Another godsdamned siege! Are my exports of bone crap and worn out clothing really that nice? Well it doesn't matter. Most of the siege decided it'd be a good idea to congregate under my main gate and has since been turned to sticky bloody paste on it's underside, with the humans (who have been standing in the same spot for nearly a year now, and who I was hoping would leave with this year's humies) shooting anything that wasn't dwarven that slipped through the single lonely row of traps designed for snatchers. most of the current trap renters were catapulted into them the second time the bridge was raised.
Yes I feel like I'm cheating, but this is too damn funny for me to care, JUST because they were dumb enough to congregate under the bridge. Oh and several trolls died when they got flung off the glacier and a dog is chewing on one's head in the depot. oh and i also seemed to have pissed them off enough to warrent thier war leader to lead this attack, so once the majority of the siege breaks and runs; one entire hammergob squad and thier sergeant got squished, the remains of a second are running like hell because the rest got squished, and a team of swordsgoblins and the war-leader is leading his men right into the bridge, which I have decide to call Dreamsmasher The Ender of Goblins, two armed human marksmen, and five irritated speardorfs. And to get up there they have to pass six irritable marksdorfs all laden with masterwork forgotten beast and elkbird bone bolts. Oh, and a kobold got dagger'd to death by a squad of knifedorfs (I have piles of fucking daggers so I thought "Why not?")
On the nonmilitary side, a kid made a waterbuffalo bone shield in a possession (I wish it were fey or secretive so I'd have another bone carver
) a mason accidently'd himself due to poor planning for my irrigation system (I fogot one part of a pump is impassable) I got a breeding herd of Draltha, The Frosty Picks have become experts in elk bird taming, some giant moles have grown to adulthood, and someone's pet guineacock got mauled by crundles, prompting a pet cemetary to be built below the current burial pyramid.
And a fine comic you linked Niccolo, a fine comic indeed. Because that "muse" was funny as hell.
EDIT: After most of the force being squashed or mauled by angry spardorf skirmishers, the war-leader and his escort promptly said "Fuck this" and decided that attacking a glacier was possibly the WORST fucking idea he ever had. Two dwarves were seriously injured, as was one fo the fucking stupid human guards who i was hoping would die and propt the rest to leave.
Overall though I'm impressed with my speardwarves. They had a crappy combination of:
1. No armor, just thier civvies.
2. Homeforged copper spears or pilfered iron ones
3. Almost no ranged support.
Only tow were injured, one of whom will need a crustch because she suffered motor nerve damage in her leg after she almost killed a the last goblin officer in the area (did manage to make him a paraplegic though.) A pair of swordgoblins are currently fleeing for thier lives while the rest are fighting desperatly for thier lives or are being punched in the head.
Scratch that. The two that are running are still running, one is currently commiting suicide by marksdwarf, and the rest are dead.