice as she placed a plate before you.
With your focus broken her boss visibly relaxed, thankful that you had found something to occupy yourself with other than staring him down.
"So, you came to tell her 'good job' and annoy her with things she's too distracted to care about?" Millicent asked, as she placed a signifigantly smaller plate of food down for herself.
"Something to that effect," her boss mumbled as he placed his hands before him upon the table, his fingers interlaced. "Alyssa is the biggest thing to happen to this agency in the time either of us has been here and you know it."
"Uh-huh," came Millicent's response as she made no effort to hide her disinterest.

You knew where this was going.
You were the bargining chip that he wanted in his pocket, you were footnote in his legacy that he wanted out there to show that he was the best damn director to have ever graced this place. A true visionary whom had been wrongly denied the funding he needed to accomplish all he was required to.
It hadn't escaped your attention that he had referred to you by name either, that suddenly, you were worthy of that kind of consideration.

"Alyssa, I am certain that you'll want answers, that you'll want to have your talents honed. If you remain with us, I promise that I shall do everything in my power to accomplish this with you," came her bosses response, while you glanced up from your food.
Damn, this food was something you didn't want to disrespect in this manner given it was the best meal you'd had in recent years, but you had to do something to silence this man.
"Did you get in contact with the people you said might have answers?"
"Ah. Yes. They haven't responded yet."

He wasn't as far up the food chain as he'd have liked.

"However, if you opt to remain with us, then somewhere down the line we can offer you employment," he mumbled, the wind taken out of his sails.
"I'll consider it," you responded, between mouthfuls of food.
"Very well, I'll leave you to your meal. Should you wish to get in direct contact with any of the people that-"
"She's eating," Millicent sighed as she made a dismissive gesture. "And you're being creepy by watching her."
"Ah, I'll..." Her boss rose from the table, awkwardly shuffling away as he left you to it.
You had breakfast, next you'd call your sister and make sure your family was okay.
After that you'd... You'd...

You didn't know, you had the feeling that further testing was out of the question for the day, would you...
...Inquire about meeting one of the three prior choices of contacts?
...Inquire about researching the book that had been referenced in relation to you, yourself?
...Get a little more rest given how you'd exausted yourself?
...Find something else to do to occupy the rest of the day?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #93 on: June 04, 2015, 09:50:08 am »

Let's see about doing some reading. Check up on any past immortals, particularly those with a thousand year cycle.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #94 on: June 04, 2015, 10:03:41 am »

Let's see about doing some reading. Check up on any past immortals, particularly those with a thousand year cycle.

In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.

Generally me

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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #95 on: June 04, 2015, 10:28:30 am »

Let's see about doing some reading. Check up on any past immortals, particularly those with a thousand year cycle.

Sounds good


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #96 on: June 04, 2015, 11:10:41 am »

something else.

sit down in a nice comfy chair, and ponder the nature of the universe.
Kids make great meat shields.
I nominate endlessblaze as our chief military executive!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #97 on: June 04, 2015, 11:27:55 am »

Let's see about doing some reading. Check up on any past immortals, particularly those with a thousand year cycle.
sit down in a nice comfy chair, and ponder the nature of the universe.

Both of these at the same time. A Comfy chair and some reading, While pondering the universe.

Silleh Boy

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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #98 on: June 04, 2015, 04:50:10 pm »

You would read.
Yes, next, you would perform an act that was the bane of all teenagers.
Your evil truly knew no bounds.

But that was something that could wait until the most important things were taken care of, such as eating the rest of the breakfast that sat before you - a breakfast that was already over half gone.
After breakfast you'd call your family, allow yourself the simple comfort of hearing their voices and knowing that their well being wa assured, then, you would read.
It was no different than checking up on strategies and builds for games, you were going to do a little research on the kinds of things that you were dealing with and see to it that you weren't caught off guard by anything you should have known that this group you were at the mercy of had neglected to tell you.
You wouldn't put it past them to be complacant about such things, assuming that your assumed immortality would be reason enough to not concern themselves over potential mishaps.

There was no confirmation so far of course that you even healed any faster than a regular person, so you were going to keep a measure of care for the time being.
Then again, given your recent bumps, bruises and bloodshed, you were starting to wish you could heal faster than normal.

It was bizzare to think that just last night, you'd been a skeptic over this kind of thing, yet here you were.

And you were uncertain if it had sunk in, or if you were simply dreaming of this entire situation.

If it was a dream, it was the most realistic one you'd ever had, as well as the most pointlessly drawn out and boring.
Who'd have thought that finding you were some kind of super powered freak would have been so... Dull.
"Millicent?" you asked after some moments silence, as you looked up at the other woman between mouthfuls of your breakfast.
"Mm?" came her sole response as she levelled her gaze with your own, mouth full of food and cup of tea in hand.
"Does this place have a library?"
"S-nohfare-t-assme-" she paused, swallowing as she did so. "Do you need to know right now?"
"It's a matter of life or death, i've come down with an unshakable desire to read."
"No kidding?"
"So does this place have-"
"It does, you're not cleared for it though."
"You need clearance for that?"
"You do, it's not a typical library after all given we collect all manner of occult manuscripts."
"That's what I was hoping for. Do you think you could get me temporary access?"
"Any reason why you want this all of a sudden?"
"If I'm to get involved with any of this kind of stuff, I'm going to want to know what I'm dealing with. I figure, if you have records and such, I can brush up on what immortals are like, what the Enlightened are like, stuff like that. Forewarned, forearmed, etc."
"And if you don't get your way?"
"Then I'll sulk I guess?"
"I'll tell my boss you're asking for access, and a gesture of good will like that might have you stay and save his sorry ass."
"You know he's counting on that too?"
"Oh yeah, I can practically smell the desperation coming from him. He's suddenly on first name basis with you and-" she paused, leaning across the table towards you. "He's never, ever that friendly," she finished in a conspiratorial whisper.
You giggled briefly before you realised that Millicent wasn't joking - it was at that point your giggling became full blown laughter, laughter you were unable to hold in as something about the entire situation tickled you.
Right now he was probably sat in his office looking sullen as he counted the minutes until you came 'crawling to him' like he was probably certain you would.

"Question," you started again after several minutes silence.
"What is it?"
"Where's my hoodie?"
"Er. Back down in the testing facility and... I don't have a key to get down there. I'll ask someone to bring it up for you once we've finished eating."
"Another question."
"Where's the nearest phone I can use to call my family?"
"There's a few payphones on the ground floor, I'll loan you my mobile though, if it's just going to be a quick call."
"Yeah, I'll be quick, I just want to check up on them," you smiled. Of course, you couldn't exactly promise it would be a short call but you'd do your best to make sure that it was.

Millicent reached into her pockets before she placed her phone down before you, though you made it clear as you gestured towards the plate before you that you weren't quite ready for this call.
You  had just a little more of your food to go and, well, you were feeling rather stuffed at this point, so you'd cut it down to the rest of the sausage that sat before you.
Those last few bites.

Finally accepting your defeat, you pushed the plate away from yourself, looking at what remained.
There was about a quarter of what you'd had put upon the plate left, that considering it had been utterly stacked left you feeling as if you'd accomplished some amazing feat given you felt as if you'd eaten your own bodyweight in food right now.

The phone was plucked from the table before you as you tapped in your home phone number, the steady ringing that filled your ear as you brought it to up to your face repeating once, twice, three and four times before the sound of a familiar voice both made your heart sing and sink at the same time.
"This is the Smith household, nobody is present at the moment to take your call. Please leave a message and we'll get back to you once we're able," came the voice of your mother over the phone.
"Hi mom, dad, it's Alyssa, just calling to make sure everything's okay. I'll call back later and see if I can catch you when you're in, love you!" and with that you snapped the phone shut, passing it back to Millicent as you felt tears welling up in your eyes.
You'd bent reality over backwards and broken the laws of physics, yet you were powerless to catch your family in when you wanted to.
It was a wretched feeling, going from being atop the world to being brought low by something so simple, yet you couldn't help it. You felt increasingly isolated and alone in this strange place simply because that connection, that human connection that you craved with your family right now had been denied to you.
It was ironic, if you'd been back home you'd have happily holed yourself up in your room and gamed away, yet here you were.
You wanted to be in their presence, in their proximity, to have the reassuring comfort of routines you knew well.
"Hey," Millicent ventured in soft tones as she reached to take your hand. "You can call them again later, they're probably just out at the moment, nothing to worry about. I'll tell the boss that getting you temporary authorisation for the library is a matter of life and death. His life and death."

You didn't respond, you knew better than to do so.
You needed to pick yourself up again, tackle this moodswing like an adult.
And get the rest of your chocolates.
Right now, chocolates and books were at the top of your list of needs, though chocolates came higher.
"Come on, lets start there, I'll call him while we take the elevator," Millicent offered you a smile as she helped to haul you to your feet.
You must have been overly tired to get this emotional so easily, it was the only thing that made sense.
"Talk to me Alyssa, tell me... What was it like using your power for the first time?"
"I don't want to."
"Come on, humour me," she responded as she guided you towards the elevator and tapped the call button.
"Exausting. I felt everything resisting, as I pushed to make it do what I wanted."
"It resisted, huh?"
"Yeah, like I was playing the chords of the universe on an instrument that was out of tune."
"That's a weird way of putting it," Millicent chuckled as she stepped into the elevator ahead of you and plucked her phone from her person once more.

The steady tap of buttons followed as she brought it to her ear.
"I don't have time to stand on ceremoney, Alyssa needs access to the library," she started as she glanced over at you. "Yes, I'm quite aware what the rules say, but I'm certain that you can make an exception. If she has to go google immortals and shit to get an idea what she's dealing with out there, you're going to have her telling people how much this agency dropped the ball covering the things she needs to know, being, you know, immortal herself and all."
There was another pause, this one longer.
"I'm pretty certain this falls under your promise to help her find out what she is, do you even need another 'good reason' beyond that?" Millicent rolled her eyes. "Stop stammering, give her temporary authorisation and pray she has more gratitude than you do, you miserable asshole."

Millicent gave you a bright smile as she finally snapped her phone shut.
"We have authorisation for you, now you can read all the boring books about everything!" she beamed, trying to play up the situation in hand as the elevator doors opened and she lead you towards one of the buildings many identical looking rooms.
At least from the outside it was.
Once you stepped inside, you were able to see row after row of skeletal metal shelves lined with books of all shapes and sizes.
But that wasn't what made the biggest impression on you, no.
The biggest impression was how the room smelled dusty and under-used, as if all these books scared away the workforce.
"Okay Alyssa, go find whatever it is you need, I'll make sure the librarian knows you're permitted to be here and go get someone to fetch your hoodie for you."
"Okay," you mumbled as you shuffled into the library proper making your way between the shelves as you looked for a suitable looking book to read.
There were many potential books, but you weren't certain what historical maps would do to help, nor did you know what a book on the history of the guild would offer you.
It wasn't until you'd spent a fair time searching that you came across a book that struck you as a good starting place.
Immortall hystories.
Either it was a very old bok, or written by an illiterate.
Or both!

It was a book that you took with you to the biggest, plushest looking chair in the room before you settled down and started to carefully, carefully leaf through the pages within.
Only to realise a few pages in that it was a replica of an old book, printed on modern paper and placed within a mass produced spine that looked old.
The real copy must have been safely stored somewhere.
Regardless, it told you, in a very dry and roundabout manner, of the many immortals that had once congregated within the British Isles.

There were sections on various types of immortal too, though a lot of the terminology and phrasing didn't translate too well.
It was still enough for you to gather that there were a few main types.
The Enlightened, a group you'd already heard of, though it referred to them as a scourge of society, cold blooded killers that murdered people at night. This could explain the lasting resentment peoplehad towards them.
General immortals, many of whom had been listed as 'dead at the time of writing', as if they couldn't be counted on to remain that way. Some of them even had the sole ways to kill them listed within the pages.
The Deathless, a group that weren't true immortals, but rather undead. Ghouls, vampires, mummies, all those kinds of things were subtypes.
You already knew some of this, but the fact that there was all this information laid out as a work of fact was unusual.
There was even a section on immortals believed to be to other immortals what immortals were to men, though it seemed to be mostly speculation and referenced several other books.

One of what you were able to locate with a little effort, that in turn referenced another book - this time with a note scribbled in the margin.

And then another, and another.
It was a trail of fruitless ends until you found a book that seemed to be devoted to one of those 'special' immortals that had been referenced in the first book.
The last thousand soul.

This book was different to the rest, it was written from the collective experiences of individuals that had lived during the the past thousand years or so as they spoke of this one individual who had walked into their lives, who had swept them up and turned everything upside down.
And in the end, they'd been left behind, to return to normal life after their very perception of the world had been shaken.
This sounded familiar.
What surprised you however, was that this book mentioned that this thousand soul was supposedly a repeatedly incarnated immortal, one that it was early on mentioned had one known weakness - a silver pin.
That was an odd one.
This thousand soul was interesting though, as it told you exactly the type of thing you wanted to know about - exactly what you wished to be aware of should you ever have the misfortune of crossing the path of another immortal.
Or even one of the enlightened.
Or a person who could give you grief.
You weren't fussy, you just wanted to know what was out there.

As the book progressed it referenced other works, it referenced the two guilds that had later merged to form the guild you knew these days, it mentioned how this individual had been a guild master, how he had furthered firearms technology, made the guardians-
Wait, he MADE the Guardians?
And in such a horrific way, too.
The details laid out on the matter, brief as they were, would easily have been a human rights violation.
And then it progressed into a chapter of history that had been a sore point for the world ever since.

The Victorian War.

It briefly became a logistical manual at this point, full of numbers, full of information on how the guardians had been refitted with artillery weapons to protect the coast from the french, though you were certain that the sheer wall of information of little relevance to what you desired to know was starting to make your eyes glaze over.

It wasn't until you were near the end that your attention was drawn fully back to the texts.
The thousand soul had made his way into a battle that was to be his last, for of his two companions, individuals of great power, one was to betray him.
It was upon the shores facing the english channel that he was assaulted with the sole item capable of slaying him and...
And his second companion bearing his body had walked into the oceans, leaving the first, an 'Anxiety', whom at the bidding of a distraut Queen Victoria, had been sentenced to be locked away for the rest of her immortal life.
It was sparse information, but you had learned something from it.

Immortals were a bunch of drama queens.

And yet something about the information made you feel uncomfortable, there were bits that had been whited out. Apparently this book had information that was considered sensetive, though you couldn't place your finger on why.
There was one detail that did stand out to you however - this thousand soul was considered to be the perfect immortal.

you weren't certain what to make of this information yet, given you didn't have the full picture, but you knew that it was important somehow.

Censored or not, you knew that you could continue to research historical events and figures here if you wished, to brush up on other groups or to simply waste time reading anything of interest you came across.
The only issue was, did you wish to pursue further information from the books, or was there another course of action you wished to follow now you'd sated - and aroused - other curiosities?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #99 on: June 04, 2015, 06:45:16 pm »

((So... theoretically speaking, if we got high enough clearance, we could find and speak to Anne... Sounds like a long-term goal to me.))

Is there any information about whether said thousand soul has re-incarnated since then, or about the fate of his second companion? Also, check his death date against our birth date, just in case.

On a more practical note, look up the Enlightened and the Guardians. How have they changed since the Victorian War?

Also, thank Millie and her boss for the library access next time we see them. While throwing clout around is fun, we shouldn't make a habit of being unnecessarily difficult. (Though for the record, the chocolates were totally necessary.)
« Last Edit: June 04, 2015, 06:48:49 pm by Nicholas1024 »


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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #100 on: June 04, 2015, 06:55:05 pm »

((So... theoretically speaking, if we got high enough clearance, we could find and speak to Anne... Sounds like a long-term goal to me.))

Is there any information about whether said thousand soul has re-incarnated since then, or about the fate of his second companion? Also, check his death date against our birth date, just in case.

On a more practical note, look up the Enlightened and the Guardians. How have they changed since the Victorian War?

Also, thank Millie and her boss for the library access next time we see them. While throwing clout around is fun, we shouldn't make a habit of being unnecessarily difficult. (Though for the record, the chocolates were totally necessary.)

this. and try to figure out what the thousand soul could do.
Kids make great meat shields.
I nominate endlessblaze as our chief military executive!

Silleh Boy

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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #101 on: June 05, 2015, 04:53:07 am »

This was nice at least, you had a stack of books, a nice big chair to sink into and nobody pestering you to do things against your will.
Such as cleaning your room.
Your room was clean, damnit.
These books you noted, as you flipped through a few of the ones that were related to the subject matter, had been censored in various area's.
Not the ones you wanted, that made you wonder what related information had been removed.

Still, it was worth backtracking through the last one of note you had read you figured, to pick out a few more details about this thousand soul before you moved onto another subject.
The Victorian war and the death of this immortal had occured in eighteen seventy five, and the year now was... Twenty twenty.
That meant that if this guy had reincarnated immediately after his death, then he was approaching a hundred and fifty years old now.
If you were to look for him, you'd just have to look for people who had been registered as over a hundred and twenty years old, and set a hundred and fourty five as your top permissable age group.
That was good to know, you could use technological progress and the British obsession of having records on births and deaths and the like to isolate and track down certain immortals in the future.

You'd been born two thousand and one, he had died eighteen seventy five... Why couldn't he have fallen on a nice round thousand based figure instead of some random date?
How rude of him to dare dying on a date that made you have to actually calculate things.
You had a hundred and twenty six years between your date of birth and his date of death, that meant that if you had any relation to him at all... No, that was too far fetched, you were latching on to something that didn't feel right at all, he had simply been referred to as a perfect immortal and you were simply an impossible occurance of a perfect immortal based on some random crazy guys work.

If there was a connection here, it wasn't coming to you immediately.

You'd keep this guy in mind though, it seemed like his influence upon the world was still being felt now.
It was... Inspirational in a sense, to know that you could have such an impact upon things, that if you lived a long enough time and did enough to make your mark, that such things could persist for hundreds of years afterwards.
You were going to make this guys legacy look like a footnote in your own achivements.

A final glance at the books you had so far revealed very little else about him however, not even a mention of what powers he seemed to have - though they did all seem to mention that he had a talent for charming people with his presence.
That sounded like someone else you knew.

Perhaps... Yes, you'd look at a book on the history of the Enlightened and the Guardians, maybe you'd find something in them about what happened after his death - his one companion had walked into the oceans with him and the other had been imprisoned. That wasn't enough for you to get the full picture of the impact this had upon things.
The Enlightened had been used to create Guardians and so, it wasn't long before you found a book that had the two subjects intertwined.

Though it was a rather... Dull book, though it was at least a modern one - published in nineteen sixties by one Penne Naime.
Wait... Fuck. Well, you had no idea who the real author was, to reference further works of theirs.

The book itself meandered and went nowhere fast - It talked about their early days as corrupted citizens of the early Victorian era, the way they had slowly banded together to become a cult that shed their identities and took on aspects of the psyche for the names they gave themselves.
It meant that several of their names had been recycled and used by others.
Joy and Anxiety were going to be MUCH harder to find anything about then.

You had to wonder as you leafed through the pages of the copied book, just what kind of impact these immortals - true or not - had upon the world, the universe even.
Where did they draw their power from?
How did they come to be?
How had you even come to be one?
Was there some cosmic power that they all tapped into that granted them such wonderous abilities, or was it that they were echoes of something that humanity had lost as a whole?
The age of science had been the successor of the age of superstition and now it sought to quantify and understand everything in a world that seemed ever smaller.
Just beyond this tiny world was an unknown infinity however, that they had sought to quantify too, to explain away with mathematical models that told them the most likely thing they were looking at with every tiny blob.

To think, early man had looked up at the skies and seen one of the nearest planets and worshipped that point of light.
Now, man had sent probes to those planets, seen that they were devoid of life and lost that sense of wonder.

Wonder was in the unseen, in the awe inspiring and unexplained.
Science was the death of illusions.
How long would it be before you were quantified and all illusion about you was lost upon those that looked at you with awe now?

Ah, here was what you were looking for - a section on the Enlightened in the mid to late eighteenth century.
They had gone from a minor threat, a grouping of people that had been scattered without goal to a predatory force blamed for the deaths of others - while there was some truth to this they were convenient bogey men to explain away some other people's actions and the occasional family found eaten by corrupt creatures.
The Pride of the Enlightened during this time, presumed to be the original - was slain after intervention by... The thousand soul.
That guy got around.
The Enlightened of this era feared the thousand soul as he had been responsible for many of them vanishing - and the appearance of the Guardians, the protectors who walked the streets of night time London, dispatching of the creatures they came across.
You knew already that this was due to the guy committing an atrocious act to turn the Enlightened into the guardians from the prior book, though neither of them had any information beyond that.
Perhaps the information had been lost - or never transcribed.

It was during this time that the Enlightened dug deeper to hide from the immortals, further embracing their gifts as they became all the more warped by what had afflicted them in the first place. They had lost much of their humanity after being infected and had become all the more inhuman in a desperate attempt to survive.
This made sense, desperate times, desperate measures.
You had to wonder if it was desperate measures on both sides of that little war between the Enlightened and the thousand soul, though.
After scanning through a few more pages, you found something more of note.
Joy and Anxiety, both of them were listed in a section of notable figures amongst the Enlightened known during that Era!

Anxiety, formerly known as Love, had been the betrayer of the thousand soul and-
Yes, you knew that already, bar the former name.
What was interesting was that the Enlightened themselves had cursed her very name for doing this - No other of the Enlightened would ever bear her 'accursed name', for she had comitted a transgression upon the one that had trusted her and had...
During the war he had reached out to the Enlightened and they had forgiven him for what he had done. They had looked past their differences, perhaps never forgiving him for his actions, though they had forgiven him.
And he had seen to it that they were able to become an accepted group as they were today.
They had fought the war, seen the thousand soul murdered by Anxiety, cursed her name and... Anxiety was imprisoned in the tower of London to this very day.

Joy on the other hand was listed as a former Guardian, who herself had no love for the thousand soul. She was noted as being quiet, unemotional, mentally scarred by the trauma of becoming a guardian.
She had wept openly when the thousand soul had fallen, before carrying his form into the oceans.

Immortals WERE drama queens.

It was noted however that during the mid nineteen fifties that there was an brief, but quickly forgotten about story of a man and a woman being fished up from the oceans before it was 'dismissed' as a hoax.
There was a photograph though, a black and white image from the newspaper that showed a small woman dressed in the tattered remains of a simple set of garments holding a larger figure - a slender looking man.
The pair of them were swathed in seaweed, with star fish and limpets attached to them here and there, yet they looked to be in perfect condition.
The next page had several more pictures - these ones not from the newspaper.
The woman in them had been pried away from the man, who had been laid upon the deck with his hands crossed over his chest - there was little of note apart from a single pinprick wound to his neck that had appeared to be bruised.
No other injury was present, despite the fact that if he was the man you'd been reading about, he'd have been underwater for some time by this point.

The woman on the other hand - with 'Joy?' scrawled over the corner of the photographs had been wrapped in towels. Every photograph of her had her sat there or stood there as if she'd been posed like a mannequin with a thousand yard stare.
If that was Joy, she looked so... Unassuming.
She was a petite little thing with the faintest hints of what you presumed to be scales over the back of her neck and shoulders in these pictures.

You skipped ahead from here, pausing only to read the parts of the book that didn't meander with pointless assumptions and predictions, gathering little more that since the Victorian War, that the Enlightened had been slowly been elevated to a proper organisation of their own right - headed by their 'Pride' - who now answered to the Monarchy instead of the Government.
A few attempts to have them put under the governments umbrella had been met with the threat of them removing every one of their number from the LPD's Guardian unit.
They actually had once too, when the Government had called their bluff.

The Guardians of today were noted as being vastly superior to the original ones in technological nature, given that they were no longer golem like things with brains inside them - they were now pilotable suits that were usable to the most effect by... Surprise, surprise.
The Enlightened.
The suits had been designed primarily to accomodate them, to the point where... This wasn't rith, was it?
They implanted spinal interfaces into the Enlightened that piloted it because...
Oh, they could survive that, right.

That was frankly quite scary, knowing that they could add and remove things of that nature to their bodies due to how they could heal the damage it did if there was an issue.
Then again, they had been chosen as part of the original Guardians...

"Still reading?" came a familiar voice, piercing your reverie as you yelped, the book in your hands catapulted from your lap as you jumped. You'd been so relaxed, so distracted by what you were looking into that you had completely zoned out from the world at large.
"You scared me, Millie!"
"I came to check on you, you've been reading for hours. Find something interesting?" she smiled as she picked up the book to pass you back, taking a moment to glance at its title as she did so. "Oh, reading up on the Enlightened and the Guardians, I could have saved you time there. They're trouble, plain and simple."
"Still worth knowing about if I deal with them," you responded as you took the back from her - followed by your hoodie  and chocolates as she offered them to you. "It took hours to get those back?"
"Oh yeah, you won't believe how pissy the technicians are downstairs right now. They're tearing the testing chamber apart and yelling about quantum probabilites and impossibillities and all that shit on one side of the room, while the other side has them telling the repair crew not to contaminate the samples. Just what kind of geomancy did you pull down there?"
"If you turned the inside of the wall to diamonds, don't bother. You won't make much money doing that given the way jewelers are in the pocket of various corps."
"I didn't turn the wall to-"
"Anyway, boss wanted me to tell you that you're being assigned a room in one of the surrounding properties we own, a few doors down from mine."
"What about the rooms upstairs?"
"They're observation chambers, this is a proper place."
"Oh. Well, um, thank you for getting me access to the library, I appreciate it and... Could you tell your boss thank you for me, too?"
"You appreciate it, but not enough to tell him in person?"
"I'm pretty sure if I tell him in person he'll make me want a shower with the amount of second hand desperation left clinging to me."
"Heh, I get you. I'll do it over the phone, I don't particularly want to be left feeling that way either."

There was a pause as Millicent reached for her phone, as you plucked a few of the chocolates from the box you had on hand, though you could see a few of the ones you would have left until later were gone.
Had the technicians pinched some of your chocolates?
That wasn't on!
Millicent tapped away at her phone as you wiggled back into the chair to get comfortable again, before she glanced down at you and placed her phone away.
"Make that a text message to him. No need to subject myself to the sound of his voice after all," she shrugged, before pulling a chair up to settle down near you. "Need anything before I go try to look busy for long enough to avoid  being assigned actual work?"

Was there anything you wanted or needed?
Were you content to remain in the library reading up on what you could?
Or did you want to pursue any goals?
Did you feel that you should wind down and get some sleep as despite it being light out you knew todays experiences would have you oversleeping by a large amount?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #102 on: June 05, 2015, 07:41:59 am »

Keep reading


try to create a very small gust of wind, should be easy as we are not warping reality or transmuting something. Just applying a small ammont of force to something already there.
Kids make great meat shields.
I nominate endlessblaze as our chief military executive!


  • Bay Watcher
  • Level 1
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #103 on: June 05, 2015, 08:43:26 am »

Go ahead and get some sleep, we've found all we're likely to find at the moment.

Generally me

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #104 on: June 05, 2015, 05:42:12 pm »

Keep reading


try to create a very small gust of wind, should be easy as we are not warping reality or transmuting something. Just applying a small ammont of force to something already there.
+1 we don't need sleep cuz we is badass... Bruh.
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