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Author Topic: What's going on in your fort?  (Read 5969247 times)


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28140 on: March 06, 2013, 02:56:20 pm »

I'm starting to think that my miners are cursed.

First two of them gets flattened in a cave-in, and now the third (the only legendary of the bunch) fell down a shaft and broke his leg. And, since it's winter, he's now dehydrated and starving (starving due to the fact that the other dwarves seem to ignore that until he's been watered). It's going to be at least another 2 months before the ice melts, so he's most likely a goner.

Ironically, he got injured while digging a well...

EDIT: Oh, lookie there, now YET ANOTHER miner (this time a rookie) died while digging out the other end of the mine shaft. I think I'll have to draw up some safety precautions...
« Last Edit: March 06, 2013, 03:10:56 pm by Flanderbland »
"And Armok said to Urist: I am the alpha and the omega, the first and the last, the beer and the magma."


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28141 on: March 06, 2013, 03:49:39 pm »

My orc fortress got its first siege: two squads of Jotunar, their leader riding a war sauropod. We were nowhere near ready to take them in a fair fight, so I dealt with them in the cheapest way possible: put my ranged squads in the archers' tower, and erode them with thousands of arrows and bullets. After three of them died, months later, the others realized that maybe standing out in the open getting shot was not a good strategy.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28142 on: March 06, 2013, 10:48:15 pm »

All hail Ablel Amtobul, slayer of the forgotten beast Mado, a towering humanoid with deadly spittle! He slayed the beast, saving the master weapon smith and several other dwarves who were being chased around and dodging flying frozen spittle blobs, and will be given a position of high honor.

Anyone trying to reduce the fame of this heroic dwarf by slander or libel i.e. saying the beast was only made of snow and easily slayed, shall be punished harshly.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2013, 10:55:10 pm by Lich180 »

Orange Wizard

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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28143 on: March 06, 2013, 11:28:27 pm »

My orc fortress got its first siege: two squads of Jotunar, their leader riding a war sauropod. We were nowhere near ready to take them in a fair fight, so I dealt with them in the cheapest way possible: put my ranged squads in the archers' tower, and erode them with thousands of arrows and bullets. After three of them died, months later, the others realized that maybe standing out in the open getting shot was not a good strategy.
Erosion doesn't work that fast...
Please don't shitpost, it lowers the quality of discourse
Hard science is like a sword, and soft science is like fear. You can use both to equally powerful results, but even if your opponent disbelieve your stabs, they will still die.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28144 on: March 06, 2013, 11:35:25 pm »

I dealt with my first forgotten beast ever
A kobold diagnostician kicked it, causing its hoof to be chipped
She then died, because it was a gigantic deer composed of flames she kicked

A fishery dwarf turned marksdwarf killed the forgotten beast, with, wait for it, wait for it:
Wooden Bolts

It was hilarious watching it die from palm bolts, but sadly, despite dodging 2 fire balls, and a cone of fire somehow, the beast's final breath (fire ball), hit her, and she burned to death. It didn't happen until after she lopped off two limbs, and a head with her palm bolts, and then the thing slowly died.

In other news, exports of flood gates is prohibited
And thus, "The running of the goblins" became an annual tradition and the first dwarven contraceptive.
There are no moghoppers. We have always been allies of Oceania, and at war with Eastasia.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28145 on: March 06, 2013, 11:40:11 pm »

My orc fortress got its first siege: two squads of Jotunar, their leader riding a war sauropod. We were nowhere near ready to take them in a fair fight, so I dealt with them in the cheapest way possible: put my ranged squads in the archers' tower, and erode them with thousands of arrows and bullets. After three of them died, months later, the others realized that maybe standing out in the open getting shot was not a good strategy.

Jotun? Awesome. What mod?


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28146 on: March 07, 2013, 11:25:57 am »

Was pretty sure that I had a training mace lying around in my orc encampment.  A random animal handler was punished for failing a mandate to make large daggers (poor guy never touched metal in his life).  I (f)ollowed my executioner/warchieftess/resident badass as she grabbed the poor orc from the field he was randomly standing in, dragged him over to my public punishment location (obsidian pillar with an iron chain next to it, set to use for justice.

Here I figured the thing had been handled, that the orc would be chained to the obsidian pillar for a short time and then released, hey, no harm no foul.  And then things got interesting.  Still following my executioner, she walks over to the weapon stockpile, carefully deliberates on what weapon to choose, grabs a welded wolfram greataxe (!!!), calmly walks over to the obsidian pillar, and lops the chained orcs foot off at the ankle.  What. The. Fuck.

As I sit here, shocked, several questions arise.  Why not just leave the guy imprisoned for a bit?  Why bother chaining him to the punishment pillar if you're just going to LOP HIS FREAKIN FOOT OFF ANYWAY?  And why would you chop his foot off, couldn't you just... I dunno, punch him in the jaw a couple times?  Wouldn't that get the point across?

The rest of my orcs are cowering in terror at this awful display of violence, my executioner has returned to lifting weights (she is a brawny girl...), and I'm stuck trying to decide if I want to waste some of my precious wood supplies (I'm in a badlands with no wood anywhere on the surface) on making a crutch or if I should just make one out of copper or something, I mean.... good lord!

Needless to say, mandates shall be taken a bit more seriously in the camp from here on out.  I like my clan leader too much or else I'd toss him into the quarry pits for the rest of his life in punishment.  My factories, slag pits, masons, etc. are all down there, that whole cave has gotta be horribly choked by smoke, I make all my clan's snagas work down there, he'd probably die of shame.
PS: Seriously, you must have, like, super-getting-lost skills. You could go missing in a straight corridor and impale yourself on flat ground if I don't tell you where to go.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28147 on: March 07, 2013, 01:22:43 pm »

I'm in my third year here at GleamedMirror. The population is 194 and there's no iron. I've built a raised walkway into the side of my volcano for migrants and trade caravans to enter, i've trapped several sections of the bridge extensively with large serrated copper discs of varying quality. Sadly i have no iron or flux which means my entire fortres military wears nothing but masterwork copper armor and weapons. I'm about a third of the way through construction of a massive wall which will be built around and above the walkway, allowing my archers to eliminate any major enemy forces that try to break through. Also i've yet to have so much as a goblin ambush and i'm in my 3rd year. So far i've only seen 3 goblin thieves, one of whom was gibbed by weapon traps, another torn apart by high quality war dogs, and the other escaping with one of the children.

Edit: Speak of the devil and he shall appear. I just got an invasion force consisting of a dozen or so bowgoblins.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2013, 01:43:11 pm by Shininglight »
tl;dr: My fortress is literally powered by puppy skulls.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28148 on: March 07, 2013, 01:51:31 pm »

Gorgeclashed is still going strong. Trying to get my candy industry going efficiently before I move on to another fort, it's fun experimenting with a running fort that's fairly well-protected and stocked up on the basics.

Just lately I've noticed that I seem to have a particularly fearless pet duck. Not only did it assist my military in slaying a Forgotten Beast made of ash glaze (escaping without a scratch) but it also tried to take down a Minotaur that wandered towards my fort too! Amazingly, it's still unhurt.

Wondering if I can draft it into the military and have some kind of lethal attack duck :D


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28149 on: March 07, 2013, 01:52:35 pm »

The city of Endokstagshil [Atticfin] has just received a whooping 30 dorf immigrant wave.
About a week after the first migrants enter the city proper my dorfs are struck asleep by a curse or something.
Right now I have 129 of 173 inhabitants (children included) playing sleeping princesses, and I am kinda scared what will happen/is happening. I understand that this is some curse, but how do I actually find the source?...


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28150 on: March 07, 2013, 02:04:58 pm »

Its probably some kind of syndrome dust that everyone has been exposed to... hopefully they wake up in time to wash themselves/drink/eat before they die.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28151 on: March 07, 2013, 02:11:19 pm »

Well folks are starting to get up from the sleep.
Odd thing is - I haven't had any unusual stuff happen.

Although... One of the latest batch of migrants has (MW edition game) a "Sick Dwarf" caste...

Is this going to be a problem?

I have plenty of things to kill her off, but she has like all 29 other migrants as family/bff and is quick to make new ones...


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28152 on: March 07, 2013, 02:23:49 pm »

True story: In the year 2007: Surinder Singh Bajwa, the Deputy Mayor of Delhi, India, was warding off several Rhesus Macaque monkeys at his home and fell from a first-floor balcony, suffering serious head injuries. He later died from his injuries.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28153 on: March 07, 2013, 02:32:56 pm »

I was checking my units list when I noticed a dyer was in the process of giving someone water. We don't have any injured, so I decided to follow the dyer to see who he was helping. I watched as he walked through the fortress to the wagon to pick up a bucket.
Now, the outpost of Boltfeeds is located where three rivers intersect, forming two small waterfalls and a decent size pond. Fresh fish all around, and abundant water.
So what does this dyer do?
Take water from a stagnant pool. You horrible person.
He then takes this bucket of stagnant water across the map to a fisherdwarf who is just too busy fishing to take a drink from the river. The river he is standing near just won't do, so he bothered a dyer to fetch him a drink, who then gave him some stagnant water to choke on.
Boltfeeds is full of idiots and jerks.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2013, 02:35:57 pm by chaosgear »
I always seem to end up with a magnificent burial complex and nowhere near enough bodies to fill it, or far too many bodies and nowhere to put any of them.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #28154 on: March 07, 2013, 02:46:51 pm »

Splashcanyon is currently thriving. Apart from the annual deaths to drowning, crushing, or falling, that is.

Food and booze is plentiful (food storage needs to be expanded constantly though, and I'm always running out of barrels, which is kind of a chore, but I'd rather have that problem than the alternative), and the dwarves are happy most of the time (the only unhappy ones are the relatives of the aforementioned victims to tragedy, and they snap out of it soon enough).

The well has been finished, so now I don't have to be concerned about the wounded dying from thirst in the winter anymore, and work has commenced on turning the tidal wave weapon into becoming useful against goblins, rather than just my own dwarves. I'll basically just try to funnel the incoming invaders up a specific slope, where I'll then empty my lake on their heads.

One thing I want to ask the community though:
See, I have this dwarven child who, based on previous behaviour, has been named "DumbFuck" (I think it had something to do with entering a room he wasn't supposed to and subsequently getting walled in, multiple times). Now, when I'm building the wall to funnel the goblins, construction has been halted several times by "Creature occupying space".

Who is this "Creature"?

Why, it's DumbFuck, naturally! He really lives up to his name, that one!

Now, to the question: How does the community feel about murdering accidents with possible (hopefully) deadly outcome against children? Normally I don't care, but I've only ever had it happen as actual accidents before... so it kind of bothers me, but that guy is REALLY starting to piss me off.
"And Armok said to Urist: I am the alpha and the omega, the first and the last, the beer and the magma."
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