Oh boy, do I have a story for you lot.
I've been pouring water from the cavern lake onto the magma so fast that much of it has been reduced to a depth of 1/7 or 2/7. As a result, some items on the lake bottom have been retrieved for the stockpiles. Mosus Kelshadmal was just a somewhat skilled doctor with no fighting skills. He found those who developed fighting skills distasteful, but nevertheless perhaps he would've brought a weapon down with him when he went to collect jewels from the lake bottom if he had only known he was going to be attacked by a huge, muscular fat female giant olm!
He put up the best fight he could, but for 5 pages of combat he missed again and again and was bitten again and again. Fortunately, giant olms are toothless beasts and he received nothing but bruises and a broken, smashed open toe until it broke his left hand and he passed out from the pain. The giant olm left him alone after that. I eagerly watched both combatants; the giant olm I watched hoping she would hit the trapline before she ran into anyone else. Mosus I watched hoping he would live to tell this tale. I looked in the various screens for someone coming to bring him to the hospital, but no one did. His survival was entirely up to him. I also watched my magma solidify; I would dare not stop the draining while he was still down there for that would surely end with him drowning. I hoped that he would recover and leave the drained lake before the magma was all solidified.
And the good doctor did! As he came to (and stayed conscious), I looked back at the giant olm and saw she was heading for the trapline and nearly upon it. It all looked like it was going to end perfectly well.....until Mosus caught up to the giant olm and it attacked him again. He dodged it's attacks this time, and punched and scratched its front feet. Unfortunately, he dodged over an open space back into the drained cavern lake. But it was only 1 z-level, and from the bottom of the ramp the doctor kicked the giant olm in the foot and then the neck! The giant olm came down the ramp, only to be dodged and kicked in the foot again! And as I typed up this story, I missed something important but somehow before either opponent could take another swing at the other, the giant olm somehow ended up in a cage trap back above the lake! Victory at last!
Mosus, now and Expert Fighter, safely made his way to the hospital, while his foe was hauled off to the animal stockpile to be trained, bred and inevitably slaughtered. Immediately afterward he reached the hospital. this fort's third artifact mechanism was constructed, and one of my recently grown up children had a positive coming of age moment*. The first layer of obsidian was cast perfectly; the excess water is being drained from the chamber so that it may again be filled with magma. The good doctor has had surgery, had his wounds cleaned, sutured and dressed and got a cast for his hand. He is already out of the hospital, storing things in bins again. A happy ending for all! (Even the giant olm, whom I so mercifully did not order ganked by my speardwarfs when I saw her attacking one of my citizens and instead introduced to several choice mates.)
So, in more boring news, the caravan didn't bring me any yaks but did bring me 2 water buffalo bulls and 1 water buffalo cow among other animals. Upon purchasing them, I used Dwarf Therapist and found that the cow and one of the bulls was asexual....or sterile, whatever it means when the gender symbol has no color to it.
*She had the thought "felt wonder after realizing the nuances of artwork". I strongly suspect this is a sign that her values have changed from disliking artwork to not caring about artwork one way or another during play.