On 28 Felsite 103, in the third year of Wordshame's (for the record, the group name is The Scholarly Creation and I will swear on the blood of Armok that both are fully the RNG's creation) existence, we finally get a goblin snatcher. I was wondering if the gobbos even existed, they didn't show up on the view [c]ivilizations screen and the first two years was nothing but kobolds. Thank god, I was worried I wouldn't have anything to shred with serrated discs.
Speaking of murder and death, this map has flux (TONS of marble, I'm not even exaggerating), but so far no native ores but gold and galena so the only iron and steel I'll get for the red carpet will be from the caravans. Goddammit. (I do have a legendary +5 stonecrafter. a 25-tile stockpile stuffed with bins of ☼mugs☼, and a ☼CLT☼ craftdorf workshop, so actually getting the iron and steel off the caravans shouldn't be difficult, but I like being self-sufficient.) Shallow and deep metals were advertised on the embark screen, but so far I've only actually seen the gold and galena so.
Oh, and the bottom of the map is only 50 z-levels below the (flat) surface, I'm kinda surprised. In a good way, though - I found a magma pool in the first cavern I hit and it's really convenient to have the forges relatively close by.
Artifacts so far:
Horse bone crossbow worth 42000☼ due to getting the dwarf who made it (secretive mood by the way, ehehehe) to use a cut gold ore for a 'cut gems' requirement.
Kapok amulet made by a kid, worth 76800☼ through, again, cheating the dorf into using gold as a gem. He also used gold as a bar. Useless save as a kobold lure.
Kapok scepter, worth 9600☼ because there was everything the dorf needed and he didn't need any metal, at least the dorf who made it was possessed this time so I don't have another pointless woodcrafter.
EDIT: Oh! I'm clearcutting the whole 3x3 embark before the gobbos come. To make sure all the wood is in a safe area, I've carpeted about half the surface bounded-in area with wood stockpiles.