I hadn't played a version with taverns prior to the Steam release, so I've been granting every single request from every single visitor to the fortress.
After 18 years, that means I have a resident gorlak poet, a whole horde of gobbo poets and dancers (I swear, half the reason they don't invade any more is that they'd rather move in), a fair few mellow necromancers, lots of humans and elves, and even one of those dark shifty looking buggers is in the military.
It's positively cosmopolitan!
And I'm actually quite surprised I haven't had a werebeast or vampire (that I'm aware of) yet.
Just an initial wave of murderous children that seem to have calmed down with the implementation of several haphazardly placed mist generators.
My military reached blender status a fair while ago, so anything that arrives above ground with ill intention is usually destined to become mincemeat, and since razing the nearby necromancer's tower of Beardrills, I haven't had an invasion for what must be coming up to 6 years.
Besides the military, my defences are pretty half-hearted. A trap-dodge pit o' doom (which hasn't gotten a bite yet) and an incomplete perimeter line of cage traps, who recently caught some passing wolves that I immediately started domesticating.
I'm having problems convincing anyone to deconstruct anything, with track stops and cage traps being particular sticking points. Construction and deconstruction of any kind ground to a complete halt recently, until I started trimming down my numerous herds.
I had geese, guineafowl, chickens, ducks, keas, dogs, cats, water buffalo, yaks, cows, alpacas, rhesus macaques, llamas, sheep, goats, rabbits, horses, wild boar and cavys.
I've now culled off a lot of unnecessary cruft, and am currently left with geese, ducks, chickens, rhesus macaques, guineafowl, dogs, cats, wolves, keas, alpacas, llamas and sheep, but I think I'll probably have to limit even further, as they've started exploding in population since removing some of the others, and dwarves are still having problems deciding between deconstructing something or collecting the latest batch of eggs.
I'm thinking alpacas, wolves, dogs, cats and geese would be sensible, but I kinda want to keep the keas and macaques too, as I'd rather them be domesticated than nicking stepladders.
And I worry that culling the cows, yaks and water buffalo may result in a pronounced shortage of leather, which my clothing industry revolves around.
Still, wolf leather sounds cooler.
Once I've gotten that under control and dwarves are happily building and destroying things again, I think the next move will be to terraform the valley so it's one flat plain, and then start properly planning above-ground structures. Then, maybe, finally, I'll start trying to impose some kind of order on the underground industries and homes, which have just exploded in the most unplanned fashion. Seriously, this is at once one of the most successful fortresses I've had, yet one of the worst planned.
It ain't pretty, it's got tombs that probably take up a good 15% of the ground layer, and the minecarts responsible for keeping my industry moving no longer work thanks to the inability to remove or build track stops.
Military training quarters are scattered randomly throughout the ground layer alongside kitchens, tombs, taverns, libraries, temples, guild halls and other seemingly randomly placed workshops, and crop planting / harvesting from my farm plots seems to be entirely random (farm plots are another thing dwarves refuse to build or destroy any more.)
And below ground, it's a right mess, thanks to having to deal with a light aquifer.
But miraculously, it works, and my psychotic boozehounds also appear to be relatively happy.