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Author Topic: I told them I could be anything...  (Read 27197 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #45 on: May 30, 2015, 08:27:08 am »

Oh no there's a monster in the dark
Oh it's just some guy
Except he may be Infected.

And the boss of this city's magical fighting thingummy looks like a caricature of ineffective leadership. Is he for real? Or is he actually hypercompetent and putting on a facade for purposes unknown? If he is for real, to what degree are people pulling his strings? Was Millicent's humiliation of the Boss just a show for our benefit? Why aren't the others in the waiting room objecting to the semi-obvious use of mind powers? How often does Millicent use her mind powers?

I don't know what to beliiiiiiiieve.

We've got to fish for information. Steer the conversation towards Millicent and other important people around here, including himself.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #46 on: May 30, 2015, 01:37:21 pm »

Remember to act reasonable, Don't burst out in hysterical rage just because you got a bit scared before. He doesn't seem overly malicious, Just a bit confused and lost like we all are, Gripping at whatever we can so we don't fall. The world is a bit scary after all when you are all alone. anyways, Start questioning but know your limits. We want knowledge, But we also want to be a little kind. Kindness can bring you great distances when properly used after all.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #47 on: May 30, 2015, 07:18:51 pm »

Be polite, but ask a few questions. See if we can't find out a bit about the Guardian and whatever it was that Millie reported in.

Silleh Boy

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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #48 on: May 31, 2015, 03:57:40 am »

"So, um," you started as you struggled to get the mess of loose ends and interconnected possibilities straight in your head. You had a thousand potential questions you could ask, a thousand ways you could play every angle, yet you knew that it was best to play things safe in a sense, and safe in this case meant playing the angle of someone who was scared and confused, yet willing to be reasonable and understanding.
There was a saying, you caught more flies with honey than you did with vinegar.
This was how you'd work this situation as you took the mess of interconnected scenarios, the half truths and the single sided conversations you'd witnessed.
The bigger picture, that was what you wanted.
The man before you leaned forward on his desk expectantly, fingers interlaced as he propped himself on his elbows, awaiting your questions patiently.
As if he was afraid to raise your ire, too.

"I have had a bad day so far, given Millicent spotted something dangerous when trying to take me to a supermarket," you paused, you weren't done speaking yet the man was fast to interrupt.
"Yes, we're terribly sorry about that. Had we known that there was a skin walker there, we wouldn't have-"
"A skin walker?" you interrupted.
"Ah, I forget that people from outside the city often lack knowledge of many of these things. They're one of the sub-groups of corrupt creature that... Well, it's quite grusome, but Millicent caught one in the act of taking another persons skin to wear and imitate them it seems."
"Are they dangerous?"
"They sent in a Jötunn assault suit to deal with it."
"That doesn't mean much to me," you confessed, taking on an apologetic tone as you made an effort to have the man relax in your presence.
"Ah. The Guardians have several forms of mechanised suits that they utilise in battling more dangerous corrupt creatures, some say that they they do so as to follow the traditions of the original guardians. Some believe they are the original guardians. The truth here is that they are a little of each, some of the original guardians remain, bolstered by new recruits from our agency where applicable."
"So, they're like the old victorian golems, but with a person inside?"
"You... Could say that, yes," came the mans words as he paused as if searching for the right way to continue what he had been about to convey. "They're much more advanced than the original Guardian's were, but they serve the same purpose."
"What would that be?"
"To serve the interests of queen and country, they battle the corrupt creatures and threats of the empire."
"We're not really much of an empire anymore, though."
"Perhaps not, but we still have a few jewels in our crown."

Like India.
Oh, how India was envied as the beautiful crown jewel in the now sparse crown of the British empire. Against all odds, India had flourished in these troubling times to become an economic powerhouse, one that had been granted autonomy yet chosen to remain within the empire after the victorian war, so that they could help nurse the wounded nation back to its feet.

That answered a few of your questions at least, but you still had many, many more.
Such as those relating to the callous seeming nature of this agency and the mans apparent incompetance.
Asking this was going to be pressing a tender point home, so you had to cover it in a much more careful manner.
You could cover Millicent's service and just who she really was while you were at it, too.

"Millicent seems to be of the opinion that you are incompetant and callous, but, I don't want to believe that," you started, watching as the man started to tense, than relax when you pushed the point forward and just as quickly made it clear you didn't believe it was true - yet. "Is there any reason that she would believe such, that she would believe that you... Were put in this position as a favour?"
"This is fairly recent history, compared to the long service of this agency to the crown. I'll summarise the important points for you, as not to bore you on the years of history we have. In the beginning, this agency was formed post war by the decree of Queen Alexandrina Victoria, to seek out individuals of great talent and power within our fair lands. She believed that we should not squander the talents of such individuals when they could assist in bringing our empire's advancement forward at an accelerated rate. No expense was spared at first to build the agency and aquire its first recruits, it was they, that found initially that many of the talented individuals out there that we had were better in the hands of various industries where their natural affinity for a task could do more good," he paused as he gestured to the building about you.

"These days, many of them are employed here, to ensure that the various ones that we have put in various fields are kept track of and taken care of properly by their respective employers. The agency started out as being all but untouchable, but over time the lack of results had the agency become more... Accountable for its funding and actions. The issue is that since the Victorian war, that the numbers of individuals of any talent or power have dwindled, going from a rarity to being of so few in number that we use what power remains in our hands to test any potentials. Without such resources at our disposal, with those of talent... We don't like to get too friendly with them these days as the few finds we have are needed elsewhere. Having them cling to us, instead of being sent where they are truly required would be counter productive."
"So, you send some to the LDP, others to various industries that they can advance and you keep one or two, to replace your own agents?"
"That is the gist of it, yes, but with an ever decreasing budget and ever more rules to shackle our hands, the only hope for the agency to retain any form of relevance is if we were to find one of vast potential that was willing to remain with us."
"This is why Millicent thinks you're incompetant?" you asked, watching as the man grew uncomfortable once more.
"She was here before I was placed in charge, when we had a considerably higher budget and much greater allowances with our legal powers," he paused, though you were fast to add further to the question before he could change the subject.
"What's so special about her, that you don't fire her after outbursts such as that?"
"Ah. Agent Cross is... One of the few agents of note we have remaining, even if she is blind to how shackled my hands are, due to our ever dwindling budget, her talents are irreplacable."
"Such as mind control?" you ventured, as you watched the man tense once more.
"Not quite, though it is perceptive of you to notice that she is capable of... Well, she is capable of implanting suggestion with her voice, she believes that the best use of such a talent is to reassure potential recruits. If we were not down to single digits of individuals with such a talent in our hands, she would be subject to disciplinary action for her abuse of her power."
"So, you're not the callous monster she believes you to be, you're... Trying to hold everything up while it falls down around you," you ventured as you watched the man slouch, defeat evident in his body language.
"If things could work any other way, I would gladly embrace the chance to engage the recruits we have once more, but... We're projecting that by the next century, the numbers of people of talent born will be in single digits."

You mused over this, it gave you a different perspective on things than Millicents.
Millicent was fiery, believing that better could be done, and the man in charge, the 'Boss', was universally disliked by people that saw him as an incompetant figure that had simply coincided with the twilight years of the agency.
While he could still have been incompetant, there was more to this than just his faults.
You did have one more area of inquiry you wished to cover however, that, of your own potential involvement with these people.

"Millicent told me that most likely was that I'd be an echo-"
"Yes, many we bring in are nothing more than a false positive, but, we won't know for certain until the morning with you," he responded, a little too quickly.
"Can you explain how this works to me, how you'll test me and how you'll provide accomodations and the like?"
"Very well. The process works in several stages, we monitor this country for signs of potential - many of those we detect are only possible to pick up on when they are asleep, as this is when people are their... Least guarded. The echo's picked up like this - not the same as a false positive - are narrowed down to locate the individual they have come from. We send people to pick them up after making a report that we have located a potential recruit, then we bring them here. The next step beyond this, that you have yet to undertake is that we house them overnight so that they may be monitored," he paused as he once more took a more confident posture. "Should this confirm that there is something exceptional about you, then we'll tailor the tests towards what we find. Should it seem you are for example, simply of exceptional aptitude, we will assist you in finding what it is, before finding you potential employment. Should you be of extraordinary talent, then... Well, there are several groups that may desire you as a recruit," he smiled, though the smile wasn't particularly reassuring.

"I think that's all I needed to know, other than... Oh, food," you paused, not quite certain how you'd progress from there.
"You'll be provided for, if you have dietry issues we can prepare meals that cater to your needs. If we find that you are not what we were looking for, you'll be sent home with compensation for the time spent here after you have had a proper breakfast."

You nodded slowly in response to this, wondering just how much of it you should doubt - just how much of it you should believe.
If nothing else, tomorrow would be what told you just how much of this had been a lie to get you to comply.
It wasn't as if you could do much but comply for that matter.

The question now was, did you express a desire to settle down for the night to get this over with, or to spend time doing something, anything before you reluctantly made your way to bed for the night?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #49 on: May 31, 2015, 08:19:23 am »

Get it over with, No reason to spend most of the night worrying.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #50 on: May 31, 2015, 09:00:43 am »

To bed!

Silleh Boy

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #51 on: June 01, 2015, 01:22:59 am »

It was late enough that you didn't feel that you had much to gain by dragging your feet, by trying to delay the inevitable.
In this case the inevitable was that you were going to be given overnight observation and sent home in the morning, that you would have breakfast provided and the money from this would ease some of your families financial worries for a few weeks.
At least when it came to food.
There were a thousand others that would still play upon their fears, though at this point you'd take when you could get.
You could resume looking for work after you returned, worry about more mundane things than if you were some freak with special powers.

Nothing to worry about.

"I think it's probably best if I do that now, get the entire thing over with. The sooner it's over with, the sooner I can go home," you mused aloud, before giving a half nod of affirmation to confirm that this was indeed what you wished to do.
"Very well. Statistically, however, you should bear in mind that one in twenty we bring in manifests at least some form of minor aptitude."
"What about major abilities?"
"One in two hundred."
"So, I'm looking at a maybe when it comes to being well suited for a job. I'll worry about that if and when I arrive at that point, then."

It was with little more than a few words over an intercomm that the man in charge had you ushered out of his office by a pair of lab-coat clad figures.
One of them a man, the other a woman.
You had to wonder if this was because they weren't allowed to handle people alone, or if they were simply the most suited to this role out of those that worked in this facility.

"Ah, you must be Alice-"
"Alyssa," you corrected. "Nobody calls me Alice."
"Alyssa," the man corrected as as he glanced down at a clipboard. "Right, so what we're going to do, is we're going to take you one of the rooms we have for-"
"Overnight observations, your boss explained it to me."
"Huh, Okay. Do you have any further questions about this, then?"
"Are you going to take my chocolates away?" you asked, as you made note of the box beneath your arm
"We're supposed to ensure that there's no outside influences to interfere with your observation, but, we can ensure that it's outside with your phone and-"
"I don't have a phone."
"Oh, well, your chocolates will be safely stored," the man did his best to give you a reassuring smile as he guided you back into the elevator.
"Why do you need to take my chocolates?"
"I have this one," interrupted the woman. "Given the nature of the observations we try to eliminate all outside variables to ensure that the results we get are as accurate as possible. Given that you're already in a strange enviroment, the results we get are already skewed enough without subconscious awareness of the proximity of other things. We can only account for so many variables without decades of extra study, that is why beyond the clothing you sleep in-"
"I get the picture," you mumbled as the elevator opened and the pair ushered you inside, before pressing the fifth floor button.

The ride to the fifth floor was done in silence.
The elevator lurched upwards.
Your stomach with it,
But you couldn't help but wonder.

Why had you been chosen?

"Now, if you'd like to choose a room," the woman started as the elevator came to a half and its doors opened. "We can get you settled in and-"
"Choose a room?"
"Yes, all the rooms on this floor are vacant, you're the only person we're testing at the moment."
"We get lulls occasionally in the influx of people we need to run through overnight observations," the woman paused as she nudged you forwards. "Influx is the wrong word, we're very rarely at capcacity."

That at least confirmed one of the things you'd been told in a roundabout way, though you were uncertain if you should entirely trust that snipped of information yet.
The numbers of people that they had come through here were dwindling, or at least limited.
There was no point drawing this out further, however, you told yourself as you made your way to the nearest room to you.
If the room you picked was a factor, laziness was going to skew your results.
Only, the instant you opened the door your face twisted into the very imageof disgust.
"Is something wrong?" asked the man.
"The room's entirely pink," you made a show of gagging to further emphasise your disgust in this matter.
"Pink is known to be a soothing colour, every observation room is pink."
"Why not blue?"
"It lacks the same warmth as pink."
"Warmth is an issue?"
"The entire proccess is the result of decades of study and tweaking-"
"Okay, okay. Here's my chocolates," you started, pausing to take one of them out before passing the box over.
"I'm afraid-"
"You should avert your eyes then," you responded quickly before popping the chocolate into your mouth.

Eye contact remained.
You, you were in charge here.
Not these simpletons that wished to deny you your fucking chocolate.
Caramel, one of your favourites!

"Well, okay..." the man sighed as he opened a storage cupboard beside the room. "Your chocolates will be kept safely in here along with your clothing, you will be provided with attire to sleep overnight. Do you have any health issues we should be aware of?"
"I'm allergic to synthetic fibers."
The look of horror that followed was one that had you struggle to maintain your composure.
You'd just lied and told them that no doubt everything in that room was an issue for you.
"Ah, then we'll need to... need to get replacement sheets, bed clothes-"
"No, I have no allergies."
The pair gave you a dirty look as the one shoved a small bundle of thin pajamas into your arms.

Goverment pajama's, is this what it meant to hit the big time?

Changing was done quickly inside the room - with the cover from the bed wrapped about you.
They were observing you, that gave you reason to suspect there were camera's installed in the room, and well, you didn't trust these people not to gawk at you.
At least these weren't hospital robes.
Stepping from the room once again, you passed over the clothing you had been wearing.

"Goodnight, Alyssa, we'll discuss your results in the morning," came the mans words as the woman put your clothes in the storage cupbard with your chocolates.
Then with that the pair turned about, leaving you to clamber into bed.

And after tossing and turning for what must have been half an hour as you tried to ignore the fact you were alone in a strange place, you finally fell asleep.

"Good morning, Alyssa," came a familiar voice as your eyes opened to sensation of sunlight on your face. No, that wasn't sunlight, the room had no windows, that was-
The skeleton that stood before you fiddled with their clipboard, oblivious to the fact they were on fire.
"Um..." You blinked a few times.
"I trust you slept well?" the head skeleton asked, as they marked off several boxes on their clipboard.
"I... You're..."
"Oh! Forgive me, I'm Reginald," the skeleton offered their hand.
"You're..." you repeated, as you stared dumbstruck at the skeleton.
"Do I have something on my face?" it asked as it patted at its burning skull.
"Quite... Quite the opposite. You... You don't have a face,"

Had the skeleton the features to do so, you were certain he'd have been giving you a look of horror as his spindly bone fingers patted at his skull.
Finding himself to lack a face, the skeleton started to scream.
A scream that raised to a piercing crescendo before it fixed on one steady tone, like a-

Car horn.

The constant sound of a car horn filled your ears as you blearily opened your eyes.
You couldn't see clearly, but that was okay, you were in a car and you felt warm.
Even if it was open topped and it was foggy.
There was Tom!
He wasn't moving much, maybe he was tired, laying on the wheel like that.
He probably needed to sleep off that jagged piece of metal through his chest.
You probably needed to sleep too, you felt so fuzzy, and that warmth was spreading down from your head.
Your head hurt, now you though about it.
Everything hurt.
How inconvenient was that?
You pushed the passenger side door a few times, though it didn't want to open.
How rude, just because it was buckled didn't mean it should stop working.
Oh well, you'd just rest a little, as you felt so, so tired.
Maybe when the others in the back woke up you'd feel up to telling the door off.
And so your eyes closed as faint voices approached, voices that told you not to go to sleep, to wake up.
That was silly, you were tired.
Why would you want to-

"Wake up!" you screamed as you found yourself shaking your sister, there was a bottle of pills beside her and-
She wasn't moving, you didn't know what to do, you-
"Wake up!" you sobbed, clutching her to you felt hot tears running down your cheeks.
"It's not too late," came a voice from behind you, though you didn't dare turn away from your sister.
"Please... Just... wake up..." you wailed
"All you have to do is is-"
All you had to do was get help, you told yourself as you placed your sister down, springing to your feet as you started to run towards the phone.

And so you sprang into action, leaping from the warmth of your bed.
Out, into the air as you ran towards the door.
You had to reach the phone, you had to get help!
You flung the door open, tears in your eyes as you leapt forwards.
And straight into the wall on the other side of the door.

Your vision swam as the felt pain lance through your face, the scent of blood filling your nose as reality asserted.
Stunned from the forceful impact against the plasterboard wall, an impact that reverberated down the halls of this floor of the facility, you slumped down.
It wasn't graceful, your legs simply buckled, folding as you toppled down like a house of cards.
And so you lay there, feeling the wet warmth trickling over your cheeks.
This was a dream, too, wasn't it?
That had all been dreams, hadn't it?

You just needed to-
You just had to stand, and then-

"She's bleeding," came the faintest sound of voices in your ears, oh, how your ears rang from hitting the wall like that.
"Who was her liason?" came another voice, you didn't know either of them so far.
"Agent Cross, shall we call her in?" came the first voice.
"You can try, you know how she is though,"
"I'll go call her and... Gods, I felt the walls shake all the way up the hall, how's she still conscious after that?" the first spoke up again as two pairs of hands started to check you over and footsteps started away from you in a hurried manner.
"I need-" you mumbled as the pair ran through a series of checks, before they pulled you upright to sit against the wall.
"Shh. Do you know where you are?"
"I need to call for help, my sister... She... I think she-"
"Shh, it was a bad dream. What's your name?"
"I'm Alyssa, but I need-"
"Do you know where you are?"
"No, it was..." you paused as you struggled to think over just where this place was. "I didn't see how I got here, as it was foggy and dark. It's... Some snake name place, in London."
"How many fingers am I holding up?" the figure asked as you squinted.
"That's a rude gesture," you mumbled.
"Only if my hand's the other way around. Can you count for me?"
"Zero, one, three, seven, zero."
"That was the officer's numbers."
"Can you count to ten?"
"I know how to do that."
"Would you?" the person paused "You hit your head, I need to make sure you're okay."
"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten."
"Okay, now watch my fingers-"
"I need to make sure-"
"I know, my head hurts though."
"That's why I'm trying to-"
"I want to call my sister, make sure she's okay."
"You can do that after we make sure you're okay."
"What time is it?"
"It's almost five in the morning," the figure paused to place a hand to your head as they brought a small light up to your face, shining it in your eyes in turn as you squinted.

You just wanted to get up and walk this off.
And stop your nose bleeding.

"Can... Can I get up now and... Do something about my nose bleeding and... Maybe get breakfast and... Something for this headache?"
"Do you think it's safe to take her to the cafeteria?" the figure who had been bothering you asked the one that had yet to speak.
"Looks like a concussion, but she seems to be regaining full awareness quickly," the second muttered, evading the firsts question.
"Is that a yes, then?" came the first's voice as they placed a bandage beneath your nose.
"I... Guess. It's your call."
"No, it's my call," you muttered as you placed one hand to the bandage to hold it in place, while you held an arm out. "Help me up, or so help me, I will end you."
"Er, okay," came the first one's voice as they assisted you in rising to your feet, before sheparding you towards the elevator. "We just need to go to the-"
"First floor?"
"Yes, how did you-"
"Ground floor's the entrance hall, fourth is offices, we're on the fifth. I was going to go by proccess of elimination to-"
"Okay, she's certainly lucid enough to move."

With that the pair steadied you as they guided you into the elevator, the elevator that lurched downwards as you made a mental note that you were going to the cafeteria in what amounted to pajama's.
If your head didn't hurt as much as it did, you were sure that you'd have felt a little more awkward about such.
At least the pain was starting to subside.

"When do I get my results and get to go home?" you asked, as the elevator doors opened to a floor that seemed to be composed entirely of an oversized cafeteria and kitchen.
"We'll have the results delivered to Agent Cross if she turns up, so she can cover them with you."
"If she doesn't?"
"One of us will remain with you for observation, we can cover it in that case."
"Wonderful. Did I pass?"
"We don't know that yet. What do you mean pass?"
"Your test, am I magical?"
"Are you sure you're feeling okay?"
"My head hurts and I feel a little dizzy, less so than before," you huffed as you reached to pinch your nose and tip your head back.
"Don't do that," came one of the two voices.
"Why not?" you asked as you leaned your head forwards again, while the pair guided you to a table.
"You know what happens if blood gets into your airways?"
"Oh," was all you could muster as a response, as it occured to you that you weren't going to be able to buy breakfast while here as-

No, they'd said they'd provide breakfast for you, so clearly...
Clearly, you just had to ask.

"Can I have breakfast now?"
"Sure, what do you want?"
"Tea, milk, one sugar. Beans, eggs, toast. The lamentations of my enemies."

It dimly occured to you that some of what you were saying was how you'd have spoken when playing games online.
The entire mock serious manner of playing yourself up as a scary gamer who could crush all before her was something you did with friends.
Typically while playing one of the stronger roles on a team, such as the tank.
Maybe you were a tank.
You'd hit the wall like one after all!

As one of the pair moved over to the kitchen counters near the cafeteria's kitchens, the third returned with a familiar figure.

"Hi Millicent!" you waved cheerfully at the other woman, pausing to glance at the sleeve of your current attire.
That was going to stain.
You could see the look of concern crossing the other womans features as she hurried towards the table.
"Is she-" Millicent started, only for you to interrupt as you gestured to her enthusiastically.
"She's here, now she can read my results to me. Where are the results?" you asked, as the figures grouped about you paused to look at you.
"I'll go get her results," the returning figure stated as they made their way out of the cafeteria.
"We think she's concussed. She woke up from what we assume was a nightmare and ran into the wall outside her room," the remaining figure stated as they glanced across the room towards their co-worker.

The one tasked with the important job of getting your breakfast for you.

"Would you like me to get you a drink?" came their words as Millicent nodded briefly in response.
"You got me up at five in the morning for an emergency, so coffee would be welcome right now," came her response as the figure shifted from their set and made their way across the room.
"So, can I go home soon?" you asked, as you looked over the table at Millicent.
"If you're okay, i'm sure they'll let you go home soon. What happened to startle you like this?"
"You had a bad dream, didn't you?"
"Oh, yes."
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"Well, I dreamed... There was... A skeleton in my room, talking about... The... Test. He was on fire," you paused, trying to remember his name. Like any other dream, the exact details were already fleeting.
"That's pretty scary," Millicent smiled.
"Nah, he was stupid, he started screaming when he found he didn't have a face. Then I found myself in the jeep with Tom, and we'd crashed and... Everyone was dead, but I wasn't worried... Until the nightmare shifted again and..."
"And what?" Millicent asked as she reached to take your free hand in her own.
"I had a dream that my sister... She.. I was terrified and..." you shook your head. "I don't want to talk about it.
"Oh, honey, that's horrible. Do you want to call her before you go home, so you can make sure she's okay?"
You nodded enthusiastically in response to this, before freezing as you realised you could feel blood flowing again.

"Damnit, my nose is bleeding again," you muttered as you pressed the bandage up against it a little more firmly.
"Here's her results, Miss Cross. Is there anything-" came the voice of the third of the agency medics, as they passed a clipboard over to Millicent.
"No, you can go now, I've got it from here, now, lets see... Oh," there was something of a look of shock on Millicent's face as she looked at the results. "Are these accurate?"
"You know these results typically have a five percent margin of error," came the medics words as they paused to look back at Millicent.
"Yeah, but... Wow. Who'd have thought?"

Millicent glanced between you and the clipboard awkwardly for a few moments as she seemed to falter.
"Am I one in twenty?" you asked, pausing as you tilted your head. "One in two hundred?"
"Honey, uh... You're... uhh..." she faltered as you awaited the results patiently. "According to this, you fit most of the criteria for..."

...The Enlightened. It wasn't clear how you'd been infected, but you were a faux-immortal with a controlled strain of the corrupt cancer that plagued the tainted creatures of London.
...A True Immortal. This made you the first born in at least a hundred years. There was more than a little fear in her voice as she told you this.
...A Chimera. A patchwork soul. This was supposed to be an impossibility, yet here you were. A Chimera was supposedly unable to occur naturally.
...A Recursive Echo. They'd almost been fooled into thinking you were normal. You were special, but they were going to have to do further tests to figure what you were.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #52 on: June 01, 2015, 01:53:46 am »

Hmm, I think... True Immortal. We are already a god after all, This is just them realizing it too. :P
Because heck, Lets be special.

We are none, No classification exists for us, We are an unknown. For gods do not exist in the feeble minds of mortals.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2015, 02:37:16 am by Fallatus »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #53 on: June 01, 2015, 05:37:35 am »

What Fallatus said.

Generally me

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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #54 on: June 01, 2015, 08:12:55 am »

Can we get the differences between them. Like what they can do and stuff.

If we can't then I'm going for True Immortal

Silleh Boy

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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #55 on: June 01, 2015, 09:28:33 am »

((For those that want to know the general differences or do not want to go in blind, as it was asked:
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #56 on: June 01, 2015, 09:59:50 am »

Either Chimera or True Immortal.


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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #57 on: June 01, 2015, 10:25:22 am »

Oh Yeah..., Definitely true immortal.

So adhering to my first post, True immortal.


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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #58 on: June 02, 2015, 12:58:22 am »

Chimera FTW
Ya'll need Jesus. Just sayin'.


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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #59 on: June 02, 2015, 02:06:00 am »

Chimera or True Immortal.

((Also, PTW.))
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.
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