As I feel deeply for the loss of mothramavuz to hardrive failure and with it my elite bladesdorfs, I have founded Landroads, to be defended by dwarves armed with daggers. The Colonel leads The Heavenly Blades, so called for their daggers made from metors. For now, they whear simple leather helms and impact armor to avoid training accidents supplemented by fur cloaks and hoods. Hopefully it'll last until we can begin proper ore harvesting, as we've discovered marble, raw wolfrmaite/tungsten, tetrahedrite, and gypsum.
Should the Carp cult rear it's ugly head we shall show it no mercy.
EDIT: The Wards we spent precious points on did their job and cleared a fellow named Tun od demonic possession and he now serves as the fort's assistant planter, butcher, and cook as well as a dabbling mason.
The Heavenly Blades have begun training. Rather aggressively at that, as Colonel Kikrost walked up from the main armory with his freshly forged dagger and whacked one of the summer migrant recruits with it, prompting a sparring session. Normally I only see this level of agressive training in humans.
I have also found hunting is most efficient with a soldier kept on standby to finish off the kill, which the hunter will bring back to the shops after the soldier finishes the target off. Kikrost decapitated two giant squirrels a gem setting huntsdorf knocked out, and that knife-user doesn't count as a military skill per se. Gonna be a bit before they become wrestlers and such.
A platinum depot, thanks to the presence of platinum veins, as been built as a show of wealth and the slag is being repurposed into heavy building materials, though we did build a guard tower out of marble.