I think my mayor is a vampire.
So after making some bucket related mandates, I decided to check on the mayor to see what else he liked, when I was met with this:
WALL OF BLUE TEXTAlso, he's missing a toe.
When his room is finish his room I am locking him in it, but not sealing, as that will become the mayoral room for generations to come. During his rule I shall construct a tomb to seal him in, to become a backup book keeper in case the current one dies.
EDIT: Holy Guacamole! A human carvan just arrived! This is the first time in three years they have come! So the reason nothing is coming IS because I am in the middle of nowhere!
UPDATE: I can't open this file anymore. What happened is my plug in keyboard (Since some of the keys on the built in keyboard don't work.) turned off and I couldn't get it to turn back on. I decided I would need to restart the computer. So using the mouse and arrow keys on the built in key board, I managed to work my way back to the main menu, but I ran into a problem, the exit only worked with the enter key. The enter key doesn't work on the built in keyboard. So I decide to restart the computer from there. Now when ever I try to load up the file I get a, "Dwarf Fortress.exe has stopped working." message.