As per Mistlash policy, all pets that are not farm animals are pastured in the Happy Beastie Subterranean Kennels (aka, the paddock just outside of my cavern defenses) where they can play with all sorts of exotic new friends and hopefully invite them to become part of the fort (via the cage trap lines; the pastured animals flee cavern monsters, run over the cage traps, and the monster follows).
This system has worked very well, netting me breeding pairs of Cave crocs and giant bats (plus some plump helmet men I caught and released)
That is until Kib, someone's stupid dog decided to be brave.
After two years of running away as he was supposed to, Kib started his rampage by jumping a giant olm, ripping its lower body and tearing off a leg such that it bled to death in the cage after being trapped.
He then tore open the belly of a Reacher and sent it fleeing to the far side of the cavern.
Shortly thereafter, a few more happy plump helmet men showed up. Kib greeted them by beheading two of their woman, ripping open the arms of the third, tearing the upper body off one of the man and then charging and apparently headbutting one into the trap line, doing so much damage that he is still unconcious after two months.
When a pair of Blind Cave ogres appeared, I was sure Kib would finally be put out of my misery. Annoyingly, Kib's many, MANY fights seems to have made him a legendary dodger, while he couldn't hurt the ogres, he dodged them long enough, falling back each time for thm to blunder into the trap lines.
As I write this, more plump helmet men have arrived and Kib--alerted by some sort of telepathic murder sense--is making a beeline for them, ignoring his pasture in favor of pure bloodlust.
I can't wait for the next Cave croc to come and mess him up.