I just discovered that apparently FBs are vulnerable to other FBs extracts. I saw a corpse that I didn't recall having killed or seen a combat report for, looked at it and it was apparently a FB (and no I did not do slayrace on it). Checked with deathcause and it died earlier this year at some point because of blood loss. Going to make a slab engraving of it to see if I can get any further info.
Edit: Slab still says bled to death.
The syndrome probably induced bleeding then. I don't think syndromes can be listed as the cause of death, but it will list what the syndrome did to kill the person, like bleeding or suffocation.
Might want to see if you can find where the contaminants are, in case you want to hold a cavern expedition. Or at least make sure everyone has shoes.
Which gives me a good segue into what my fort's doing.
I've just noticed that I've been neglecting my fort's clothing stocks, but my spinners and weavers have managed to give my fort a supply of over 1,000 rope reed cloths without my notice, so I've been cranking out pants and cloaks like crazy.
I've also been attempting to curb my animal population, but the cats are too ingrained. They've successfully brainwashed at least five of the residents, causing them to give amnesty to the feline scourge. Seriously, kittens are adopting them and I have over 50 cats now!
The pigs and llamas have been cut back drastically, and I'm leaving the dogs alone for the most part, since they aren't a problem. And unlike pigs, they can be war trained.
Not that that makes a difference, I'm still under a permanent false siege, so nothing will ever come at me, as all the Megabeasts and Titans of the world are dead. I know, I checked legends mode using a duplicate save. I killed one of the titans with an adventurer, and the other died in my fort. The hydra died in world-gen.
There is still a BC roaming around, though. I may have some luck there.
What was I talking about again? Oh right, llamas! I've moved them from their above-ground pasture to an underground one of a larger size, but they seem to be fighting, despite the fact that there are even fewer in a larger pasture than before. It's getting a bit ridiculous.