Ownrag is up to 111 dwarves now with several rounds of migrants coming in. I've finally figured out how to equip my military and force them to train since they'd decided not to recently. The result is several bad thoughts on the military. I wait until they're down to orange in therapist before removing from the squad, just in case they decide they like serving after doing it for a bit. Was able to take one from orange to tan by giving her a pet. Score!
Haven't had any kids lately, and no marriages but I don't really care at this point. We still haven't breached the caverns (soon, once our military's better trained). I've been having issues with the military dropping their armor as soon as they're off duty, which makes it hard for me to figure out what I can and can't melt (e.g. what's claimed and what's not). Stupid dorfs.
Our dining room is getting ridiculous. I haven't done any waterfalls, but it's masterly engraved with masterpiece tables/chairs and gem windows set into both the wall to the hallway and in spaces between tables/chairs. It's like a party in itself!
Finally, I'm getting annoyed with waiting for people to store goblinite and dead caravan items in stockpiles. It's getting rather annoying - even those without item hauling enabled seem to be doing it, and more people are doing that than anyone else. I've figured out how to stop it by assigning my legendaries to an internal burrow...they can't leave to do anything else. But still...aargh.