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Author Topic: I told them I could be anything...  (Read 27212 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #60 on: June 02, 2015, 02:12:02 am »

Guys, which is a priority, Chimera or True Immortal? Because if it's chimera, True Immortal loses.....
Ya'll need Jesus. Just sayin'.

Silleh Boy

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #61 on: June 02, 2015, 03:44:46 am »

"I've never seen anything like these results, see... You're... I'm not sure how to put this that conveys just how exceptional it is," Millicent paused as she flipped through the various papers on her clipboard.
"Then put it plainly, I'm a little dazed so it's hard to take things in right now," you responded, wrinkling your nose in a testing manner as you did so. It hurt still, that was good. It told you that you indeed had a nose.
Or was that bad?
You weren't certain, as your state of mind was somewhat affected by the way you'd hit your head.

"Okay, you want this put plainly. We match the results we get from testing against various examples we have from testing and study, the higher the numbers on certain matches are, the better they are. The reason we picked you up in the first place was because something within you has awakened and..."
"You said you'd put this plainly."
"I'm trying, Alyssa, I'm trying. You match all the critera for an immortal and from what we can tell at this point, you're going to make several agencies freak out."
"Did you miss the part where I said you're immortal?"
"No, I heard-"
"Alyssa, you're not indestructible, evidently," she paused to gesture to your face. "You bleed, you bruise, but... As far as we can tell..."
"As far as you can tell, what?"
"No, that can't be right," Millicent frowned as she flipped back and forth between two of the sheets on her clipboard.
"Maybe I should have breakfast while you figure out what lies to tell me," you huffed, glancing across the room towards the medic handling that aquisition.
"We don't have anything to gain by lying to you about this," came her muttered response as she placed the clipboard down. "Alyssa, they're going to want to run tests and figure exactly what they're looking at with you."
"So what isn't right here, or can't you tell me?"
"We're seeing dormant potential in you far beyond the scope of anyone we've tested in recent history."
"Oh," was all you could muster in response. Perhaps this was still some kind of dream, because this entire situation felt disconnected and surreal in some manner.

You, some kind of super powerful unkillable entity?
That was likely.

Millicent raised an eyebrow as she straightened in her seat
With her arms folded across her chest, she started to speak in a slow and deliberate manner, one that tickled upon the edges of your senses - yet this time you knew exactly what you were dealing with.
"Alyssa, listen to me," she started, only for you to fold your arms across your chest as you took up a mockery of her posture, to pull the very face of petulance in response.
"You have no power over me," you stated, as the mental image of a world coming down about you filled your mind.
"What?" came Millcent's confused response.
"You don't know that movie?"
"Goblin king kidnaps a girls little brother as part of her wishes, the tries to get him back, he has her go through his maze, makes friends, confronts him, he tells her how everything he did was for her, but she doesn't want to know. He offers her a place at his side, she tells him he has no power over her. His world collapses, she rescues her baby brother, she returns to the real world," you paused. "I love that movie."
"That's a classic," came the voice of the medic as they returned with your tea - and most importantly your breakfast. "Has she never seen it?"
"Apparently not!" you stated, as the medic held out a plate to you, a plate that you gladly took as you relished the warmth that radiated through it. Even as you placed the plate before you, you leaned down to breathe in the aroma of it.
Of course, you couldn't smell much beyond blood at the moment, but at least your nose wasn't bleeding still.
Had you been able to, you were certain you'd have smelled some god awful excuse for breakfast with cheap beans and slightly singed toast, but right now...
Right now, you didn't care for whatever sorry excuse of a breakfast this was.
It was your breakfast.

"I was trying to explain her results to her, but she's not paying attention. Just how hard did she hit her head?" Millicent asked the medic as he offered you your cup of tea, tea, that you took a moment once more to savour the warmth of in your hands as you
"Did you try making the results interesting?"
"I tried, but she started interrupting me constantly. Do you want to give it a shot, given you're her high and mighty bringer of breakfast?" Millicent grumbled, dismissively passing the clipboard over to the medic as she reached for her own cup of tea.
"Sure. Lets see...  Lots of high numbers, immortal box is ticked, other box is ticked, other section's filled with scribbles that look like an excited chimp had a heart attack."
"Seriously?" Millicent muttered as she stared at the man. "Their writing isn't that bad."
"Ah, they say reference Jacques Dupont's work... The intricacies pertaining to the building of a perfect being. What's that?"
"The works of a paranoid schizophrenic that claim you can create an immortal."
"So, she was created-" the man started, as Millicent snatched the clipboard back.
"She matches all the criteria for an immortal, she also matches the checklist in that book for Jacques perfect frankenstein immortal,"
"I'm right here, thanks," you muttered, not liking the manner in what you were being talked about by them.
"Oh, you want to know what you are now?" Millicent sighed as she tapped the clipboard. "Then please listen. You match the basic criteria for an immortal, you match all the patterns laid out by this lunatics work for a perfect being, only you're not some stitched together monstrosity, you're..." her expression softened as she reached out to take one of your hands in her own. "People aren't going to be happy you even exist, Alyssa. You're impossible and... You don't seem to grasp just how... How... Sorry I am, that you are what you are. There's no going back to your regular life anymore. Sure, you could go home, but this changes everything for you."
"Why does it change everything for me, just what are you telling me I am?" you asked, as you made an effort to peer over at the clipboard.
"Alyssa, if you want answers to that question we're going to have to do further tests, speak with various people. I don't have all the answers and as much as I don't want to admit it, we're going to have to speak with the boss. This goes way above my pay grade."

It was this terrible realisation that this woman, these people were not kidding that had you snap to attention, the fuzzy feeling that plagued you since banging your head fading as the terrible reality set in.

"Why... Why are people going to be unhappy that I exist?" you asked, as you placed your fork down amidst the meal you were eating. You were starting to feel that same anxiety that had plagued you before setting in once more, despair following as paranoia kicked in, as you wondered if this was going to be grounds for them to keep you.
If this was just some story they were feeding you so that they had the excuse to keep you, to test you, to use you as a lab rat simply because you'd complied.
When you weren't special at all.
That was impossible.

"Because things people don't understand make them feel fearful and fear, makes people act stupidly," came Millicent's words as you pulled your hand back from her, as you took hold of your tea with one trembling hand.
"No, this is all wrong, you're all wrong!" you stammered as you brought your tea to your lips. "You just want me to agree to stay, so you can do tests on me so... You want a lab rat, because you need people to agree or you can't... Can't keep them and... You keep manipulating me, you keep-" You could see the increasing confusion and concern on Millicent's features as you continued speaking. "You're going to keep me against my will and use me to test your... Sick, sick theories like so many people have done as war crimes in the past."
"Don't you dare lie to me, I can't trust a word any of you say, I need to... To... To get home and..."
"You're scared and confused, your world has just been turned upside down-"
"Shut up," you muttered as you swept your arms out. "I want to go home, I want my clothes, I want-"
"Alyssa, please list-"
"SILENCE. You've been dishonest from the start and-"
"Your cup..."

You paused in the midst of your hysterical rant, your head turning as your attention was brought to the shape of the cup you had been holding.
Had, been the word, you'd let go of it at some point and it was...
Just sort of floating there, lazily rotating as the contents spilled out as if suspended in zero gravity.
Globules of milky tea floating through the air, wobbling like a gelationus mass as they kept coheison.

"How are you doing that?"
"You're the one doing that, Alyssa, nobody else here can do anything of the sort."
"No, that's not-" you started, only to twist yourself instinctively as the cup and its contents fell. Tea splashed against you as fluid hit the surface of the table, while the mug clinked, rolled and fell from the tabletop, hitting the tiled floor afterwards with an audiable crack. "That's not... Not me. I can't... Can't..."
"Lets go get your clothes, then we can go speak with the boss about your results and... You can tell him that you want to go home yourself, if you wish."
You nodded dumbly in response to this, you'd just witnessed something impossible, something that against all odds you knew you'd accomplished - despite not wanting to believe you could have.

The question now was, did you truly want to run from this place and forget all about what you seemed to be, or did you wish to let them do further testing and talk with the relevant people so you knew what you truly were?


I ended up flipping a coin to decide that one as the spread was so ambiguous, then went with immortality as the sole known aspect of her nature so far so that both leanings were catered to.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #62 on: June 02, 2015, 01:20:21 pm »

Calm down. Are you calm now? good. Remember all those video games you've played? Now, imagine if you are in a video game story right now. I mean obviously you aren't but just follow along. Are you going to choose to be the bad guy? or will you choose to be the good guy, No matter what people may think of you?
You are not a bad person, Crude at times yes but not a bad person. You'll be fine, you can get through this. You are born from humans! the most stubborn and adaptive species you know of, Like hell this is gonna break you! Tis just a scratch! A flesh wound! You're gonna fight, Until you can't fight any more! That's who you are! You are Alyssa! And you are Not. Giving. UP!

You can do this. Just relax, Calm down and think this through. Play the cards life gives you regardless of their contents, Be pragmatic, Clever and tenacious.
You are not dead yet.

You want to help people? This is it, This is your chance. Think about all those people that would whine about how they don't want to be special, How they always want to go back to being "normal".
You are not them.
Life is going to change, That is unavoidable. This is the defining moment of yourself. Will you stand up tall, Rising above your worries and taking it one step at a time... Or will you throw a tantrum and fall down, Unable to stand on your own feet.

You will not fall, You didn't live this long to die.
You are Allysa, you are immortal.
You will not fall, You will stand tall. Through the fire and pain you shall go on.

Though if you think about it.. Being immortal means you will have the opportunity to play all the games that will ever be made...
That's... Totally AWESOME! Wohoo!
That is of course, IF you can survive that long. Which you can, I mean, You're Alyssa, Of course you'll survive. Ain't no force in the verse that'll keep you from your games. Fake it till you make it, Right?

No plan, no backup and nothing to lose?
Lets game.

« Last Edit: June 02, 2015, 01:28:36 pm by Fallatus »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #63 on: June 02, 2015, 02:00:53 pm »

Calm down. Are you calm now? good. Remember all those video games you've played? Now, imagine if you are in a video game story right now. I mean obviously you aren't but just follow along. Are you going to choose to be the bad guy? or will you choose to be the good guy, No matter what people may think of you?
You are not a bad person, Crude at times yes but not a bad person. You'll be fine, you can get through this. You are born from humans! the most stubborn and adaptive species you know of, Like hell this is gonna break you! Tis just a scratch! A flesh wound! You're gonna fight, Until you can't fight any more! That's who you are! You are Alyssa! And you are Not. Giving. UP!

You can do this. Just relax, Calm down and think this through. Play the cards life gives you regardless of their contents, Be pragmatic, Clever and tenacious.
You are not dead yet.

You want to help people? This is it, This is your chance. Think about all those people that would whine about how they don't want to be special, How they always want to go back to being "normal".
You are not them.
Life is going to change, That is unavoidable. This is the defining moment of yourself. Will you stand up tall, Rising above your worries and taking it one step at a time... Or will you throw a tantrum and fall down, Unable to stand on your own feet.

You will not fall, You didn't live this long to die.
You are Allysa, you are immortal.
You will not fall, You will stand tall. Through the fire and pain you shall go on.

Though if you think about it.. Being immortal means you will have the opportunity to play all the games that will ever be made...
That's... Totally AWESOME! Wohoo!
That is of course, IF you can survive that long. Which you can, I mean, You're Alyssa, Of course you'll survive. Ain't no force in the verse that'll keep you from your games. Fake it till you make it, Right?

No plan, no backup and nothing to lose?
Lets game.

Yeah, that.
Ya'll need Jesus. Just sayin'.

Generally me

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #64 on: June 02, 2015, 04:37:50 pm »

Calm down. Are you calm now? good. Remember all those video games you've played? Now, imagine if you are in a video game story right now. I mean obviously you aren't but just follow along. Are you going to choose to be the bad guy? or will you choose to be the good guy, No matter what people may think of you?
You are not a bad person, Crude at times yes but not a bad person. You'll be fine, you can get through this. You are born from humans! the most stubborn and adaptive species you know of, Like hell this is gonna break you! Tis just a scratch! A flesh wound! You're gonna fight, Until you can't fight any more! That's who you are! You are Alyssa! And you are Not. Giving. UP!

You can do this. Just relax, Calm down and think this through. Play the cards life gives you regardless of their contents, Be pragmatic, Clever and tenacious.
You are not dead yet.

You want to help people? This is it, This is your chance. Think about all those people that would whine about how they don't want to be special, How they always want to go back to being "normal".
You are not them.
Life is going to change, That is unavoidable. This is the defining moment of yourself. Will you stand up tall, Rising above your worries and taking it one step at a time... Or will you throw a tantrum and fall down, Unable to stand on your own feet.

You will not fall, You didn't live this long to die.
You are Allysa, you are immortal.
You will not fall, You will stand tall. Through the fire and pain you shall go on.

Though if you think about it.. Being immortal means you will have the opportunity to play all the games that will ever be made...
That's... Totally AWESOME! Wohoo!
That is of course, IF you can survive that long. Which you can, I mean, You're Alyssa, Of course you'll survive. Ain't no force in the verse that'll keep you from your games. Fake it till you make it, Right?

No plan, no backup and nothing to lose?
Lets game.

Yeah, that.
Dis is da good

Silleh Boy

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #65 on: June 02, 2015, 07:23:12 pm »

"I... This is..." You took a deep breath as you did your best to bring your current hysteria under control. It wasn't doing you any good allowing your emotions to run wild and you knew it, though it was easier said than done bringing that panic you had felt creeping over you back under wraps. "Give me a moment to... I just need a moment to... To walk about and gather myself."
"Take your time, it's a lot to take in," Millicent offered an apologetic smile, though it was beyond you at this moment to tell what the reasoning behind it was.

You stood, stepping away from the table.
The start of the day and it was already victim to a spill.
Your breakfast was ruined, swimming with tea.
Tea, that dripped over the floor.
A mundane issue beyond the concern of all involved at this moment.

It was harder still to control your wild emotions at this point given the manner in what you had hit your head, but it wasn't beyond you. It was a challenge that you couldn't afford to shy away from.
If you were different, if you were special, you had to come to terms with it, you had to remain calm and collected as you came to understand just what it meant to be this way. You had to be able to be the sister, the daughter, the piece that completed the jigsaw that was your family, while at the same time being all the more than that.
It would endager them if you found yourself to be empowered in some more volatile manner and you had no self control.

That was what it took to bring yourself back under the thumb of logic, that was the reasoning you used to calm yourself.

For now, you'd do it for them.
Later, you'd do it for yourself.
Nothing would stop you.

This changed everything, and yet it didn't.
You were still Alyssa, you were still gamer that loved to push herself to her limits, to hear the lamentations of those that fell before your mighty skills.
You would continue to have people fall to you in that manner, though now... Now, you potentially had something you had longed for.
You had a potential means to employment - that was the silver lining to this cloud.
If this was for real, you could finally make sure your family didn't have the worry about making ends meet.

"Okay... I need to speak with your boss, I need my clothes, I need to figure my options. I can figure my options after I've spoken with your boss."
"You can't just-" Millicent started, clearly about to tell you that you were not able to simply demand an audience with her boss on such short notice.
"I don't see why not. If this is for real, he'll want to speak to me yesterday. Does this facility have showers?"
"It does," Millicent slumped back in her seat as she brought one hand up, as she placed her elbow against the table and cupped her chin with her hand. "If you want to get cleaned up, that'll give me a chance to tell the boss that you want to talk. I'm sure he'll be thrilled if he's awake."
"Oh, right. I forgot it's really early. Tell him you punched me in the face and you can't get me out of the showers."
"I'm not telling him that!"
"Why not?"
"Because he'll fire my ass on the spot."
"Fine, just tell him i've bled everywhere or something then."
"Why do you want me to tell him this?"
"So he'll be shocked into awareness and come in if he hasn't already arrived."
"He doesn't care enough for that to work."
"He seemed to like me, he was all apologetic towards me last night."
"He what?"
"I was nice to him and he seemed to be relieved someone wasn't yelling at him."
"Oh for... Fine, I'll tell him something to get him to rush his sorry ass in," Millicent sighed as she turned her attention towards the medic. "Can you handle getting her cleaned up and dressed alone?"
"Yes Ma'am."
"Don't Ma'am me, you technically outrank me."
"Sorry Ma'am."

You were grateful as you were lead to, then left to your own devices with the facilities bathing area.
Your nose had stopped bleeding and the bump to your head was troubling you less.
It was quite literally a case of looking worse than it was now.
And so you watched red tinged water swirl down the drain.
If it wasn't for the light bruising you had developing on your face, that would have been the sole tell tale sign that you had hurt yourself recently.
The bruise was going to be unsightly, but you'd deal with any inquiries that it raised when you crossed - or knowing your luck, ran into - that bridge.
And so, cleansed and refreshed, you left the shower, dressed and briefly supressed the urge to gush over the box of chocolates that had been left there with your clothes.
For a moment, you had believed that the medic had put them there to make you feel better.

Then the fuzzy recollection of buying them hit home.
It seemed in that case you had yourself to thank for that.
Thank you for the chocolates, me!

"Onward, peasant, your queen demands and audience with the lord of this place!" you yelled as you burst from the showers with your chocolates under one arm.
The medic just stared at you dumbstruck.
"I'm Boudica. I think," you offered as way of explaination. Loosening up might have been a bad idea.
"You're this close to being restricted to a bed so we can assess if you've taken a serious head injury," came the medic's response.
"I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to do that given I'm not under the employment of your organisation and thus not beholden to your internal structure."
"Whatever, Onward, it's cold and my hair's still damp. This is why the celts revolted you know."
"I'm pretty sure-"
"This is me not caring, I have a date with destiny and a box of her favourite chocolates!"
"I'm not being paid enough for this," the medic sighed as he lead the way down the halls to the elevators, the elevators that stood between you and your destiny.
Or at least a man who was going to be glad that he'd allowed himself to be called into work so early this morning.
That was sort of like a step to your destiny.
A very tiny one.

At the end of the office lined hallway, Millicent sat in the open waiting area with what you presumed to this morning's newspaper. Not that the news mattered, it was all filtered through the eyes of people that wanted you to see what they wanted you to see.
"There you both are-" Millicent paused as she looked over the newspaper at the pair of you. "Why do you look so sullen?"
"She burst out the showers acting mad as a hatter and called me a peasant."
Millicent laughed in response to this - briefly, that was, before she folded the newspaper and placed it down before her.
"Well, the boss is waiting for you, seems he came in early after they forwarded him your results," Millicent stated as she gestured towards the office door. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get another cup of tea while you terrorise him."

With that you all but sprang through the door, feeling reinvigorated.
Only to be presented with the most miserable example of a man you'd seen lately.
The boss, whatever his name was, looked exausted.
He was sat there clutching a cup of coffee.
Listless was this man.
And here you were, full of cheer and not enough chocolate.

"Ah, Alyssa," came the mans words as he gestured towards the chair opposite him. "You have people in quite a stir with your results. Millicent tells me that you want answers and understanding, also that you bumped your head. Tell me, honestly, has she hit you?"
"No, I wanted her to tell you that she had to get you to wake up though."
"I see. Regardless, we can't simply give you the answers you want on a platter at this time as we don't have them ourselves. The nearest we have to an answer for you is that there are a handful of people that might be worth speaking with and," the man paused to yawn, covering his mouth with one hand as he did so. "And, there's a few tests we can run to try and coax some kind of reaction from you that would allow us to ascertain what you're capable of."
"Shouldn't that be if I'm capable of something?"
"No, Alyssa. If you don't have any extra-ordinary abilities at this point, it's only a matter of time before they start to manifest. Even if we can't get a direct show, we'll be able to get hints as to what they are. As it'll take time to set up the tests we'll need to run with you, it's possible, if you're feeling up to it, to visit one of the... Ah. The experts, I suppose you could call them, on your condition."
"So, you want me to go talk to people before the tests, got it."
"Actually, I would prefer it if you did not, as one of the people is delusional and the others will promise you a position with them should you become available for recruitment. However, I'll leave the choice in your hands."
"Before I decide, who would these people be?"
"One of them is a Jane Doe who has been locked up in an institution for the past century, she once claimed to have personally dealt with Jacques Dupont. She's very dangerous, however, so I'd consider her a last resort if you visit her at all. Another is Arthur Cog the Third, current head of The Guild. While he will be unable to provide you with answers himself, The Guild has an extensive library, though he'll more likely than not attempt to use that as leverage to get something from you in return. We don't deal with him unless we must. The third is the current Pride of the Enlightened, they're a cult like group that may be a long shot. They're more likely to waste your time than assist you, but the Enlightened have answers that go beyond books knowledge."

With that he paused to sip at his coffee, blearily awaiting your answer.

Did you wish to visit one of those mentioned above?
Did you wish to delay that and get on with whatever tests this agency would carry out on you?
Did you want to tell him you were having second thoughts?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #66 on: June 02, 2015, 08:04:36 pm »

No second thoughts, We have to do this. Wait with contacting anyone. For now, All we need is testing.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #67 on: June 02, 2015, 08:44:21 pm »

test now....TEST NOW! ................unless they have some coca cola. in that case, soda first, test seconded.
Kids make great meat shields.
I nominate endlessblaze as our chief military executive!


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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #68 on: June 02, 2015, 09:53:03 pm »

Let's go for the tests, I don't trust any of those sources.

Silleh Boy

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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #69 on: June 03, 2015, 06:15:11 am »

This was something to think over for sure, but it wasn't something you needed to tackle at this moment. If anything, you could address any of these people or even find more potential ones to talk about what you were with after your testing had been done.
It was an easy descision, come to think of it.
You could take the time their tests required to set up to recover from the worst of your head injury, as it didn't seem to be a serious enough bump to warrant any major observation. Once your testing had been done, you could then go ahead with talking with these people at your own pace, from a position of awareness.
Some of them would want to have dealings with you, one was a threat to you.
Others could be uncovered in the mean time.

"I thought about it and believe that the best option would be to wait until I've been through the tests, then I can talk with anyone else if I need to. That way, I'm more aware of what I'm talking about as I'll have results and... I'll be more with it and able to tell them just why their offers are not in my best interests."
"A logical enough approach," the boss stated as he swirled his coffee about idly. "I'll see if I can convince The Guild and the Enlightened to share what knowledge they have over your nature while this is being done, perhaps they'll be forthcoming with the information we need and save us from dealing with them in person."
"Do the Enlightened dress in robes and do human sacrifices?"
"Why would you believe this?"
"They're a creepy cult, I want to know what kind of cult-ish things they do."
"I'm fairly certain it's more of a cult of personality than a religious sect."
"Oh. That's boring. So the Pride guy is the one that won the popularity contest."
"There have been several female Pride's in my time."
"Okay, so popularity and beauty contest."
"Few of the Enlightened are what you'd call beautiful."
"Why not?"
"Many of them are just regular people."
"Oh. Well. I'll deal with people if I have to, I'll get tested first... Um... Is Millicent being assigned as me or something, though?"
"For the time being, yes. Unless there's good reason to assign another agent to you, keeping someone who is familiar with you prevents you from passing through a number of unfamiliar hands."
"Okay. I'll go... Wait and stuff, for the testing."

With that you rose, making a mental note to take care of the thing that was of most importance to you at this moment.
You had a box of chocolates you hadn't finished yet.
Perhap you should have offered him some of the chocolates, but, you felt that at this point you needed them more.
All of them.
Perhaps a drink too, maybe something sugary and sweet that wouldn't scald you when you inevitably dropped it over yourself with your magical powers.
Assuming they were magic, anyway.
Assuming they were even yours.

You strode from the office to find Millicent waiting for you, her expression one of expecation as she watched you close the door behind yourself. You knew she was going to want to know what had been said, what was being done.
What she was to expect in this mess.
"So?" She ventured after a moments silence, a moment in what you picked out one of the fudge centered chocolates in your selection box.
"I'm staying here to be tested, your boss said you're assigned to me for the time being."
"That's all?"
"I might talk to others later, he didn't seem to have a clue what I am."
"That's because we have a single theoretical work that matches you. I doubt anybody else has much more than that," Millicent shrugged as she turned to lead you back towards the elevators.
"Maybe, but if there's one theorectical work, maybe it was based off something else and they'll have related knowledge?"
"I wouldn't hold my breath. Unless you... That isn't something you can do, is it?"
"Hold my breath forever?" you tilted your head as you approached the elevator. "Pretty sure I'll pass out if I try."
"Pity, it'd be a useful oddity of a power. Especially if combined with night vision."
"Think about it, you could make a career of spelunking. No need for air tanks or lights, you could just go straight down."
"That... That doesn't sound like my thing."
"So, back to the cafeteria for now then?"
"Yeah. Do you think I could get some... Cola or something?"
"And watch you somehow have it shoot out your nose?" Millicent asked as she gave you an incredulous expression.
"You're accident prone, i'm predicting the next thing to go wrong. Maybe you should stick to tea."
"And scald myself when I somehow make the cup float again?"
"You're not hysterical this time, you won't do that."

You huffed as you followed her into the elevator, as you departed it and returned to the cafeteria, yet you couldn't bring yourself to complain too much.
The earlier spill seemed to have been cleaned up in your absence, permitting you to settle down at what you believed was the same table.
To place your chocolates down, to eat one or two, and then...
Then you lay your head down upon the table, your hoodie removed as you used it as a pillow while you made a mental note to get a slightly more substantial top to wear beneath it in future.
The cafeteria, like the rest of the building, was cold.
Well, apart from the room you'd slept in - that one had been warm at least.

It was some hours before you were disturbed, some hours that you'd managed to nod off during.
You'd needed the chance to recover, to catch up on the sleep you'd missed, yet you weren't prepared to awaken to find the cafeteria with a fair number of others dotted around.
They were quiet though, for the most part seeming to fill in reports with steaming drinks beside them.
Tea, coffee, hot chocolate.
Maybe you should have asked for hot chocolate instead of cola.

"Alyssa?" came the voice of one of the three medics from earlier. You weren't sure what one - though you were fairly certain that it wasn't the one that you'd called a peasant.
"Mm?" you mumbled in response as you rubbed at your eyes.
"Everything's set up to test you, if you'll follow me-"
You started to rise, picking up your hoodie and chocolates as you did so.
"No, you can leave those with Agent Cross, she'll-"
"I'm not going to co-operate unless one, I can bring them and two, I can bring her."
"Very well," the medic sighed as he waved you along behind him. "We're going to take you down to the testing area and run you through some basic physical tests first. After those, we'll move onto ones designed to provoke the manifestation of any extra-ordinary abilities you may have," the medic continued as he opened the elevator, plucked a key from his pocket and placed it inside a slot in the control panel.
A twist of the key was followed by a tap of the first floor button - though you went down beyond that.
This place must have had basement floors that were restricted from access in this manner - designed to prevent people simply wandering into them.

The area that the elevator opened up to confirmed - to an extent - this belief of yours.
It was clinical, illuminated soley by artificial lightning.
You could smell the disinfectants used to keep the place clean burning your nose.
It was cold.
It was like a cross between a hospital ward and a bunker, clean, white and uninviting.

You didn't like this place - or the medic at this moment - as you were sheparded along the cold passages to a room with an obvious one way mirror set into its far wall.
The room itself was filled with both exercise and technical equipment, boxes with various and displays, with wires leading from them sat alongside treadmills, exercise bikes and...
And, you weren't sure what half of the other things were.

"We'll start you out with one of the treadmills, then move onto the other things. Millicent, if you'll wait over that side of the room so you're not in the way..."
Millicent gave the man a look of disapproval as she made her way over to sit on a bench that looked as if it was set up for weight lifters, leaving you with the medic as he untangled the wires leading from one of the machines.
"Now, if you'll hold still while I attach these, we can get some general health readings from you to measure things such as your heart rate," the man stated as he attached the various wires to you.
You questioned the nescessity of this test, mentally, though you went with it as you were hooked up to the machine and left to run on the treadmill.
And reminded once more that you were a little out of shape as you found yourself challenged by the encouragement to keep going.
The treadmill lead into use of the exercise bike, the exercise bike to several tests involving different forms of pulling against weights.
And the weights lead into pushups and situps.
By the end of it you were exausted, and still questioning if you had needed to do this at all.

Breathless as you were, you didn't question it as you were lead from this exercise room to the next, a room that was for the most part featureless apart from a table filled with various objects of seemingly random natures.
You glanced them over dismissively at first, before realising that you were going to be expected to interact with them in some manner, though what you were going to do with what appeared to be various random garments, objects and paints...
Maybe they wanted you to decorate something.
You'd know shortly.

"Now, for this next test we're going to leave you to your own devices to deal with a perceived threat. Don't worry, you'll be safe, as this test is designed more to invoke a response. For this one, we want you to do the first thing that comes to you. If you don't feel any form of connection after a few minutes, we'll return to it later after some further provocation. Do you understand?"
"I think so," you responded as the medic left you alone in the room.

This was odd, but if they thought it'd work, you'd give it a go you supposed.
The table was filled with various things, furs, feathers, bones, charms, beads...
But you weren't certain what you were supposed to make of them - that was, until you felt the hairs on the back of your neck rise.
Goosebumps covered your arms as you felt a slight buzzing at the edges of your senses, as scratching started to echo about the room.
Scratching, that seemed to come from within the walls, while the stink of something... You wanted to say it was an animal, yet it smelled like swamp water, filth and decay.
And then there was cawing, heavy breathing...
The sound of metal buckling as if something was crawling through vents above the room.
And the voice of paranoia in the back of your mind telling you that maybe this wasn't such a safe after all.
What if this was something that they'd told you was safe to lull you into a false sense of security, what if you were in a cage with some hungry monstrosity outside it?

Your eyes turned to the table again as you scanned them quickly for something, anything that promised you soem measure of safety against these things.
Yet there was nothing akin to a weapon, just a bunch of charms and crafts materials you'd have used to make such things.
The sound of scraping filled your ears as you heard what you could only assume was claws against metal and stone.
And here you were, with nothing more than a bunch of feathers and dust.

Something here had to be helpful, maybe if you dug through the items you'd find a weapon or...

Your hands rapidly sifted through the piles as you felt the demand for action supressing the growing hysteria you felt. You were being observed and they wanted to see what you grabbed, so you trusted in your instincts and took...
...Pigments, furs and feathers. A primal power within you was screaming to be released. (Shaman / Witch theme)
...Charms and jewelery. A building force within you was waiting to be unleashed. (Elementalist / Warlock theme.)
...A handful of bones. The whisperings of those that came before would guide you. (Spirtualist / Necromancer theme.)
...Nothing. You didn't need these cheap charms to define you. (Monk / Mystic theme.)
Or did something else in this pile catch your eye?


  • Bay Watcher
  • Blatant furry. Also a hypnotist.
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #70 on: June 03, 2015, 06:39:28 am »

There was... something else. A dagger. Unadorned, yet to our eye, it seemed to glisten with purple smoke.
A Thousand Treasures (And You).

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  • Bay Watcher
  • One letter short of a wookie
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #71 on: June 03, 2015, 07:24:01 am »

...You collected a handful of the jewelry, beads, precious stones and the like. Maybe you could throw them as a distraction?

Or if you're looking for some sort of supernatural power instead of badass normal, I'll got for Charms and Jewelry.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Level 1
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #72 on: June 03, 2015, 08:17:15 am »

...You collected a handful of the jewelry, beads, precious stones and the like. Maybe you could throw them as a distraction?

Or if you're looking for some sort of supernatural power instead of badass normal, I'll got for Charms and Jewelry.


  • Bay Watcher
  • likes dragons for their fiery breath
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #73 on: June 03, 2015, 08:18:36 am »

something else- a single Ruby, screaming fire and strength.

scratch that, there is already elemental option. And Magic by any other name........

Charms and jewelry
Kids make great meat shields.
I nominate endlessblaze as our chief military executive!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #74 on: June 03, 2015, 10:47:13 am »

Some crystals and something which looked like it had a dragon on it. (Magic)
But we know the power comes from within ourselves, That's what they said. (adaptable?)
They want us to be dependent, limited to the things in this room. Controllable.
We don't need anything in this room, We are Alyssa. And that thing... Don't. Stand. A chance.
Wield your fear, Control yourself!

« Last Edit: June 03, 2015, 11:07:16 am by Fallatus »
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