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Author Topic: What's going on in your fort?  (Read 5969304 times)


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25155 on: August 28, 2012, 11:06:28 am »

Another new fort - just one reroll of the name on the random generator provided "Catceilings", which I thought amusing enough to stick with. (Fortress motto: always watching you)

Nothing has yet decided to kill everything, although I'm watching an amusing militia training session. The militia commander organised and led a sword demonstration. His other squad member slept through the whole thing. They are now sparring; except the recruit is still asleep.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25156 on: August 28, 2012, 11:56:19 am »

I'm beseiged by twenty goblins who're just standing in front of my gates. They've been here the whole summer and now half of autumn.
if it's a blob made of steel, don't fight it. it may not heal, but it probably doesn't need to.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25157 on: August 28, 2012, 11:58:35 am »

Marksponies? Baby-guards? What on earth?
Good lord. I just checked out the mod. Fallout + Warcraft + Warhammer 40k + Dwarf Fortress + My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Someone really, really likes their grimdark grim.

(The baby-guards were just a squad guarding a baby that was dropped by an injured soldier.)


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25158 on: August 28, 2012, 12:16:03 pm »

interesting... unnamed dwarvish undead get coffins. I have genericcoffins with "dwarf corpse", "peasant right upper arm", "peasant partial skeleton", "peasant right lower arm", "peasant partial skeleton", and "peasant partial skeleton".

I've thus made a new corpse stockpile, and am going to dump all that crap before I fill up 20+ coffins with body parts of a couple unnamed non-citizen dwarves.
No! No! I will not massacre my children. Instead, I'll make them corpulent on crappy mass-produced quarry bush biscuits and questionably grown mushroom alcohol, and then send them into the military when they turn 12...

Xob Ludosmbax

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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25159 on: August 28, 2012, 12:57:31 pm »

Somehow, some camel corpses pathed through the volcano (It's a  pretty flat embark, caldera is level with the surface with a 3 z-level dune around and above it.)  Now I've got The Flaming Camel Corpses running around on the surface.  I'm just waiting for them to start a punk rock band. 

Looked again, now I've got !!Buzzard Corpses!! flying around too.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25160 on: August 28, 2012, 12:59:56 pm »

I'm beseiged by humans during my first year in, and there are about 60 of them. I didn't get any traders or diplomats, and only a migration wave of two dwarves.
if it's a blob made of steel, don't fight it. it may not heal, but it probably doesn't need to.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25161 on: August 28, 2012, 01:27:02 pm »

interesting... unnamed dwarvish undead get coffins. I have genericcoffins with "dwarf corpse", "peasant right upper arm", "peasant partial skeleton", "peasant right lower arm", "peasant partial skeleton", and "peasant partial skeleton".

I've thus made a new corpse stockpile, and am going to dump all that crap before I fill up 20+ coffins with body parts of a couple unnamed non-citizen dwarves.

Yeesh, I had that too. They even entombed a few necromancers.

Lucky for me, I had killed a better part of the undead by retracting my pair of entrance drawbridges underneath them, dropping them into the volcano I had made my entrance, so there were fewer corpses to entomb. With a squad of marksdwarves who did a very impressive job of fending off them off and mopping up the stragglers, I won quite easily.

...except that the zombies I dropped into the volcano didn't die. They just sat there, at the bottom of the magma sea, and the "siege" status never went away.
Here's a tip, though... Use Russian characters in your WPA5 passphrase. If your spontaneous AI is anything like my spontaneous AI (not as aggressive as yours, good conversation, but actually worse than me at chess*), it can't handle any character outside of the CODEPAGE 437 list.

*I hope. It could just be lulling me into a false sense of security.

Xob Ludosmbax

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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25162 on: August 28, 2012, 02:04:44 pm »

...except that the zombies I dropped into the volcano didn't die. They just sat there, at the bottom of the magma sea, and the "siege" status never went away.

I've come up with a possible solution to this problem.  I haven't tested it yet, but I'm planning to create a shortest path entrance filled with magma and retracting spikes on a repeater.  Assuming zombies path through magma, which appears to be true, they'll run through the lava, catch fire, diede-animate from the spikes, and will burn up.  Although I've seen some husks passing through, I haven't had the pleasure of encountering them in battle, so I'm not sure how it would affect them. 

This also brings up the possibility of towers dotting the landscape to attract and automatically kill wandering zombies, but I'm not sure of the pathing issues involved there, and how to prevent them from catching the bait animal. 


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25163 on: August 28, 2012, 06:46:29 pm »

RabbitHut, the Creepy Murky Shelter
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Journal of Kotonoa, 16th Malachite, yr.451
A troll attacked us! It must have smelled the farm plot and found our fort. When the alarm was shouted, we all ran to the main hall and I was very nervous. But, when the troll crossed the bridge to our hall, I didn't feel scared... instead, I felt an inexplicable hatred. We all have worked so hard, with the zombie-rain/zombie-clouds/general-zombies/lack-of-folieage, that how dare a single troll try to stop us. So we all jumped on it, dogs included. We ... we must have pummeled it for several days, because i'm still shaking. Eventually I snapped to my senses and dragged the thing away from our main hall and we sealed it in a chamber. And I almost got sealed in ! Miyuki, our miner, said that she left an angry letter in the chamber, but I'm not going to ask.

Spoiler: Getting Trolled (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: August 29, 2012, 05:18:48 am by ZzarkLinux »


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25164 on: August 28, 2012, 08:09:40 pm »

Tested the magma-spewing bunker (ThatAussieGuy's design), using it as a lesson in magma pumping and power generation. The elves came to trade outside the bunker...

A quick pull of a lever released a torrent of magma. With no time to turn and run, the elves vanished into puffs of smoke, steam, and blood.

Had to wait half a season for the magma to dry up, but it was TOTALLY worth it. Thanks, ThatAussieGuy, you have now inspired me to make magma-defenses no matter what on any and all maps I encounter.

Oh, and two dwarves may or may not have been present at the depot at the time of activation. Ah well, noone noticed or cared they were gone :P

((Incidentally, does the magma sea ever replenish itself? I've drained almost the entire first level of it to fill my reservoir, and there are only a few more levels of magma to be moved... From what I can find, magma pipes are the only thing that do so.))
« Last Edit: August 28, 2012, 08:12:49 pm by Lich180 »


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25165 on: August 28, 2012, 10:08:42 pm »

((Incidentally, does the magma sea ever replenish itself? I've drained almost the entire first level of it to fill my reservoir, and there are only a few more levels of magma to be moved... From what I can find, magma pipes are the only thing that do so.))

It should I think. Congratulations on the achievement of bringing lava to the surface! Something I'm still working on. It'd be a lot faster if I were willing to melt all the extra metal I have laying around before I get the magma forge but I refuse so I'm making stuff out of glass.

Loud Whispers

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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25166 on: August 28, 2012, 11:46:59 pm »

Almost all outdoors construction (which was annoying because the only constructions taking place were outdoors :|) got grinded to a halt by more ravens. And there were 8 of them, so I had to send 3 squads to make sure no one died. (Sent 4 squads in total because I expected some to be sleeping or something. Sure enough, 3 were sleeping/drinking).
Then the ravens finally get shot out of the sky and are getting hauled away (still interrupting the builders every now and then) when a pack of 8 wolf corpses show up. Great, have to bring in another 2 squads.
So now I'm 16 corpses up and it's going to take at least another day bringing ALL of the refuse into New Ravenstock. All that time the quasi-farmer-mason-soldiers are going to get spooked and require constant micromanagement just to get back to work.
Although admittedly it was a good demonstration of the individual combat skills each Dwarf possesses.
ZEE BARON Muthkat completely outclassed Likon. In the time it took Likot to make the one successful shot (notably a headshot - on a Raven), Muthkat had already killed three ravens mid flight. And these ravens arrived +16Zlvls above ground!!
Captain Nil Erith pretty much did what he did best and get attacked by everything. (Seriously he heals so quickly), quite impressively he also bit the foot off of a raven mid-flight and a mother R. Atis dual-dual wielded the ceremonial Dwarven armaments of shield, axe, hammer and baby.
The other elite marksdwarf didn't show up, but tbh Uvash just took on a badger zombie ambush all by himself a while back so he deserved the rest.
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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25167 on: August 29, 2012, 01:04:00 am »

What? Intruders I must drive away! I must see this!

Oh, it's a necromancer dwarf. More specifically, a Dwarf Hunter Necromancer, named as Udil Gusilvetek. He's been heckling me for seasons now - forced me to move my corpse and garbage stockpiles below, and injured/killed a few dwarves. It was actually a bit entertaining, but that didn't stop me from slaughtering the guy.

Where did he slip though? How did I catch him? He walks up to one of my two water buffalo calfs... and punches it in the leg. He then charges full speed at the calf, collides with it, and falls down like an idiot. Calf at this point is going "WTF are you doing?".

Dwarf Hunter Necromancer is chased by my new dog, at which point he runs away. But six legendary copper-hammer dwarves in leather said "nuh uh", and chased him down, slaughtering him with a few named weapons.
No! No! I will not massacre my children. Instead, I'll make them corpulent on crappy mass-produced quarry bush biscuits and questionably grown mushroom alcohol, and then send them into the military when they turn 12...


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25168 on: August 29, 2012, 03:14:37 am »

I know and play DF for quite some years. I started back in 0.23.xx something. I've made many forts. Some were abandoned, few succumbed to FUN, but for the most of the time I just started a new one when a new version came out or when I was bored with the current fort.

And yesterday, after all this years, it was the first time ever I fired a siege engine at an invading enemy.
IIRC also first time EVER I fired a ballista.

The results however...well, the first ballista arrow did not even make it past the fortification right next to ballista. I mean, I did not expect miracles using a dwarf that wasn't even a dabbling siege operator, but this...forth or was it fifth arrow that actually hit bunch of mounted marksgoblins that were just casually standing in a tight 1x trap corridor, just bruised fat on the four or something of them.

They left after a while.

In other news - this fort will truly be something, I tell you. After a bunch of abandoned ones I finally got I site I desired - sand, lots of trees, no aquifer and running water. Majority of fort's industry and other important rules are dig out of clay - 2nd level. Only military dwarfs and major have  personal bedrooms, all others have decently large dormitory. I do not plan on using magma, I won't even dig down to the first cavern if I can help it. Dinning hall will have wooden walls, floors, doors, chairs, tables. It is not finished yet, still missing 10+ chairs and tables, lots of floor tiles and some walls. Actually, I plan on using wood as much as possible, despite finally managing to make sufficient amount of bags to finally start my glass industry. But that will be for making 300+ green glass blocks I need for my grand sunlit gladiator arena+meeting area. It'll be glorious, just wait.
I thought heavily forested area would help me support my ambitions, but together with no-magma policy, large wooden defensive wall and long 1z high road...well I guess I miscalculated a bit. I does not help that even the elven caravan is absolutely devoid of any sort of wood. Last time I  spoke with dwarven liaison I requested wood (and dogs, by armok, we NEED dogs!). And right now, dwarfen caravan I sitting at my trade depot. It's been there for a while though, gotta hurry.
It's not like I'll be trading them anything other than mechanisms, like I have with every caravan for past 2 years.
Wait, maybe I should trade them some silk shirts from 40+ prisoners I currently have?

Also - out of 98 dwarfes, 45 are freakin KIDS.
My first proper migrant wave brougt my head count from 19 to 61, 20+ were just kids, if I am not mistaken.
Might have to do something with having generated a world with only 55 years of history.

I also had 3 sieges, NO ambushes. Weird. But what is more weird and a bit irritating is that only in third siege did goblins finaly decided to actually go inside my fort. 
I'm beseiged by twenty goblins who're just standing in front of my gates. They've been here the whole summer and now half of autumn.
This is what happened on first and partially second siege. And I have such a nice, long, narrow cage trap corridor...Soon with ballistaes in every corner!

Only thing that elves were good for I bringing me a breeding pair of giant eagles.
My civilization has absolutely no knowledge of how to deal with this animals.
Fun times ahead.
Everything is an instrument if you hit it the right way.
Oh they know. Spiders are not stupid. They've just got disproportionally huge balls.


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Re: What's going on in your fort?
« Reply #25169 on: August 29, 2012, 05:17:36 am »

RabbitHut, the Creepy Murky Shelter
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Journal of Kotonoa, 18th Malachite, yr.451
Some migrants had arrived while we were cleaning up the mess. They took the mountain pass to get here, so they avoided the horrible rain. They got here just in time to pickup all the scattered seeds and start walling the farm level.

Spoiler: Cleaning the mess (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: August 29, 2012, 03:35:51 pm by ZzarkLinux »
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