A lot has happened in Chasmgloves in the last month. First was a loosely ambitions goal of getting rid of a dwarvish corpse out of a pond that as it happens supplies my hospital with well water. I had to turn temperature back on, which froze the lake. A miner mined out the corpse, we removed it, and we had the plan to rebuild the wall there.
Well... it took too long, and the lake un-froze. My hospital is currently evaporating the last of that water...
And while that's going on, hey! lakes are surrounded by ramps now! People ran into goblin thieves immediately coming into my new fort. Well, happily I have a now legendary backup squad of two dwarves, that immediately ran to cover the opening. They cleaned up, but not before two things happened. On one hand a few goblins got into the fort and killed a planter (IE, a young dwarf I still haven't assigned to a real labor yet). melbil Sazirgusgash, you'll be missed. I think what killed her was overconfidence.
If you look in there, she would have made an EXCELLENT dwarf, she was in a budding relationship, and the oldest daughter of my two favorite dwarves in the fort, Udib "chosen" Rimmirrored the Simple Sinews of Combatting, and Ustuth "protector" Armtool the Mountainous Pits of Fame. Oh well, at least she had 15 siblings.
Oh shit... 15 siblings... Please, let the master consolers of this fort deal with that problem before it's a problem.
oh, the other problem? one of my swordmasters was stabbed "in the left upper arm from behind with a silver spear, and the severed part sails off in an arc!". A spear just cut off his entire arm. Oh, and he was lefthanded, meaning he's officially completely useless in battle now. Shame, because I labeled this one "sociopath". Even before his training, he had these qualities:
- put off by authority and tradition
- not affected by the suffering of others
- doesn't go out of his way to do more work than necessary
- does the first thing that comes to mind
- likes Gila monster men for their venomous bite
- likes quarry bushes (oh, hey, that's good) for their gray leaves (really?)
- when possible, he prefers to consume strangler (for... it's strangling properties?)
- has a meager ability with social relationships
Well... oh well. At least he's still a legendary bone carver, known for making Gikutenkos duthalmelbil (Dabblingtake the Worthy Tome), also known as the black-crested gibbon bone trumpet, with artwork relating to the defeat of a brushed frigid horror and pillaging of tormenttips. This guy... sick. And now I can't even use him in the military.
Edit: no tantrum spiral, yay! On the other hand I found that another child is haunting the fort. I can't find his body, even though they've assigned him a coffin. Guess I get to make my first memorial!