Comparing the sizes of animals we have caught. The 1 by 2 embark provides room for plenty of pastures, the sea rains a near constant repulsive sludge that luckily stops with the waterline. Apart from surviving off the animals when in doubt, our glass workers provides us with terrariums to catch wild animals with, and cut glass crafts for trade.
Our first visitor was a giant panda but our hammerer severely damaged it a fight, it escaped but I haven't seen it back since. In the first winter we caught this 4 year old giant wombat, she's 5 and a half times larger then her trainer (326000).
A huge monster in the shape of a wombat.
She is enormous yet very weak. Her hair is brown. Her skin is burnt umber. Her eyes are black.
Can I do anything to make her stronger?
During this time we also accumulated wild badgers, raccoons, keas, and right before we caught a red panda boar... A giant wild boar, this beast is already 8 years old and nearly 10 times the size of an average adult boar (763150).
A huge monster boar with jugged tusks.
She is very fat and enormous overall. Her hair is brown. Her skin is cinnamon. Her eyes are brown
Nothing else 'giant' or to special has since come, we recently caught a kingsnake. Our imported display include an echidna, a cat, 2 roosters, a yak cow, a donkey, a gander, a nanny goat and a reindeer cow.