Rodi is going to need some epic traps to deal with the goblin hordes; the simple fact of the matter is anything or anyone can be overwhelmed if sufficiently outnumbered.
My fort has been kinda stagnating. I've got one forge pumping out everything my nobles ask for on a regular basis, so it's rare for a mandate to get ignored. Dwarves are slowly getting too stressed out over the years and going insane despite everything I try to do to make sure their needs are met, and we arent getting migrants, because of the lack of dwarven caravans, because of our at-war status with our parent civ, because I attacked a settlement that was economically linked to us despite being owned and run by an enemy civ.
The oldest children born here are 7, meaning it's been 8 years since our founding.
My poor dorfs just can't handle the stress of seeing dead bodies on occasion, despite being pretty safe themselves. Most of them are poets that visit and get eaten by wildlife or goblins, the rest are goblins. But theyre also getting freaked out by our dead GCSs, and the grizzly bear people that decided to get too close. And there's nothing that seems to calm them down. Not epic dining, literature, family/friends time, the poets' performances. It all adds up to melancholy inevitably.
I've cut back their workload several times to make sure they're idling enough to socialize. It doesn't appear to help that much unfortunately. But there is hope; I might try making a waterfall in a new dining area, tighter quarters with masterwork decorated furniture and caged animals, artifacts on display, anything I can think of.
The corpses are getting pulverized, but to make that work they have to be hauled by someone, who will inevitably go insane. I've been spreading this out over the entire population, but I might reduce it to a handful of individuals.