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Author Topic: I told them I could be anything...  (Read 27194 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #30 on: May 29, 2015, 12:54:45 am »


Well, of course she has orders to get on our good side. We might as well play along.

Silleh Boy

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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #31 on: May 29, 2015, 01:08:23 am »

An experimental attempt to wrinkle your nose - or more accurately, scrunch half of your face up as you made a conscious effort to pull various muscles in an attempt to see what parts of your face hurt - was met with promising results.
Nothing hurt as much as your ego did at this moment.
Prehaps you'd be lucky and nothing'd bruise either, though you couldn't hold your breath over that one until you saw yourself in the mirror in the morning. You were prone to bruising with how delicately built you were.

Still, there was that question lingering in the air, a question over just what you were good at that had been framed as a gracious effort to appease your wounded pride.
You could easily have lied about what you were good at, at this stage.
You could just have easily told her nothing, suggesting that you simply wanted to sit this out and sulk as you were starting to feel increasingly miserable given your day so far.

There was a nagging voice at the back of your mind that told you not to believe everything this woman said, that told you that you should remain paranoid about the entire situation. You didn't know these people or this area and you found yourself influenced by them in ways that didn't sit right with you.
Was this some power of theirs, to manipulate others reactions?
It was something that you now believed with all the information that had been presented to you to be a distinct possibility.
It made sense, you found yourself at ease when you were supposed to be, meek and submissive when they wished to corral you like an animal.

And this woman, this woman...
You had to keep a constant reminder that she was being paid to be your friend, as it was so easily pushed out of the forefront of your mind.
But there was no reason to cite these suspicions yet, as far as you could tell.
No, this could wait until there was an actual reason for you to do so.

For now, you were going to passively resist this power of theirs.

You had always been independant, you had always been capable.

You had always prided yourself on being able to pick up on the vibe people gave off and if you should trust them or not - and these people gave off constantly shifting vibes in a way you'd never seen before.

"I'm not really much of one for physical activities, about the most physical I typically get is going out with the girls to a club or pub for the night. I do like games though, the ones I'm best at are lightgun games, where you-"
"I'm not really up to date on games, so you'll-" Millicent interrupted, only for you to focus on reasserting yourself. This was your thing, this was your passion.
"I like games that challenge me, I like to turn the difficulty up and get by, by the skin of my teeth. Calculate the odds, beat them with careful planning and forethought, but light guns are my favourite as they push me to react as fast as possible. Duck hunt, Virtua cop, various arcade games before the arcades back home closed... I did great at those. I was often in the top three on their leader boards."
"I take it that is an impressive-"
"It's impressive, when you're competing against gamers who came to play from across a major city."
"There's... On... Line games, too, isn't there, that-" Millicent was floundering, this was far from a subject she had any awareness of and you were able to steer things for a change.
"Massively multiplayer online games and other such things, yes, I used to play a few of those. Mostly for the company of like minded gamers. It was always more fun to play with real people, regardless of how far away they were, instead of playing alone. I'm guessing games were never a big thing for you?"
"Not really, no. I remember pacman and space invaders when they were big things, but I never really tried them."
"That's a shame, some games are great for shaping logical thinking and honing your reactions. Or you know, destroying friendships, like certain party games seemed apt for."
"That's a thing?"
"Party games destroying friendships?" you shrugged as you reached for the menu on the table. "It varies, you're making people compete against each other in a cut throat manner, some people don't like that in a family game."

Millicent was about to respond, her mouth half open to make whatever statement in response - to come out with something no doubt intended to bring the conversation back into territory she could at least control.
That was before her phone rang, causing the few eyes inside the supermarket's café to turn and look at the pair of you as she flipped her phone open and brought it to her ear.

"This is- Oh. Yes sir. I did say that to them sir. If they wish to pursue that complaint i'm quite willing to have it submitted to the board so they can inquire into how their request was a reckless means of endangering the well being of a potential asset."
"We're currently- Yes, that's exactly where, we're here as our person of interest is scared and confused so I made a judgement call and took her to get a hot drink and something sugary to cheer her up."
You'd been upgraded to a person of interest.
"No sir, I will not bring her in right this instant, not when she's pulling faces at me from across the table," Millicent paused, rolling her eyes. "If you hadn't interrupted me and told me you didn't care for what I had to say, I'd have been able to tell you that this wasn't an ideal place to hold this conversation."
Her hand visibly tensed about the case as the plastic creaked ever so slightly.
Just when had she slipped the battery back into the phone?
You were going to have to watch her closer.
"Yes. Uh-huh. Yes. Very well. I'll offer the recovery team tea in twenty minutes then. Goodbye," and with that she snapped the phone shut once more, slouching in her seat as a frown crept over her features. "This job was so much better when people didn't go by books that told them just how deep the stick up their ass had to be to maintain the correct posture."

It was several minutes before she spoke again.
Several long minutes in silence as the woman alternated between subtle shifts in her bodylanguage, flitting between disgust and anger.
Every second dragged on uncomfortably in her presence as that pleasent mask was shattered by the reality of whatever she was beholden to accomplish here.
"Okay, we're going to get tea. We're going to get cake. You're going to pick out a few bars of chocolate. When the recovery team arrives, I'll speak with them. I'm certain they'll join us for tea as they won't enjoy being dicked around by the boss."

Once again you could feel that subtle sense of oppression tickling at the edge of your senses, attempting to twist your response in a certain direction.
To make you meek and unassertive.
To twist your very mind against you as you were sheparded like a lamb to the slaughter.
Of course this didn't mean you were going to oppose the plan presented to you, no.
You were going to go with it, but not like some simpering child hiding from a potential scolding.
"Okay," you breathed as you leaned back against the cheap plastic chair you were seated on, your head rolling as you briefly considered pulling the hood to your hoodie up. "I take my tea with milk and one sugar, I like chocolate, fudge, caramel and vanilla cake most. I want to stretch my legs. Should I look for chocolate while I do so?"
"Yeah... Here," Millicent started, her expression betraying that was once more uncertain how to proceed from here - that she was uncomfortable given that she didn't have full control of the situation any longer. "Chocolate, decent chocolate at least, isn't cheap," came her words as she fished a wallet from one of her pockets and passed over three notes.
Three ten pound notes.
Thirty pounds would get a fair amount of chocolate.
"Thank you, I'll be back in a moment," you offered a half smile as you pulled your hands into the sleeves of your hoodie.

With the money hidden in your hand, and your sights set on the confectionary section of the supermarket you started away from the woman, away from your sole lifeline in this city at this moment.
Every step you took away from her had the paranoia in the back of your mind voice itself all the more assertively, whispering, then screaming that you were being manipulated by someone who was more than they had let on.
How else could they be swaying your very thoughts in the manner they did?
Yes, you were certain now that in her presence you were being manipulated.
You could even feel the fog being lifted from your mind as you increased your distance from her.
Step after step.
Clarity, terrible, terrible clarity.

This woman wasn't what she appeared.

Could you trust someone who hadn't been honest with you?
Could you put yourself, your well being, in the hands of someone you were simply being manipulated by?
These were the thoughts that echoed through your mind as you stepped out of sight, walking between the aisles as you took a disinterested glance over the chocolate on display.
What did it all add up to, what was it that this all meant?
Were they simply keeping you in the dark with good intentions, or were they manipulating you for a purpose they had yet to make you aware of?
Were you even special for that matter?
If you were to believe anything she'd said so far, they were quite prepared to work on the basis that until proven otherwise that everyone they picked up was a potential... Asset.

You were torn, you didn't know if it was safe to play along, or prudent to run.
If you ran, just how easily would they pick you up again?
If you remained, would you be safe.
It raised the question, were you going to play along - trusting that they had your interests at heart, or were you going to find a way of slipping into the night, with a small amount of money and the clothes on your back?


Apologies, gymnastics tipped the scale after I'd almost finished writing this up.
Additionally, as you're directing the character, some of your mistrust is being added to Alyssa's views.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #32 on: May 29, 2015, 02:46:28 am »

Oh, gosh.

The government doesn't have our best interests at heart, but we can make use of each other. We should play along for now, but look for ways to improve our situation.

Hide a knife behind a smile.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #33 on: May 29, 2015, 02:58:46 am »

Eh, Who cares! Even if you tried to run they'd find you, And judging from our encounter with the door it wouldn't be very hard. Lay low, Don't draw to much attention to yourself and just try to get what you can. its all anyone of us can do. Now quit concerning! You've got a fistful of money and a tummy that's a grumbling, Go get that chocolate young missy. But don't go overboard with the spending, Don't want to come off as irresponsible with money after all or they might give you less than you could get later on.

Generally me

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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #34 on: May 29, 2015, 04:51:11 am »

Eh, Who cares! Even if you tried to run they'd find you, And judging from our encounter with the door it wouldn't be very hard. Lay low, Don't draw to much attention to yourself and just try to get what you can. its all anyone of us can do. Now quit concerning! You've got a fistful of money and a tummy that's a grumbling, Go get that chocolate young missy. But don't go overboard with the spending, Don't want to come off as irresponsible with money after all or they might give you less than you could get later on.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #35 on: May 29, 2015, 07:59:41 am »

At the moment, play by their rules and follow along as requested. We aren't in a position to run effectively, and while we shouldn't trust the government, we should play along until we get a better grasp of the situation.

Also, cake.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2015, 08:05:56 am by Nicholas1024 »


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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #36 on: May 29, 2015, 02:33:03 pm »

Oooooooo. I know. ClF3. That should be a fun surprise.

Silleh Boy

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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #37 on: May 29, 2015, 10:43:37 pm »

This entire situation was a mess, but worrying about it right now was going to make you feel sick again.
No, worrying about something that was outside of your power to change was something that you were going to do later, when you had time to figure out just what you could do about it.

The earbuds connected to your off brand music player were slipped into your ears as you set your music library to shuffle.
At fate's tender mercy, you found yourself serenaded with the sounds of some squeaky voiced popstar you couldn't believe you had ever liked - this was something from your stupid phase for sure.
You instinctively pressed next as your cheeks started to burn with embaressment.
Crimson painted against your porcelain complexion.
Soft tones played as a familiar voice followed soon after.
Oh, you knew this song, this was something your mother had put on here for you.
Something about that fact in itself was reassuring, a reminder that back home everyone was fine despite your absence, that you were fine despite being seperated from them.
The worst you had was a little anxiety and travel sickness, you hadn't been hurt and everything would be fine.
Even if you were lying to yourself, it was what you needed right now.

This song was a few years older than you were, but you didn't care - you were content to hum along to the tune as you whispered the few words you knew beneath your breath.
Granted, that was little more than words such as immenso, cantero, piano and violini.
You didn't speak italian but you were certain without looking it up that the main word that you knew - immenso, the song's title - translated quite plainly into immense.

And so you hummed along to the song as you paced about the aisles, seeking out your quarry.
You would not be denied chocolate now you were so close to it, not when you had the money, the proximity, the desire.
Unless you know, fate conspidered against you and the tills shut down before you could pay for it - then you'd accept it with the stereotypical politeness of a british person in a queue and leave without making a scene.
Or, maybe you'd put on an emotional display and use the scene to get them to take pity and open it for a few minutes longer to get you through.

There was everything from the cheapest, nastiest chocolate that only children enjoyed, all the way up to the expensive continental chocolates - chocolate that had all the more markup than ever these days given britain's relationship with the rest of europe was tetering on the brink.
They'd never forgotten the Victorian war, in what France, as the aggressor, had attacked.
And Britain had beaten France back.
Then a good portion of the rest of Europe had jumped in to attack Britain for daring to defend itself against the French, been beaten back and kept a grudge about it for over a hundred years.
History was written by the victors, they said, but in this case the history books from outside of Britain were full of vitriol, talking of provocation and a need to cleanse the growing corruption that had taken root in empire's capital.
The ones written back home spoke of how callously, the empire had been attacked and defended itself against all comers during its moment of need - how it was a testament to the spirit of the people that they had defened themselves against threats from outside and within.

Perhaps you'd buy some of the American branded imports instead, come to think of it, tempting as it was to buy one of the Queens favourites boxes.

...No, the temptation was too much, that one was your favourite too, it had all the flavours you liked.
Chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate.
Some of that chocolate filled with cornish fudge, or caramel, or...

Just one box though, at a penny less than thirteen pounds, you were struggling to justify a second to yourself.
It was harder still when you reminded yourself that this wasn't your money, but it was what you had chosen.
What sat beneath your arm as you started towards the tills.
Grubby faux-marble tiles smeared with the passage of a day in service of custom threatened to become treacherous beneath your feet as your worn footwear reminded you that you lacked any grip with their worn soles.
Adversity to the end, but you would prevail.
You, would be the one standing tall, eating chocolate.

Or sat on your ass, it didn't matter as long as the latter element was the constant that remained.

Tired eyes greeted you as you arrived at your destination, one of the two tills still open.
A till manned by someone who looked no older than you, whom asked in the weary voice of one that simply wished to get off work and go home, "Cash or card?"
"Cash," you responded as you offered the chocolates over to be scanned, while your other hand held out two of the three bank notes.
The exchange complete, change and a receipt.
It was time to return to the lady whom symbolised your current plight.

As you paced back to the table you had left her at you could see her surrounded by a small group of people bearing arms, swathed in bodyarmour and dark garments.
That must have been the extraction team that had been spoken of before.
Though they bore no markings to explain whom they actually were, you could only assume that they had shown symbols of authority to those who had questioned their presence.
They were all sat however, having pulled up chairs and tables to join Millicent in what looked like a mutual expression of rebellion over the job at hand.
If they were as disinterested as Millicent was in hurrying you along to your doom.
Or, as the case seemed to be, your room.

Even as you approached Millicent nodded in your direction, prompting the group to part as they made space for you, one of them nudging a chair out for you.
Yet still your feet dragged along the tiled floor, as you were in no hurry to-
Oh, there was cake and tea waiting for you.

Damn them.

"So, she's the one we were sent to bring in?" came one of the figures voice as you made your way up to the table.
"Uh-huh, fearsome isn't she," came Millicent's response as she gestured to the tea and cake to make it clear it was yours.
"Terrifying, six of us to subdue that little monster. She must be a real danger," the figure responded.
"Only to herself, most people manifest at least some tell tale signs when put under this amount of stress, but she's looking increasingly like an echo."
"Poor girl, it's a shame we've got to take her in, in cuffs," the figure responded as they shifted to make space for an arriving waiter. Several more cups of tea and coffee were put atop the table as the group shifted about to collect their respective orders.
You sipped at your own as you looked at the cake before you, vanilla sponge, topped with some kind of overly sugary icing. It wasn't your first choice, but it was in no way something you'd argue about either.

"You don't have to, she's no threat," Millicent responded in a slow, deliberate tone as she made eye contact with each of the group in turn.
"You're right," came the one whom had been speaking prior's response. "She's no threat, we don't have to."
"I'm glad we see eye to eye," Millicent smiled brightly as you shook your head slowly, feeling that same mental fog as before threatening to set in.
Just what was this woman?
That one she had been speaking to seemed vacant for a moment before they snapped back to attention, fidgeting with their drink as they spoke again. "I'm going to get into trouble for agreeing with you there, but, I'm going to complain about the boss misusing the department's resources in this manner. We're trained for actual retreival against people with potential powers they've lost control of, not..." they gestured towards you, their voice dripping with disgust. "To be sent out to intimidate frightened kids because the boss thinks a Liason's a frivolous expense."
"It undoes all the work I do trying to reassure those we bring in that we're not monsters," Millicent sighed.
"Except for the boss," the figure added, prompting a small nod from Millicent as she started to rise from her seat.
"Is it okay with you if I leave her in your care while I go and see if I can talk some sense into the boss?" Millicent asked, in that same measured tone as before.
"Sure, you can leave her with us. Your authority technically ended when we arrived. We'll get her back safe and sound," the figure responded, promoting a bright smile from Millicent.
"I knew I could depend on you Tom."

With that Millicent turned to make her way from the café area, leaving you in the care of this 'Tom' and a group of none too happy agents.

"So," came the mans words as he turned his attention towards you. "Once you're done, do you want to take the scenic route back or see if we can make it back in time to catch the end of their argument?" he asked, leaving you wondering just how much longer you wished to drag you feet here.

Did you hurry back or return at a more leisurely pace?
What had you learned about yourself here?
...That you had a budding ability to feel deception? (Water Speciality/Sensing Deception)
...That you were able to fade from notice when you desired? (Water Speciality/Stealthy)
...That you were acutely aware of discrepencies in alsorts of manners? (Air Speciality/Pattern Recognition)
...That you should have felt fatigued by this point, but you were holding on? (Earth Speciality/Indefatiguable)
...Something else entirely?

Spoiler: Alyssa (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #38 on: May 30, 2015, 12:18:09 am »

I think out of the four, the most useful specialization is a budding ability to feel deception. (Water Speciality/Sensing Deception). Particularly since I suspect that a lot of people will be hiding important details from us.

Anyway, let's Head straight back after cake + tea + chocolate. We've had enough excitement for one night, and catching the tail end of the discussion between Millie and her boss could be informative.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #39 on: May 30, 2015, 12:44:30 am »

Well, okay then. I guess we should tread lightly around Millicent. And also not trust a word anyone says.

Seconding an ability to feel deception and heading back quickly. The night is dark and full of perils.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #40 on: May 30, 2015, 12:48:07 am »

Lets go leisurely back.
Also, Water speciality for sure.


Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Ya'll need Jesus. Just sayin'.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #41 on: May 30, 2015, 12:57:21 am »

Water Specialty/Stealthy + hurry back

Generally me

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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #42 on: May 30, 2015, 06:44:26 am »

I think out of the four, the most useful specialization is a budding ability to feel deception. (Water Speciality/Sensing Deception). Particularly since I suspect that a lot of people will be hiding important details from us.

Anyway, let's Head straight back after cake + tea + chocolate. We've had enough excitement for one night, and catching the tail end of the discussion between Millie and her boss could be informative.

Silleh Boy

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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #43 on: May 30, 2015, 07:25:23 am »

So, it seemed that this little government agency you were in the hands of was full of people that didn't like each other due to differences of opinion.
That confirmed at least that they were human.
It also told you, as you took a bite of the cake before you, that you could easily keep several of them off balance if they were carefully played against each other within the confines of their own rule set. This boss figure seemed to generate a lot of ill will from his subordinates, while his subordinates seemed to be using some power to influence others to accomplish their tasks.
Millicent had either lied about what was special about herself from the start, or selectively neglected to add what she was also capable of.
Either way, it was deceitful and told you that you were right to assume that you needed to watch her more closely.

Of course, you still felt that you liked her, though now you questioned just how much of that was your own thoughts or if she was capable of implanting things such as this, too.
No, you were certain - mostly - that these were your own thoughts, as whatever influence she had over you had faded after you had left her presence earlier.
Like morning fog rising.

One thing was for certain though, the tea here was crap.
Still, that didn't stop you lifting the cup up to your face, relishing the sensation of warmth against your skin, or enjoying the aroma.
Cheap or not, it was your chance to relax - at least for a moment - before you had to deal with whatever else they had in store for you.

"I think," you started, voicing your thoughts aloud as you paused to take a sip of tea. "Once we're done here, we should hurry back. Your boss might need backup, after all. Who are you people, anyway?"
Tom chuckled, shaking his head as he did so. "I'm sure my boss'll survive. Who are we?"
"Yes, who are you. I'm pretty certain my rights say you can't kidnap me and keep me in the dark."
"We haven't kidnapped you."
"So, I'm free to leave then?"
"Oh, so I'm under arrest then?"
"No, you're-"
"I'm very tired, I just want people to be straight with me."
"We're Alexandrina's Supernatural Protectorate."
"I can't say I've ever heard of you, though you do sound like a super villain group from a movie with those initials."
"Of course you've never heard of us, who spends time reading government directories longer than it takes them to find the department they want?"
You were certain the answer to that one was conspiracy theorists, though you had a feeling that pursuing this conversation further wasn't going to be very fruitful. Perhaps it was the fact that this man didn't want to tell you anything more than he had to, perhaps it was that everyone so far had been dishonest with you in some manner.

"Can we go now?" you asked, as you put down what remained of your tea beside the crumbs that composed the remainder of your cake. The sooner you got there, the sooner they could tell you nothing was special about you, the sooner you could go home.
"If you insist," Tom responded as he placed his cup down. He didn't have the people skills or charisma that Millicent had - you didn't like him. For that matter, without Millicent present you felt somewhat uncomfortable in his presence, as if he was the kind of person you'd meet in a dark alley.
It was with that that you stood, that you found yourself being escorted from a supermarket from a group of armed men.
It was a surreal experience, to have the few eyes that remained in the supermarket upon you as you were escorted to the door.

Fog had fallen during your time inside.
The air was cold and damp.
It was something that had goosebumps rise on your skin, as a primal sense of fear gripped you.

"This rolled in fast," came one of the groups voices.
"Do you think it means anything?" came another of their voices.
"Doubtful, it's probably just the wonderful british weather," came Tom's voice as he pushed you forwards through the fog. "Jeeps are this way, might want to pull your hoodie up."
"Famous last words," came the second voice as the group laughed, while you pulled your hoodie up to cover your head. Were they oblivious to the feeling of impending danger, or were they simply indifferent to it?
"This is like a scene from a horror movie," you mumbled, mostly to yourself as you continued on - carefully - through the blanket of fog.
"You need to watch better horror movies then," came Tom's voice, followed by another push to keep you moving in the right direction.
"Famous last words," came the second voice once more, in a drawn out manner.
"Cut that shit out," came the first voice followed by a muffled grunt.
"You didn't have to hit me," grumbled the second voice.

Perhaps the horrors that lurked in the fog were preferable to these guys.

"I'm sitting in the front," you stated as one of the jeeps came into view.
"Can't let you do that," came Tom's voice, as he made his way around the other side of the jeep.
"I get car sick easily, unless you want-"
"Do you think... It means anything?" came a low voice from the fog, prompting the group to draw their weapons as they took positions about the jeep - and you to dive into the front passenger seat.
Protocol could kiss your ass.
"Famous last... Scene. Do you think it means..." the voice continued, as footfalls echoed through the fog and the sound of your heart beating filled your ears. "Do yew have a loite?"
"You almost got yourself shot," came one of the groups voice. "Get out of here."
"Yew don't 'ave any change do yew?"
"Gods, he stinks of alcohol and piss, lets get out of here before-"
"Ye can't leave me, they're out there, watchin' me with their beady eyes."
"Get your hands off me before-"
The sound of someone vomiting had you squirm in discomfort as Tom and two of the group clambered into the jeep with you.
"We're taking her back, the rest of you can deal with your new friend," he stated as he reached over to grab and fasten your seatbelt as well as his own. "Fucking crazy people," came his mumbled words, barely audiable to you over the roar of the engine starting.

As the jeep pulled from the parking lot with headlines burning blazing as they fought in futility against the fog you pulled yourself upright so you could watch the road before you.
At least what you were able to make out of it, in this fog shrouded cityscape.
A cityscape that crawled by, shapes looming in the fog with lights like eyes.
Staring, waiting for their moments to strike.
Those shapes grew ever larger as you progressed slowly, steadily into the cities depths, passing surprisingly few cars on the road.

"Are the roads always this quiet?" you asked, as you pulled your hoodie up to cover your mouth, though it was still not enough to stop the chill in the air from seeping through the worn garment.
"Can't hear you, you'll have to speak up!" Tom yelled in response, prompting you to raise your voice.
"Are the roads always this quiet?" you shouted in response, this time making sure you could be heard over the roar of the engine and the sound of air rushing by.
"They're packed in the day, they get quiet at night and only idiots drive in the fog at night without good reason," he yelled back.
"Because of the vultures?"
"The vultures aren't an issue, it's the other things that get bold when the fog rolls in."
"Like what?"
"Like every other corrupt creature and the crazies."
"Like that man back at the supermarket?"
"Yes, could be that he's just down on his luck, or it could be that he's infected."
"With the same corruption that twists stray animals and birds into monsters."

That sounded like a horrible fate but it did stir an old memory, one of reading a old book that mentioned that the same corruption that had gripped those creatures, thats source had never been found, was what had created the Enlightened in the first place.
They were supposedly amongst the few humans that could remain in control of the infection - or at least slow the descent into madness that came with it.
The Enlightened were mentioned as faux immortals in that book, too, as ageless entities twisted by some kind of supernatural cancer that twisted them in its image.
Only, the infection they had was... Shaped by... Whatever had initially infected them.
It was victorian research though, it was mostly hypothesis and assumptions backed up by very little field work.
Did that mean that the modern day Enlightened, the cult like group that people seemed to have no love for, were the same as the ones from back then?
You'd have to find books on the subject to study if you still had reason to care later.

By the time you arrived at what you could only presume was ASP's headquarters you felt chilled to the bone by your exposure to the cold night air, to the point where your already pale complexion had become pallid and your teeth chattered.
You had no objections as you were guided by a hand on your shoulder with your chocolates under one arm - something that this time felt devoid of the same subconscious push to obey as you'd felt with others this day - towards the steps leading up to what you assumed with such low visibility was a repurposed office building.
The steps up to the glass doors - flanked and intersected by rails painted in flaking blue paint - revealed a bare reception area inside the building illuminated by old fluorescent lights fitted into the tile covered ceiling.
Inside was little warmer than out you noted, much to your chagrin, though it was clear that you were expected by the woman that sat behind the desk.
"Alyssa. You're late. Please report to the fourth floor," came her almost mechanical tone, as one hand dismissively gestured towards the old silvery doors of the elevators set behind her.
"Is that where-" you started, only for the woman to cut you off.
"Everything you need to know will be explained once you have arrived on the fourth floor."

Akwardly, you made your way towards the elevator, tapping the button to call it, a brief moment of silence spent waiting as you glanced behind you - Tom had already left.
You almost felt betrayed at this point.
Here you were, alone, and the efforts to win you over, to have you eased into the enviroment had stopped dead with Millicent's departure.
Oh, if she didn't make her boss cry, you would.
Ding, the elevator doors opened.
Ding, they shut behind you as you shuffled in and tapped the button for the fourth floor.
You could feel the elevator lurch as it started upwards, your stomach twisting as discomfort hit you.
And then it stopped, opening to reveal someone waiting for you.

"You're late, please come with me," came the voice of the man waiting for you, a man dressed in the same cheap style of suit the other agents had been, a voice that was devoid of emotions.
"Where are you taking me?"
"The boss has requested that you are brought to speak with him before you are given accomodations for the night."
"Very well," you sighed, deciding that it was best to appear reluctant, even if this was exactly what you desired right now.

Doors with walnut wooden veneers passed by, the rooms beyond them for the most part dark - though the few that were illuminated showed similarly suited people working away at desks.
Door after door passed by as you approached the end of the hallway, where a waiting area blossomed out in space that had likely once been occupied by flanking offices.
This waiting area was one in what several sat waiting already - two of them suited in a way that made it clear that they were workers, the third a short and angry looking woman garbed in an armoured LPD uniform.
She must have been the one that wanted to question Millicent - and potentially you.
But from here, from here you could hear a shouting match going on inside the office of what you presumed must have been the boss.
It was a little warmer up here than it had been on the ground floor, at least, that made it a little more bearable.

You flopped down on a chair, setting your chocolates down before you as you glanced towards the door of the office, pausing for a moment as you turned your attention from office workers to officer.
"Excuse me," you started, as you gestured towards your chocolates. "You don't look too happy, would you like-"
"No thank you," the woman responded, shaking her head as a smile briefly threatened to pull the corners of her lips upwards. You'd tried at least - and hoped that the guesture would mean that if she had to interview you over the incident at the other supermarket, that she'd go easy on you.
Was she the same woman though, or was the one you'd seen before still tackling whatever issue had been there and the fallout?
It didn't matter - she was potentially the one that was here to question Millicent, and if she wasn't, you'd at least expressed some measure of care.
She was more human than the people working here to you, after all.
Them and their blank and burned out emotional states.

The shouting from inside the room grew both in volume and clarity as footsteps stomped towards the door, permitting you now to make out what was being said.
"Don't you dare leave this room before I'm done with you Agent Cross!" yelled a masculine voice.
"Or what, you'll replace me with one of your brown nosing lackeys and fuck up more of the poor bastards you bring in?"
"The jarring transition from your overly warm doting to the professional enviroment-"
"You. Will. Be. SILENT," came her voice as her words twisted into a snarl. "Your detatched professionalism leaves them feeling as if they're nothing more than a disposable asset, that isn't the kind of enviroment any scared and confused young adult should be thrust into. Some of us have the decency to treat them like human beings, to do what your failure of a public relations team could only dream of."
"You're out of line-"
"SILENCE!" came her voice once more "I am NOT done speaking. I was here long before your daddy showed the prior director that he was good on his knees, I will be here long after your sorry ass gets kicked out for gross incompetance. Now run along and go play with traffic, you sorry excuse for a human being."
The door opened as a terrified looking man left the office - his office.
He was portly and unfit looking, the kind of person thats sole exercise was pushing a pen.
Balding and with a bad combover, the very image of someone in their midlife crisis.
"What the..." came his words as he glanced about the waiting area, as Millicent stormed out of his office and past him.
"Now. NOW we are done. Go to your ROOM, little man," she hissed, taking a deep breath before giving you an apologetic smile and waving her boss back inside his office.
Meekly, the man who had summoned you here poked his head around the frame of his office door to wave you in - almost as if he was afraid to speak, to raise the ire of the woman who now marched defiantly down the hallway towards the elevator.

Dutifully, you made your way inside, wondering if this man would attempt to take this out on you, or if you were going to see him reduced to a shadow of his former, arrogant self.
At least you assumed he was arrogant, as the assumption felt a safe one to make.
The office he had was little better than those of the others that worked here, though it was all his.
It was a relic of the seventies, like the rest of the building appeared - repurposed and refitted for minimal effort and minimal cost.
God, the seventies were fifty years ago now.
This building was older than you, but potentially younger than Millicent.
You seated yourself at rounded wooden desk in the center of the room - a desk that looked like it was from some flatpack do it yourself package.
One no doubt that he had someone else assemble for him.
And then with a smile, you waited to see if this man was going to give you the excuse you needed to vent.

"Well, uh..." He was off to a good start, "yes. Alyssa, right... Here's the file on you," he mumbled as he shuffled through papers in an effort to avoid eye contact with you. "I wanted to see you before we put you through the various tests and... Make sure any questions you had were answered."
It was a terrible lie, the kind of awkward one somebody made when they were on the spot and unable to hide their guilt - and here you were certain he had planned to yell at you about how you hadn't immediately turned up.
This man was a coward, and Millicent terrified him.
"If you don't have any questions at this moment... Uhh.. We can get some of our technicians to set you up with accomodation and a meal, and... Uhh... Was there anything you wanted to ask?"

Oh, you could be so gracious and let this man off the hook, knowing that being settled in meant a bed and warm food.
Or you could yell at him and express how you too, were quite unhappy.
Of course, you could also ask him about anything that you wanted to know - confident that he would comply at this point.
The question was, just what did you want right now?


  • Bay Watcher
  • One letter short of a wookie
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Re: I told them I could be anything...
« Reply #44 on: May 30, 2015, 08:16:42 am »

"The last few hours have been very stressful, especially that... thing... at the Supermarket. You're not going to put me through anything like that are you?"

Play up the shitty time you've had a bit, in an attempt to find out more about these tests, and maybe get some nice stuff re: accommodating and food.
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