Minedshadow, est 147. Mid-spring, Year 168, pop ~200 (those phantom dwarves are starting to make keeping an accurate census difficult... I have yet to find a way to clear them from the lists. And they are "dead&buiried"/non-ghost, so I've no clue as to wtf is going on there).
Daze has finally come out of hiding, along with yet another "friend," Unu Ososmat; "A gigantic click beetle composed of ice. It has wings and it sqruirms and fidgets. Beware its deadly spittle!" Whee. Another flyer. So, now I have to figure out how to split them up, because I do NOT want Unu mixed in with my web-slingers. Of course, I might now have a reason to sink that 2nd probe shaft down (I know where all the safe-space is now, on this map, short of HFS) 'till I find the magma sea, and use said magma to give it a warm welcome... Or marksdwarf training.
I was also forced to resort to an auto-dump of all the surface clutter/bodies for compacting so I could up my framerate a bit. Yeah, kinda cheap; but I see no point in sacrificing dwarves to maintain playability. They do just fine finding ways to off themselves without me sending them out to puke and get skewered (and probably puke again) by whatever current group of goblins/trolls/ogresses feels like laying siege that day since the elements/thieves are so damn slow at clearing the junk.
Is there any way to advance world legends about 30 or 40 years past when a fortress falls? Besides reclaiming about a dozen times.
I don't know, but I think that could be quite useful for several things... If I get Minedshadow to "the state I want it in," I eventually plan to try returning in Adventure Mode. Of course, getting there might take that long if I start the attempt without a time-advance...