The thriving young town of Lockwind is cursed, or at least its woodcutters are. Not five days into the embark, the carpenter and lumberjack was viciously attacked by an exploding tree ("Something has collapsed on the surface!"), and was left crippled--both arms broken in multiple places. His death from dehydration a few months later was almost a mercy, since the seige that followed shortly thereafter--preventing the caravan and liaison from showing up, and therefor preventing migration for a full year after they left--curtailed the production of necessary medical supplies in favor of simply trying to get the fort set up with a mere fifteen dwarves, most unskilled laborers fleeing the goblin menace of the Terrors of Emancipation.
When the seige ended, Goden, the unskilled, randomly-chosen woodworker was immediately attacked by another exploding tree. Luckily, she merely suffered bruised guts, and spent the next few months vomiting all over everything before her guts finally healed.
More recently, the 18-year-old recruited to relieve Goden (now a legendary carpenter) of woodcutting duties chopped down a tree, which I noticed at the last moment had logs from a previously-felled tree in its canopy. The logs fell on her, and she's currently in traction for a leg fractured in multiple places. It's likely she'll need a crutch for the rest of her life. However, I can at least say that there seem to be fewer problems with feeding and hydrating the sick and injured in this version--due to repeated party-related (and overseer busy with tapping magma and aquifer) bottlenecks in the cloth production chain, she was abed for most of a year before a traction bench could be made.
Towards the end of year two, I received some bittersweet news. A dog (now named forever in my memory Magma Laïka) dodged falling logs into the magma pipe, revealing the magma sea and, via another magma pipe, the third cavern. Rest in peace, comrade Laïka. You helped our colonization effort more than you will know, but like your namesake, we did not learn enough from your mission to justify your death.