Started a new fort on the border of good and evil. So, feather trees and eyeballs.
It is a small 4x4 temperate zone with a brook in the middle. It is rather uninspiring, I don't really know what to do with it. Currently have the dwarves in a 10x10 shaft as they dig down to the magma.
Due to migrants, the population is up to 23. One of those migrants went fey as soon as he entered the map and made a horse bone training spear. And a child keeps cancels eating in order to rest an injury, which doesn't show up on his health screen; and whenever the CMD goes to diagnose him, the child is not resting.
A turkey has gone missing and an orgy of giant peach-faced lovebirds have just entered the map. I don't know what they are, their description just says they are huge monsters.
Also, for world gen I set the number of titans to be 2000, so hopefully we will get some interesting visitors. And the king of my civ began his reign in 283 for a 1050 year world gen.
Looking at my dwarves deities, I noticed that someone was cursed to be a wereskunk, and one of my dwarves is a causal worshiper of Desis and a faithful worshiper of Desis, a female sparrow of plants and dreams.
EDIT: I finished digging to the bottom of the world. Apparently, I missed all of the caverns and the magma.